Breast Cancer


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Interesting, exposure to the sun actually reduces breast cancer --

It involved about 1,000 women with breast cancer and a comparison group of healthy women randomly selected through phone calls.

Those without breast cancer were less likely to cover up whenever they were outside and more likely to get dietary sources of vitamin D or to have had cod liver oil, which is rich in the nutrient, as children.

Now in other research I have seen close connections to childbearing and breast feeding reducing the risk of breast cancer -- the more kids, the more reduction in risk.

Other research has pointed to exercise and even going without a bra can reduce risk. not drinking any alcohol at all can also reduce risk.

I guess LDS gals who love childbearing and are somewhat into the herbal lifestyle stand the best chance of lowering risk for breast cancer. :D

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I had to smile at this post most likely because I fit all the above. :)

Exposure to the sun, YES! I love to fish and I have been known to expose my self to the sun when fishing or alone at a excluded nude lake in the Yukon. Those who wish to pass by your way seeking their own privet spot call ahead and you cover up. My young sons toddlers loved being diaper free. (no they don’t remember mom nude) What can I say its winter there from Sept to late May :lol:

On one fishing trip, I rowed out to the opposite side of the lake away from anyone and casted out my line and enjoyed the sun, when out of no were a voice came and said “are you catching any thing”? I sat straight up and heard “ a older women say “the only thing she is catching is a sun burn”! (a elderly couple in a canoe) They snuck up on me!

I have not bard all since.

Breast feeding, yes.

Exercise and even going without a bra can reduce risk. Ah NO not unless I wanted whiplash to my face.

Drinking any alcohol, herbal lifestyle.

As my husband calls it BC (Before Church) High school and collage.

(herbal lifestyle) of a different kind.

But on a more serious note: :hmmm:

My family has had breast caner a aunt and Grandmother both radical mastectomy’s both breasts by 55.

I am screened every year. :wacko:

What fun having your breast squished between two plats.

It is extremely painful and have told the doctor having my breast run over by a car would hurt less.

My grandmother was all that they suggested in this post and my aunt was a doctor and was a naturalist.

Genetics is the real factor, I was in my mid 20’s when cancer struck me. :(

I have been cancer free for over 20 years.

An informed women who knows her own body and asks the right questions and is screened every year will stay ahead of the game. Since my sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer my doctor has run simple blood test every year.

:idea: So sisters a simple blood test can save your life, ovarian cancer is a silent killer you don’t know you have it till its to late. My sister lives from chemo to chemo, she is 51.

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Yes Winnie, one can have a bunch of kids, breastfeed them all, exercise, avoid bras and even spend time at the local nudist colony -- and still get breast cancer. It's just that these activities can reduce your risk. I believe that the childbearing thing can reduce it the most.

My wife has a friend who just got diagnosed with lung cancer even though the woman has never smoked in her life and is in her 40s. Sometimes thse things happen -- but in most cases we can put up a good pre-emptive fight and reduce our chances of many types of cancers.

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It's a rather widely-recognized that childbearing is a factor in reducing the risk of breast cancer. ;)

And I am aware of that, but I'm just trying to find a source saying that it's the biggest reducer, as Fiannan said... and I'm not talking about breastfeeding, but childbearing... just to be clear.
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I am aware of that, but I'm just trying to find a source saying that it's the biggest reducer, as Fiannan said... and I'm not talking about breastfeeding, but childbearing... just to be clear.

I'm not aware of any data that says it is the biggest reducer, only that it is a factor. And yes, we are talking about childbearing, as the articles explained. ;)

Research has shown that childbearing seems to reduce a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer.

Interestingly, childbearing reduces risk of breast and related cancers. An average result from 6 different studies showed that each child born - at least up to five - reduces risk of breast cancer by 10% or by a 0.90 factor. This suggests that the bearing of a child interrupts the estrogen-related increase in cancer for nearly two years, and that a woman with 5 children will have only half the risk of breast cancer that will a woman without children.

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Shanstress70, even when I was in college/graduate school I heard in lectures that lesbains and nuns have the highest risk of breast and ovarian cancer -- and what's the common denominator there? Also read an article that Italian doctors in the 1700s called breast cancer "nun's disease". In fiarness, as cervical cancer is a sexually transmitted disease nuns have the lowest risk for it.

Is it the biggest factor? I said I believed it must be. Does childbearing get rid of your risk? No, but not smoking might not make sure you never develop lung disease either.

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Hi Fiannan,

Not trying to be argumentative... just logical. If that's the case with nuns and lesbians, perhaps it's plain and simple sex that can help prevent breast cancer instead of specifically childbearing?


Well yes, but then there are the actual studies:

Interestingly, childbearing reduces risk of breast and related cancers. An average result from 6 different studies showed that each child born - at least up to five - reduces risk of breast cancer by 10% or by a 0.90 factor. This suggests that the bearing of a child interrupts the estrogen-related increase in cancer for nearly two years, and that a woman with 5 children will have only half the risk of breast cancer that will a woman without children.

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Hi Fiannan,

Not trying to be argumentative... just logical. If that's the case with nuns and lesbians, perhaps it's plain and simple sex that can help prevent breast cancer instead of specifically childbearing?

That variabel might sound logical if we could assume that lesbians don't have sex. Maybe they aren't having sex with men but...

Also, I have read that high-level white career women are at a greater risk of breast cancer. We can assume these women aren't avoiding sex with men but they are still much more likely to get breast cancer.

The only logical variable that ties nuns, career women and lesbians together (hey, no jokes here please :sparklygrin: ) is the extremely low birthrate.

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That variabel might sound logical if we could assume that lesbians don't have sex. Maybe they aren't having sex with men but...

Well there is another reason I'm thinking of along that lines, but I can't be so bold to write about it frankly. Let me just say that when one wants to hurry her labor during childbirth, she and her male partner may wish to have relations because a certain substance causes hormonal changes which can get things going. Perhaps that substance has something to do with it.
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Yeah, but I'd assume corporate women are generally heterosexual and having regular sex with men.

However, in these enlightened days of 'safe sex' you could also assume that the majority are making their male friends use condoms...also that they are less likely to be having 'regular' as in possibly every day of the week, sex if they are single/not in a relationship.

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Ok Fiannan, I just did a quick google search and here's at least 1 study that's listed that gives semen as one of the possible breast cancer reduction 'therapies':

Another link that shows that an increased number of women are likely to get breast cancer if they use barrier contraceptives than other methods:

Of course these studies do not attempt to show that semen is the best preventative for breast cancer, nor do they rule out the effectiveness of other preventative measures.

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Sorry to inform you Pushka (sorry in more ways than one) the "CNN" article is an internet hoax that has been floating around for several years. I'm sure it has made more than a few men happy sharing the article with their wives -- and opened up more diversity in some couple's relationships. So while sex has been associated with lots of health benifits, the particular act you illustrate isn't assoicated with reductions in breast cancer.

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