Surprising quote in the Ensign about long hair.


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I would dearly love to know what scripture this came from. Individualism is not satans anything. We are each individuals as God our Father made us. WE make COOKIES with cookie cutters not PEOPLE.


I linked the Ensign article the quote came from in my original post. The article is from the October 1998 Ensign and entitled "Truths of Moral Purity". Its author is Terrance D. Olson, who is (or was, as of 1998) a professor in the Department of Family Sciences at BYU.

While we are all individuals, and you are right that no two are alike, it is the ideal of individualism existing today (especially in America) that is Satan's counterfeit. You can type "individualism" into the "Search Gospel Library" field at for more information (or follow this link).

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While we are all individuals, and you are right that no two are alike, it is the ideal of individualism existing today (especially in America) that is Satan's counterfeit.

Since you are quoting a BYU professor, I would like to quote again Hugh Nibley, my post #31 since he mentions Satan:

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Since you are quoting a BYU professor, I would like to quote again Hugh Nibley, my post #31 since he mentions Satan:

I am unaware if you are intending to support or attack my words that you quoted. Nibley's words are marvelous, but divorced from their context and me being unaware of what your position is, I can't deduce if it's "for" or "against" what I said about individualism.

I might have more to say once I know where you're coming from.

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Conformation to the Gospel standards does not equate to the mindless sacrifice of all individual characteristics. In fact, when we give up ourselves completely to the SAVIOR, we are given "[a] new heart... and a new spirit" (Ezekiel 36:26). Each person must make this sacrifice individually, and each person will receive a new individual spirit.

What is that heart and that spirit? It is one that seeks to do the will of the SAVIOR, which is the will of the FATHER, the MAN OF HOLINESS- yet not one devoid of its individual rightoues desires, passions, and uniqueness. Every good and wholesome desire is amplified and our ability to obtain the righteous desires of our hearts is increased!

Can you imagine it? An entire nation of people who have given their will to CHRIST- and thus are given perfected wills? Where everyone seeks the wellbeing of his neighbor? Where he who has skill with the flute can play, and he who sings can sing, and he who loves the dance can express his joy to the music of the others? This, my friends, is ZION, the PURE IN HEART, where each person is more of a whole and complete individual than anyone outside of it!

If you are having difficulty grappling with this fact- that the "individualism" so rampantly prized today is Satan's counterfeit- I encourage you to read the article and search I linked earlier. I took the time to follow and post the links so that everyone who struggles with this fact may read the words of the prophets, or that the prophets approve of.

If you take this issue to the LORD and ask with a sincerity of heart, HE will reveal to you the finer aspects of this doctrine, and you will be able to discern between wholesome individuality found in CHRIST from Satan's counterfeit. The distinction can sometimes be subtle, and we all need the Spirit to guide us.

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