'big Love' Mark 2


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I apologise in advance for any posters that don't want this series discussed on here again...

I've recently acquired the 1st Series...episodes 1-7 and the Making of Big Love, and have watched episode 1 today.

I must admit that I really enjoyed it. Not for the sex, which was tastefully handled, in my opinion...just showing that the families were normal people with normal sexual appetites for each other, and also showing the effects of stress on a man's ability to 'perform' and how each wife in turn blamed herself for his impotence.

I was a little afraid of how I would find the programme as I switched it on. I sort of expected something a little too cheesy for my British appetite. I was pleasantly surprised. I thought the topics covered, the way in which the daughter of one of the 3 wives had to skirt around the issue of not being an active Mormon and yet having a 'Mormonish' family, the obvious tensions between each of the wives and the positions they felt they held in the family hierarchy, plus the personal problems of the wife with the 2 young children and how she felt inadequate and overweight, in addition to the background of the husband and his first and 2nd wives having originated from the strict compound, where younger girls were encouraged to marry older men, and had very narrow minded views about their lifestyle and the lifestyle of the husband and his wives since they left the compound, were all relevant and well handled too.

I was happy to see my old fave Harry Dean Stanton in the show...he brings in a little mystery, and sinister atmosphere in his dealings with the husband and his shops.

I can't say any more as I have yet to watch the other episodes, however I must comment on the posts from the other thread regarding having seen the SLC Temple in some scenes, and how they thought this might confuse viewers as to whether these were current practising Mormons or another 'sect' that broke away from the main church...the only scenes in which I spotted the Temple were when the husband (Bill) was in his office working, which was obviously some distance away from his home. Also at no time did any of the wives or the eldest daughter or Bill and his extended family refer to themselves as Mormons...

I spotted the disclaimer at the end of the programme too, which was a helpful reminder to anyone in any doubt. I have no complaints about the series and look forward to viewing the other episodes.

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The show is absolutely not portraying the polygamists as Mormons, nor does it try. There is no way of anyone who watches the show thinking that. I agree with you, Pushka, that it is a very well thought out, complex show (and you will see that developing a lot after the first couple of episodes). I have seen some dumb mistakes about the Mormon culture, but other times they are spot on.

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The show is absolutely not portraying the polygamists as Mormons, nor does it try. There is no way of anyone who watches the show thinking that.

:ahhh: I Totally disagree. :ahhh:

You are most likely not surprised by my reaction. :lol:

As a Utah Mormon where these people have resided, I think that they have done a good job in confusing people what Mormons believe. The Salt Lake Temple is in the background which is totally unnecessary. My husband had a business associate fly in from Chicago and asked him to take him to see the Mormons like shown on the show Big Love. :rolleyes:

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Utah has nobody to blame except that goofball prosecuter who made Tom Green an international issue prior to the 2002 Olympics. Anyone acquainted with marketing knows that perception is everything -- what you actually say means little if anything. For me, Green's name (or his case) has come up in discussions I've had with non-members in China, Sweden, Russia and a couple other places. EVERYBODY I talked with connected Green to Mormonism. Put in as many disclaimers as you like -- non-Mormons cannot be expected to know the difference between fundamentalist Mormons and the mainline Mormon Church any more than expecting the average American to know the difference between a Shia and a Sunni Muslim. Had Green been left by himself, his wives and his trailers in the desert nobody would have been mistakenly giving Utah a new rehash of the polygamy thing. I'm not blaming Utah people in general because opinion polls show most Utah people have a live and let live approach to polygamists.

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I agree that the average person who doesn't know much more about Mormonism in general other than that 'they used to practise polygamy' might be easily confused by seeing fundamentalist mormons living alongside regular mormons in a show such as this.

