Tips for shopping safely online


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A couple of additional points that the article didn't mention:

- Don't use public wifi/public computer networks for anything sensitive, even if it's your own laptop/mobile device you are using. It's incredibly easy for anyone connected to the same network as yourself to steal your data as it travels from your laptop to the internet (and back), and there'd be no indication for you that it had happened. Having a firewall on your laptop won't help to protect against this. This applies to wired and wireless networks.

- When people give the warning out saying "look for the HTTPS and the padlock to make sure it's okay", it can give some people a false sense of security that every website that uses HTTPS is okay. In reality, any website can use HTTPS and get a security certificate so that browsers won't alert you to a potential security risk. You still have to make sure yourself that (for example) is a valid and trusted company, otherwise they can still steal your details just as easily as you giving it to them on a piece of paper.

Edited by Mahone
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Yeh and you don't want to shop at an online store that is there one moment (prior to Christmas) and gone the next.. No customer service available, no valid return address, no response period!

You don't always know this though when making a purchase until it's too late.

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I've only had one problem shopping online. I purchased a third-party product via Amazon, but never received it. Amazon was great about refunding my money.

I use PayPal to pay for everything now. Has anyone ever had a problem with Paypal?


Never a problem with paypal but phishing emails that state you need to log into your paypal account or it will be canceled. Looks just like the paypal website too.

Paypal will never send you an email such as that.

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