Did sex change for you after marriage?

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Ok, with all this affection before marriage talk, a girlfriend of mine and I got talking about ow awesome making out was before we got married, how ridiculously long we could make out for, and how now we never make out, or it gets old in 5 minutes! (we both have young children, that is part of it)

Then we started talking about how it was almost more alluring and tempting before we got married, and then when we were married, it kinda got, well, not the fireworks we were expecting or even felt while making out when dating.

Anyone else (guys too) have that happen? We both said we knew it took time to work the kinks out, but after 13 years, we both still enjoy it, but doesn't even come close to how we felt when dating. Why is that?

I am not advertising making out like that before marriage, just that we did, and were comparing before and after.

Sometimes I wish I could feel like that again. Maybe when the kids get older and we have more time, we get a second honeymoon phase?

Edited by sweetiepie
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Well first I was not LDS when I met my ex. It was usuall for peopel to live together as if they were married first in order "to see" if they fit together and that if they "manage good sex" HAH! As if peopel would not know other ways. Sure you can find a partner you can have better sex with... but then it may hapopen that partner is totally a 0! So what is more important sex or getting well to gether other ways? Is it worth flying from one relationship to an other searching "beter sex"? I was lucky with my second though...

Anyway so we lived together before marrying and marriage did not affect the sex in any way at all... it was what it was. With my second husband we waited til wedding night and WOW! I highly recommend to wait! Well of course after some years it probably gets a bit cooler... to flame again one day or some days ... aso... untill somethign or someone dies...:eek:

Enjoy while you can! :P

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Maybe my memory is clouded with 5 births, nursing babies, and all inbetween!! I know we have had some really good stretches, they just keep getting interrupted with babies! Thank goodness we are done! My body will get back and actually stay that way!

I think I just miss how it was, and hope it gets back close to that someday.

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On one hand, I might say, "of course it changed. How could it not change? Your relationship doesn't stay stagnant, so naturally things change.

On the other hand, I feel your pain. I remember how awesome making out was. And it wasn't like it lost its allure immediately after the ceremony -- There was a while where we enjoyed making out just as much as we did before we got married (only we got to take it farther). Now, it seems like I'm lucky to get a "peck on the cheek" when leaving for work or coming home or going to bed (aside -- I remember somebody on Focus on the Family, one of their marriage advice couples, who had some rather unkind things to say about the "peck on the cheek" kiss). I don't know what it is - whether the newness wears off, or "familiarity breeds contempt," or if someone's just too tired because of all the stress in life or what. Those couples who manage to keep the passion alive seem to be few and far between :unsure:

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If you don't realise that relationships (marriages) have plateaus and do not remain in the "pitter-patter-honeymoon-bliss" stage forever, you're in for major disappointment, and I daresay it's partly the reason why people throw the towel in cos the "sparks aren't there anymore". Of course not! Relationships develop, mature and hopefully grow into much more. My heart doesn't skip a beat every time my husband returns home from work anymore because we've passed that stage. But I can tell you that my feelings for him have increased immensely since we first courted. To avoid turning this thread into a "bedroom topic", you can spice up just about any relationship by breaking habitual routine. If you don't ever go on date nights, start doing that, at least once or twice a month. Figure out a way to breakaway from the kiddos and make it happen :]

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