From what I've gathered from the 5 episodes I've watched over the last 24 hours..Shanstress please correct me if I've interpreted any of this incorrectly!! is that at least 1 of the wives (Barb...'boss lady') used to be regular LDS. Bill, Nicci and I think Marg. used to be from the fundamentalist compound, or at least have had some connection with Eagles? from the same compound...Barb was the 1st wife and only accepted the law of polygamy being introduced into her family when she thought she was dying of cancer, which is when Nicci joined the family. It was mentioned in an episode that Bill doesn't want to get involved in going to the 'organised' Church meetings/activities and that Barb still misses the LDS church. I noted in the latest episode (Affair), that their son is starting seminary classes because he is feeling uncomfortable about sexual feelings he's getting because of his age and having a girlfriend who I presume isn't LDS. So yes, there are connections in the family with the regular LDS, but it is being made clear that these are past connections which are causing the characters some problems with sustaining the lifestyle they've chosen.

I still maintain that the programme isn't trying to confuse viewers. Surely viewers who take the time to read the disclaimer can fully understand what it is saying.

As for the SLC Temple being shown unnecessarily. I haven't seen it in any other episodes than the 1st one. Obviously if a meeting is taking place in a centrally located office in SLC, and the Temple is as large as it is, it is not unusual for it to appear in the scenes set around that area. I wouldn't worry about it, I think anybody who does is being over sensitive.

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Strawberry Fields

I’m sorry but I had to giggle at your remark. “As a Utah Mormon”

Mormons from Utah are their own ballgame.

U Mormons can at times be self important, (because Your all that)

I have meet U Mormons who have a hard time just learning to take a deep breath and stop calling every one sister this or brother that.

I said to one sister who’s daughter was in my YW program that she could call me by my first name.

You know what my ears heard “Oh that just not done were I came from” witch sent some of the sisters in to giggles.

I am sorry to say Utah Mormons can be a completely new ballgame once they leave Utah and see how other Mormons live. It all boils down to real-estate, I mean really. :sparklygrin:

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<div class='quotemain'>

The show is absolutely not portraying the polygamists as Mormons, nor does it try. There is no way of anyone who watches the show thinking that.

:ahhh: I Totally disagree. :ahhh:

You are most likely not surprised by my reaction. :lol:

As a Utah Mormon where these people have resided, I think that they have done a good job in confusing people what Mormons believe. The Salt Lake Temple is in the background which is totally unnecessary. My husband had a business associate fly in from Chicago and asked him to take him to see the Mormons like shown on the show Big Love. :rolleyes:

SF, it is clear after watching the show, especially after watching a few, that the main polygamous family is not Mormon. There are a few instances of the LDS people on the show talking about how wrong they are to be 'living the principle'. The missionaries come to the door of one of the wives and give her a hard time saying that it's wrong, and trying to get her to listen to their discussions.

It kind of makes me laugh when people who haven't watched it say things like this, because it's so far from the truth. There is an association of polygamy with Mormons, but that association is real.

I agree that the average person who doesn't know much more about Mormonism in general other than that 'they used to practise polygamy' might be easily confused by seeing fundamentalist mormons living alongside regular mormons in a show such as this.

From what I've gathered from the 5 episodes I've watched over the last 24 hours..Shanstress please correct me if I've interpreted any of this incorrectly!! is that at least 1 of the wives (Barb...'boss lady') used to be regular LDS. Bill, Nicci and I think Marg. used to be from the fundamentalist compound, or at least have had some connection with Eagles? from the same compound...Barb was the 1st wife and only accepted the law of polygamy being introduced into her family when she thought she was dying of cancer, which is when Nicci joined the family. It was mentioned in an episode that Bill doesn't want to get involved in going to the 'organised' Church meetings/activities and that Barb still misses the LDS church. I noted in the latest episode (Affair), that their son is starting seminary classes because he is feeling uncomfortable about sexual feelings he's getting because of his age and having a girlfriend who I presume isn't LDS. So yes, there are connections in the family with the regular LDS, but it is being made clear that these are past connections which are causing the characters some problems with sustaining the lifestyle they've chosen.

I still maintain that the programme isn't trying to confuse viewers. Surely viewers who take the time to read the disclaimer can fully understand what it is saying.

