Happy Groundhog Day


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The Prognosticator of Prognosticators has spoken! Six more weeks of mild winter. :P

The movie~ "Groundhog Day", with Bill Murray is one of my favorites. :)

The Groundhog day celebration for 2006 started on Jan. 28 thru Feb. 3 in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania with 20,000 to 30,000 fans coming each year for the celebration. Someday I will make time for this too. I'm just crazy enough to find this sort of thing to be fun. :D

Here are some links:




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Six more weeks of winter? Not here. We saw ducks on the Madison River today, which btw, never has even had ice this year, and the ducks are not due for some time now. Phil needs a new job, maybe as a 1-800-PSYCHIC where his formidable forecasting abilities might be more useful. Signs and wonders...


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I own the Movie Groundhog day. I have watched it about 30 times. It is in my top ten movies.


Two years ago...I rented the movie from a video store...it was the first time I had ever seen it. I enjoyed it so much that I also bought it the following year. Andie MacDowell was also great in the movie. She played the character named Rita. :)

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