How Should Christians Respond To Cartoon Outrage?


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Yes... same as someone saying or writing 'GD' is blasphemous. But you see it and hear it all the time. What makes the blasphemy depicted in cartoons different from the blasphemy I'm speaking of?

Just because I don't like it doesn't mean it shouldn't be published.

You're right of course. And there was a day, not so long ago, when people would refrain from cursing God in public, for fear of offending any religious folk who might be nearby. Too bad we've "self-censored" ourselves so much, we're afraid to say, "Excuse me, that's my Savior you're talking about. Do you mind?"

Sad to say, in our "85% Christian nation" most Americans would side with the curser's right to curse, over my request for a little ettiquette. These rioters are way off the deep end on the other side, but it would not be so bad if our modernized society would move 1-2% back towards respect for the sacred. :hmmm:

I'm ALL about your right to ask anyone not to offend you with cursing or blasphemy! I would suggest such a thing when I hear someone doing it, but usually don't out of fear of what trouble they would start. Now my husband would do it if he's offended.

Once I took my son to Chuck E Cheese and there was a table full of teenagers eating pizza and using the 'F' word like crazy. That REALLY bugged me, so I talked to the manager about it. Come on... it's a kids' place!

However, I wouldn't want police to start arresting people for what they say. If they are in a public place, they should have the right to say what they want. If they are in a private place, the owner has the right to ask them to leave.

When my child hears something (like the 'F' word) that I don't want him to say, I will just explain to him that we don't speak that way.

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" In a direct challenge to the international uproar over cartoons lampooning the Prophet Muhammad, the Jordanian journalist Jihad Momani wrote: "What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the camera

In Yemen, an editorial by Muhammad al-Assadi condemned the cartoons but also lamented the way many Muslims reacted. "Muslims had an opportunity to educate the world about the merits of the Prophet Muhammad and the peacefulness of the religion he had come with," Mr. Assadi wrote. He added, "Muslims know how to lose, better than how to use, opportunities."

Article Here

Right now both Momani and Assadi are facing prosecution.

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Well, one thing's for sure. We shouldn't react the way a bunch of Nigerian Christians recently did! Their violent rioting isn't any better than what the Muslims have been doing. Christians already don't have much credibility in the Muslim world, but if they behave like that, things will only get worse. This "eye for an eye" thing will get us nowhere. Aargh! :(

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I remember that too. I think the worse I regret being curious over (and going to the Mike Savage website) was watching 11 Nepalese workers being murdered by Muslim extremists. I don't know who was sicker -- the guy doing the cutting or the guy holding the movie camera.

That would be both they are equaly sick. That would be uncool for the people getting their heads removed.
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I am remembering Daniel Pearl's execution. Freaking out over a cartoon?

Indeed. :(

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True. Christians should not act like Muslims. :angry2:

I wonder ... over the last couple thousand years ago, who has been the source of more violence and evil, Christians or Muslims?

Bonne question. Er, good question. (Why am I in French mode today? Maybe it's that picture of le Chateau de Chambord on the monitor... :P )

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Whoa, back up. Snow has an excellent point. The Dark Ages comes to mind. However, we have become more enlightened, more civilized, if you will in that we don't publicly behead people and start a fracas over a freakin'cartoon. SO, I think it is still the Muslims that are ahead in this race. Tis a shame. I know a few Muslim people in my limited sphere who are the most wonderful people. It is the extremists we need to be wary of, up to and including Christian extremists. B)

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True. Christians should not act like Muslims. :angry2:

I wonder ... over the last couple thousand years ago, who has been the source of more violence and evil, Christians or Muslims?

I believe the correct answer would be Communists. They did more damage in 70 years or so the Christians and Muslims combined, if I'm not mistaken.

Whoa, back up. Snow has an excellent point. The Dark Ages comes to mind. However, we have become more enlightened, more civilized, if you will in that we don't publicly behead people and start a fracas over a freakin'cartoon. SO, I think it is still the Muslims that are ahead in this race. Tis a shame. I know a few Muslim people in my limited sphere who are the most wonderful people. It is the extremists we need to be wary of, up to and including Christian extremists. B)

Sorry to play with words here, but I'm all for extreme and radical Christianity--the kind that got 11 disciples killed, and caused the Roman government to take notice of a tiny Jewish sect.

It's the so-called Christian nutjobs that we must continue to ostracize. Fortunately, what we do here, is let them speak, then laugh at them. In the Islamic world, moderates are far too "moderate," in saying, "Well, yes, we condemn that our Hamas bretheren got a little carried away...BUT YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THE ATROCITIES OF THE ZIONIST ENTITY AND THE WESTERN COLONIALISTS..." Note which gets spoken louder. The Catholic Church is paying big bucks for protecting their criminals. Muslims will do the same, if they continue to tread softly around the gangsters in their fold.

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True. Christians should not act like Muslims. :angry2:

I wonder ... over the last couple thousand years ago, who has been the source of more violence and evil, Christians or Muslims?

I believe the correct answer would be Communists. They did more damage in 70 years or so the Christians and Muslims combined, if I'm not mistaken.

Whoa, back up. Snow has an excellent point. The Dark Ages comes to mind. However, we have become more enlightened, more civilized, if you will in that we don't publicly behead people and start a fracas over a freakin'cartoon. SO, I think it is still the Muslims that are ahead in this race. Tis a shame. I know a few Muslim people in my limited sphere who are the most wonderful people. It is the extremists we need to be wary of, up to and including Christian extremists. B)

Sorry to play with words here, but I'm all for extreme and radical Christianity--the kind that got 11 disciples killed, and caused the Roman government to take notice of a tiny Jewish sect.

It's the so-called Christian nutjobs that we must continue to ostracize. Fortunately, what we do here, is let them speak, then laugh at them. In the Islamic world, moderates are far too "moderate," in saying, "Well, yes, we condemn that our Hamas bretheren got a little carried away...BUT YOU MUST UNDERSTAND THE ATROCITIES OF THE ZIONIST ENTITY AND THE WESTERN COLONIALISTS..." Note which gets spoken louder. The Catholic Church is paying big bucks for protecting their criminals. Muslims will do the same, if they continue to tread softly around the gangsters in their fold.

So, what I get from what you said here is that we should not let the 'Christian nutjobs' say what the wish? What do you propose we do - arrest them? Fortunately, we are all protected from this little thing called Free Speech!

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Prisonchapain said:

It's the so-called Christian nutjobs that we must continue to ostracize. Fortunately, what we do here, is let them speak, then laugh at them.

So, what I get from what you said here is that we should not let the 'Christian nutjobs' say what the wish? What do you propose we do - arrest them? Fortunately, we are all protected from this little thing called Free Speech!

I hope the clips from what I said answer your question. We don't outlaw them. We ostracize them (we being the churches, not the govt), and we laugh at them.

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