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The Church of Jesus Christ in Former Times - Chapter 16

I'm looking for any suggestions on directions the lesson could be taken. You have to remember Chapter 17 is entitled "The Church of Jesus Christ Today" and some of the material discussed was covered in Chapter 14 "Priesthood Organization"

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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So, who is your audience? New members? Investigators who are Christians? Investigators who don't know much about the history of Christianity? A bunch of seasoned members who already know this stuff?

Chapter 16 is an interesting lesson. That little paragraph on the apostacy is the closest thing this church has to an official "why christianity is wrong and we're right" lesson. There are different ways to handle it that will edify different audiences in different ways.

I once went to a couple of "why mormons aren't Christian" classes offered by our local MegaChurch. I wouldn't suggest you do anything like they did. :rolleyes:


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Heh - that makes things a lot less touchy then, since everyone will be staring at their shoes and waiting for the bell so they can go have lunch.

When folks have a bit of background on the subject, I've shown a picture like this:

Posted Image

It helps to demonstrate all the crap that fallible mortal men chose to disagree about, after Christ left and the apostles were martyred. It also shows us ("Restorationism") - which was sort of a formal reset button. I wish we had a similar button for the tax code and judicial commentary on the constitution.

When teaching this lesson, I also praise Cathoics up one side and down the other, for their wonderful work of preserving the Bible as well as they did across all those centuries. We owe them bigtime. Our work would be much harder if "another Testament of Jesus Christ" that we are so fond of, didn't have a widely recognized main first testament to stand next to.


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When teaching this lesson, I also praise Cathoics up one side and down the other, for their wonderful work of preserving the Bible as well as they did across all those centuries. We owe them bigtime. Our work would be much harder if "another Testament of Jesus Christ" that we are so fond of, didn't have a widely recognized main first testament to stand next to.


Exactly...there is alot of 'bad apples' during the dark ages, but at least what was a positive, they kept the bible and the 'air' of religious beliefs going.

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Okay, here is an interesting one that someone asked me once on that,

Why did the apostasy last so long?

There are a couple of prophecies that are connected with the restoration at a certain time...you can look them up...

one is when Daniel interpreted the Kings Neb. dream about the statue made of different things..Ch. 2. I think the kingdom of brass is the British Empire because at one point the sun never set on the British empire, but I'm not absolutely positive on that point, also the kingdom that is divided agains itself is the Civil War, verse 44 is obviously Zion.

Notice the materials in the image get less and less precious in nature as they get further and further, in time, from the church established by the Savior.

You can end it there on that scripture, but in case someone asks, zion will 'consume' v. 45 the other kingdoms...when we consume something we make it part of us...zion will consume other kingdoms by missionary work.

the other is in Revelations when the seals are opened, one was opened and BANG the church was restored, as promised. Okay, so it wasn't that easy...but the apostasy was ended when prophesied and not before.

I'm sure there's loads more in the Book of Mormon, but those two jump out at me.

It just occured to me that it is a good idea to put all that near then end as it leads into the next lesson... Have fun!

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Applying the lesson into our own lives and modern times, what lessons can we learn from the Great Apostasy?

That is a good question to ask in class, after you have taught the material (or a principle) from the Chapter. That's where the real teaching and the learning occurs.

Appoint among yourselves a teacher, and let not all be spokesmen at once; but let one speak at a time and let all listen unto his sayings, that when all have spoken that all may be edified of all, and that every man may have an equal privilege. (D&C 88:122)

Prepare yourself by studying the materials provided and the scriptures associated with the topic, and then teach as the Spirit leads you to teach.

Therefore, why is it that ye cannot understand and know, that he that receiveth the word by the Spirit of truth receiveth it as it is preached by the Spirit of truth?

Wherefore, he that preacheth and he that receiveth, understand one another, and both are edified and rejoice together.

And that which doth not edify is not of God, and is darkness. (D&C 50:21-23)

Oh and one more thing.

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the Spirit ye shall not teach. (D&C 42:14)



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I think Loudmouth_Mormon provided some excellent advice. If you're going to discuss the Great Apostasy in any length, in addition to praising the Catholic Church for safeguarding the Bible, praise the Reformers for their great work. Numerous times the modern prophets have praised the Reformers for their courage and what they did to prepare the world for the Restoration.

Also, follow the "teaching helps" at the bottom of the pages- those are great.

Also, ponder and apply the scriptures Vanhin linked. The worth of those scriptures to a teacher are inestimable, IMO.

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