Being Prepared


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I just got home from church where the talk in Sacrament meeting was about being prepared. I live in a small community in the forests of Arizona. In 2002 our community had a fire started near it, it was huge and we were evacuated. The forest service now says that our forests are drier now (in February) than they were during the fire (in June). We've already had one close call with a fire this year, but the forest service jumped on it and we were okay.

The talk stated how we needed to be prepared. I honestly started panicking. My family has moved 3 times in the past year and my dad has been out of work the whole time. The church paid our rent ofr about 8 months and we have no money. When we moved we had to sell all of our year supply. We aren't prepared, but we have no way to get [prepared]. If we ever did get evacuated we would have no place to go. And if our community was burnt we would have absolutely no place to go.

The thought of moving again tears me apart. I love my community and I love my friends. If our town was to burn down, nobody would try to rebuild it- we all live here because its gorgeous and the people are nice- if it burned down there would be too much work to go on.

I'm not trying to be a doomsayer- but I'm truly worried. Worried about leaving my friends, being evacuated, having no year supply, worried SO much about fire.

Please help me. Right now all I can do is put my faith in the Lord. I'm trying but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much.


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What are the benefits of worry?

Pray that your community will be protected.

Surely if the surrounding trees were cut down it would prevent the risk of a fire attacking the commiunity. If that would look bad aesthetically have the trees replaced with trees that don't loose moisture so quickly or are used to a hotter climate.

I do not know what it is like to live next to forest fire potential forests as I live in England but I know it would would be pretty scary.

Just pray.

Have total faith in the God.

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My Dad always said:

Worrying is like paying interest on a debt you might never owe.

When you're worried, often you're fidgetty or restless. Better to turn that energy into something productive. The Lord knows and understands your limitations, but expects you to do all that you can. So, what can you do? You. Not your parents. What can you do? I'd start with packing a 72-hour kit in a sturdy backpack. Just the basics. Food, water, spare clothing for one person. Get stuff from the thrift shop. Save a granola bar or a can of diced peaches from your lunch to stuff in there. Print out a map with possible evacuation routes on it. Faith and fear are opposites. You will feel less and less fear, the more faith you have in your ability to cope with a bad situation.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Fear can be totally debilating if we let it. In order to conquer fear we need to take control rather then the fear taking over. You might try. once you get your 72 hour kit ready, making it a quarterly check for FHE. Staying on top of things could really ease your mind.

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