Saying Thank You


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Ok so complicated situation, I have a friend, that I like... been on 2 dates with him, and who knows if it's going to go anywhere, that's not the main issue, what I want to do is thank him for the fun times that I had with him, but more importantly I want to thank him for the example he has set for me, for just being the person he is because he makes me want to be a better person and to understand the gospel even more.

I was wondering, would it be better to talk to him face to face and thank him, or would it be better/nicer to post him a letter. I'm worried about being face to face, he makes me a little nervous as I said because I like him, but don't know if the feelings are returned, but I also don't want to just send him a letter in the mail because maybe that gives off the impression that I can't say it to his face? I don't know, I'm confused. I just want to do something nice to say thanks, but I'm not sure how to go about it.

What are your opinions on this situation?

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Or could just do both. Say something simple face to face but also give him a letter or card that goes a lil more in depth. I'm the same way talking to people i like and i get nervous, but the face to face thing can mean a lot, but i know i also tend to get so flustered i might not get it out just right so i give either a letter or card to make sure they really got what i was trying to say in case i really messed it up lol.

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What would you want him to do if he was going to do it? Since if your possibly starting off something that might become something more, you're probably both figuring out where each other are and learning to know each other better. So what you decide to do, might be setting the "bar". Not that its inchangeable :D If it makes sense. :P

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Speaking from a guy's perspective . . .

I don't think you should go so formal (at least at this stage of the relationship) in expressing thanks for his example. I have experienced being thanked in a manner similar to being discussed here, and it didn't do a whole lot to promote the budding relationship. It came off either as "overkill" or kind of a "last will and testament" of the relationship.

Rather, I would suggest just expressing it in person or over the phone in a more 'want to see more of you' way. Simply tell him, "You know what? One of the reasons I really like hanging out with you is your great example of living the gospel. I really enjoy being around you." Two birds with one stone. 1) Expressed interest in growing the relationship without putting your neck out too far, and 2) got the intro into the thank-you topic.

No need to get all deep on the thanks at this point unless the conversation naturally goes that direction on both sides (his as well as yours). There will plenty of time, no matter what direction the relationship heads, to express deep and heartfelt thanks for his example. Right now, I think you need to focus on building the relationship to the point where such deep feelings are less likely to smother chances of the budding romantic side.

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Watch the film "As Good as it Gets" with Jack Nicholson and Helen Hunt. When it gets to the part where they are dining and he tells her, "I'm a better person for having known you", you just nudge your boyfriend and say that you feel the same way.

Haha, he's not my boyfriend ;) Just been on a couple of dates, not sure if there will be anymore, but we hang out in a group of friends quite a bit so yeah.

Thanks for your input Ryan, I just briefly thanked him in person, but didn't go into detail, and I will prolong the formal thanks. It's always good to get a males perspective on situations.

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