Trying not to harm coworker...


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I share an office with a very nice lady, and we usually get along great.

But this morning she was... off. And then she informed me that because of insurance issues she will not be able to refill her prescription that counters her Adult ADHD for another week or so.

She wound up driving me absolutely nuts. She was all over the place, physically and mentally, talking to herself, freaking out over things, and it was more than I could bare.

Now it's weird because I have ADD, I taught first grade for a number of years and dealt with ADD and ADHD kids, but for some reason I can't handle an adult in her forties who is acting like this.

Any tips for helping me mentally deal with her until she gets back on her meds?

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Lucky you! You get to put "love thy neighbor" into practice from 9-5 daily :twothumbsup:

Caffeinated drinks might actually help a bit. Adderall and meds like that are stimulants which paradoxically help the ADHD brain settle. Caffeine is a stimulant, too. Maybe a Red Bull or two might help her settle a tad so you don't lose your mind. I don't know if she's a Word of Wisdom gal, so tread lightly.

Good luck!

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and if she won't drink the caffeine then you should. if you are wired then at least you are on the same page. lol

seriously though, caffeine is a good suggestion. if she is not a caffeine drinker i wouldn't start with red bull's, that's a lot. something smaller like a barq's root beer spaced throughout the day works wonders for me because i don't consume caffeine recreationally.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My 2 cents on it would be that tomorrow you should offer her a compliment.

It's amazing how hearing someone tell you something like.... "You know that is a great color for you.", "I was impressed with how you handled so and so", "I wished I was as good at this or that as you are" can impact the overall demeanor of a person for quite a bit. honest, but look for the good.

I think if you can get your mind off what you have to put up with and focus on how you can make this situation that this particular person that can't afford their meds has just a bit better. You will both be the better for it.

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