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I just placed an order over at to get a quadruple book with the Bible, BofM, D&C, and POGP. After I placed the order, I looked down and they show you all the books you might be interested in. Almost every single one of them was a knock against the LDS church such as "Mormonism Explained" which I have already created a thread about, "Out of Mormonism: A true woman's story", the infamous "God Makers", "Mormonism Unmasked", and a book called "Why would anyone join the Mormon church" which I am unfamiliar with. Of course, at the top, it says thanks you...Are they trying to be funny? LOL I guess there's a lot more money in trying to defame the church rather than explain it.

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I wouldn't read too much into it. It's probably looking at tags and frequency of views. It's a statistical algorithm that probably produces the results it does because you can buy LDS scriptures from and not pay any shipping for them. Hence, LDS scriptures probably don't get a lot of hits on Amazon.

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I most likely would have just bought the Scriptures from the LDS store but I have an Amazon storecard so that was the easiest way possible. It's a used version but was only 24 bucks after all the tax and everything. Just have to wait now until the end of the month to get it :)

I know I overreacted to those books listed and thats just the way the site works but I just don't get why so many people hate the LDS church. Because we have different beliefs from mainstream Christianity? Because Mormons are too "nice" so they must be in a "cult"? It seems both Christian and atheist have a common enemy in us and it just really sucks. :( I guess we have easy though compared to the 1800s.

Edited by curtishouse
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I just placed an order over at to get a quadruple book with the Bible, BofM, D&C, and POGP. After I placed the order, I looked down and they show you all the books you might be interested in. Almost every single one of them was a knock against the LDS church such as "Mormonism Explained" which I have already created a thread about, "Out of Mormonism: A true woman's story", the infamous "God Makers", "Mormonism Unmasked", and a book called "Why would anyone join the Mormon church" which I am unfamiliar with. Of course, at the top, it says thanks you...Are they trying to be funny? LOL I guess there's a lot more money in trying to defame the church rather than explain it.

I wouldn't; internet wise these things are decided by frequency hits... more often than not anti-mormon sources are hit much more than sources that have a neutral bias or that use good research.
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Amazon just shows other books based upon key terms, like "Mormon". It normally doesn't have an issue of pro/anti on an issue regarding books, and so does not separate them out. As it is, most LDS usually buy their church books directly from Church distribution or Deseret Book. This means that fewer are buying such books through Amazon. Meanwhile, most anti books are purchased through Amazon, pushing them up higher on the list of those which will display when a key word like "Mormon" is searched.

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Like everyone has said, Amazon site simply uses coding and keywords and what others have bought along with certain books to generate the recommended lists. The site itself is unbiased. Its just that Anti-mormonism and anti-mormon literature vastly outnumbers the pro-mormon books available on Amazon. Using it in a keyword search will "recommend" anti-mormon stuff because it's much more popular.

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Guest mormonmusic

We are becoming a more and more "peculiar people" to the world it seems....we lose people constantly who initially feel warm about the Church due to anti-Mormon experiences like this...they are everywhere....

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