As for the SLC Temple being shown unnecessarily. I haven't seen it in any other episodes than the 1st one. Obviously if a meeting is taking place in a centrally located office in SLC, and the Temple is as large as it is, it is not unusual for it to appear in the scenes set around that area. I wouldn't worry about it, I think anybody who does is being over sensitive.

This is all pretty much true, except that Margine (sp?) did not come from a fundamentalist or LDS background. They haven't gone into her past much, but it's all quite new to her.

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Thanks Shanstress...I just watched episodes 6-8 and in one it was showing Margene going thru her boxes containing things from her past and she looked at a scrapbook she had made, which she had named Eagles, and had written and coloured it in the same style as the Eagles garage at the compound...so I sort of thought that meant that she had had some connections with it, although it hadn't clearly been pointed out at that time. I must admit to being a little confused as to her origins, as the story that Bill gave to his mum was that she worked at his store, was a little 'lost' or something, and asked to be a part of their family.

I don't know if you've had the chance to see The Making of Big Love, which is only 13 minutes long, but it's very interesting, giving a little background to all the main characters, and chatting with the actors and different directors of each episode. It just says that Margene comes from a 'bad' family!! lol.

I don't have any more episodes here, and I know that Series one has at least 12 episodes, so I'm going through a little Big Love withdrawal at the moment. I really have enjoyed watching it this weekend. I would say it is the biggest advert for NOT getting into polygamy...those poor wives!!!

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I just watched episodes 6-8 and in one it was showing Margene going thru her boxes containing things from her past and she looked at a scrapbook she had made, which she had named Eagles, and had written and coloured it in the same style as the Eagles garage at the compound...so I sort of thought that meant that she had had some connections with it, although it hadn't clearly been pointed out at that time. I must admit to being a little confused as to her origins, as the story that Bill gave to his mum was that she worked at his store, was a little 'lost' or something, and asked to be a part of their family.

Hmmm, I missed this, although I've seen all the episodes. Must've stepped out then or something. So perhaps I'm wrong and she does have some ties to the compound. I'm thinking they will develop her story a bit more in the future.

And yes, I too feel for those women. It's almost painful for me to watch sometimes because of what they go through. I know it's fiction and all, but I think of all the women who really are in polygamous situations. I also feel for the children.

That Nicki is a strange one... isn't she?!

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Shanstress, it was during the episode in which Barb wanted the house to herself at lunchtime, so that she and Bill could have a secret get together.

Marg. was having a day when she felt very down and didn't want to move, but Barb suggested she go and upack some of her things in her own house, so that it would feel more like a home. The Eagles scrapbook had lots of photos in it, and it showed her looking at it a little sadly, then she took the boxes of stuff 'from my past' to the garbage and met her neighbour again.

I hope that they develop her character more too.

At first I felt sorry for the 2nd and 3rd wives when I just thought that Barb. was acting too bossy around them, till I found out the circumstances of the arrangement, the reasons behind it. Then I felt really sorry for Barb, especially when she said she felt like Bill had been robbed from her. Yes Nicki is a very strange character, sort of like the 'spoilt brat' as she'd been used to living a relatively 'rich' life compared to the others in the compound. I'm not keen on her father's youngest 'robotic' wife!!! She is a brat...lol.

Is there a 2nd series of Big Love being shown in the States, as I can only find episode guides up to Episode 12 of the 1st series up to now? Have any more than this been shown in the States yet?

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Is there a 2nd series of Big Love being shown in the States, as I can only find episode guides up to Episode 12 of the 1st series up to now? Have any more than this been shown in the States yet?

Nope, we're only on Episode 9 here, of Season 1. Are you saying that Episode 12 has been shown already somewhere?
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No, I just looked at a few websites, did a google search for Big Love episode guides, which all showed an Episode 12 listed. Phew, I'm glad I haven't seen Episode 9 yet and given away any plot secrets to you, I thought you meant that you'd seen all 12!!

I can't wait to see episode 9...

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