Visiting a Mosque in Salt Lake City


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The poster Mathew J. Tandy has added, "It's looking like Friday the 17th. I have to wait for the Imam to get back in this weekend to confirm".

Did I mention he has invited others to join him? I am sure that includes posters in the greater Salt Lake area from Additionally, his outreach efforts can be replicated other places than Salt Lake for posters wanting to follow his admirable lead.

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In the months after 9/11, a Mosque here in Colorado Springs held an open house and I went. It was a friendly, learning, fascinating experience that provided a surprise or two also. If you have an opportunity to go, you should go.

If they allow questions, make sure you ask them about their position on Israel.


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I think it's a great idea! I'd love to visit a mosque sometime. I should find one in my own town...

But Loudmouth, why would you suggest asking them their position on Israel? Is that to guage if it's a radical-Muslim mosque? (Horribly way to describe it, but I think you get the drift)

I guess that makes sense... When I first read the suggestion, I thought that would be akin to shoving a stick into a hornet's nest.

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In my opinion, asking a Muslim about Israel is sort of like asking a Mormon about the word of wisdom, what we think about abstinence before marriage, what we think about the importance of marriage in general. They are very closely held opinions, important to us and core to our faith. They are things that set us apart from much of the rest of the world.

And when you're learning about someone new, what use is it to find out only the stuff you see eye to eye on?


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In my opinion, asking a Muslim about Israel is sort of like asking a Mormon about the word of wisdom, what we think about abstinence before marriage, what we think about the importance of marriage in general. They are very closely held opinions, important to us and core to our faith. They are things that set us apart from much of the rest of the world.

And when you're learning about someone new, what use is it to find out only the stuff you see eye to eye on?


Ah, so wise... No wonder you were made a moderator! :D

Thanks for the suggestion.

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