Baptismal Interview for Converts- Participating in Abortion


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I was raised LDS and am an active member. I married my husband a year and a half ago, and he is a non-member. He has been having missionary lessons the past four months and is now ready to commit to baptism. The missionaries did a practice interview today, and there was an issue on one of the questions. They asked if he had ever participated in an abortion. About three or four years ago when his sister was 17 or 18, she got pregnant. She was scared and did not wish to keep the baby. She told no one but their aunt. Their aunt did not have money to pay for the abortion, so she told my husband about the situation and he ended up loaning his aunt the money. His sister went through with the abortion and she has no idea that he knows about it or loaned the money. His aunt returned the money a few weeks later. He basically felt that his sister had the right to chose whether or not she would keep the baby, and he was just trying to help out as he knows she was incapable at the time to be a mother.

Will this prevent my husband from getting baptized? The missionaries said they would have to talk to their mission president who may have to do the actual interview with him.

My husband would NEVER want his own child aborted, but he was just trying to help out his family at the time.

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Generally when stuff comes up in the pre-Baptism interview it isn't to look for reasons not to Baptize but, rather, to be sure that any problems like that are in the past and that the prospective new member understands what will be expected of him in the Baptismal Covenant.

When I had my interview I had an issue in my past, which I told them about. All they needed from me was a commitment and assurance that it was in the past and all was well.

So my guess is (and this is from someone who's never been a Mission Prez) is that they want to be sure that in a similar situation, history wouldn't repeat itself. As has been mentioned already, the Church finds elective abortion to be immoral and while individuals have wildly varying opinions on that, we are all united in a commitment not to be a part of it.

Edited by unixknight
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I would think that in cases of ectopic pregnancy, or if the fetus was already dead or not likely to survive long after birth, then those are medical reasons for an abortion. Another medical issue is if the pregnancy would kill the mother who has other children who need her, so she might chose her living children over the fetus.

[sarcasm]I guess by that logic, a woman who has had a miscarriage shouldn't be baptized if she wanted to convert, as she participated in a spontaneous abortion.[/sarcasm]

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I would think that in cases of ectopic pregnancy, or if the fetus was already dead or not likely to survive long after birth, then those are medical reasons for an abortion. Another medical issue is if the pregnancy would kill the mother who has other children who need her, so she might chose her living children over the fetus.

Official LDS Church stance (emphasis mine):

Church leaders have said that some exceptional circumstances may justify an abortion, such as when pregnancy is the result of incest or rape, when the life or health of the mother is judged by competent medical authority to be in serious jeopardy, or when the fetus is known by competent medical authority to have severe defects that will not allow the baby to survive beyond birth. But even these circumstances do not automatically justify an abortion. Those who face such circumstances should consider abortion only after consulting with their local Church leaders and receiving a confirmation through earnest prayer.


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