Baptism For The Dead


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oh you do have a point there.

Jesus Christ has provided for every person to hear the gospel and make the decision for themselves even after death. It is the same on Earth. Every person is entitled to discover for themselves whether what we teach is correct or not. No one is required to just accept what someone else tells them. Temples provide the place where the saving ordinances can be performed vicariously. These are Earthly in nature and can't be done in Heaven. The departed can either accept them or not. Nothing is forced on them. Forcing is not God's way.

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I believe that is when his Mercy comes in. They never had a chance to know and believe in Him so I believe it is an automatic pass to Heaven

I agree with Volgadon. It seems as if it's better to just not spread the Gospel if people that never hear it get a free pass to Heaven. I mean, why go through the whole "enduring to the end", repentance, etc, if you can just not know about the Savior, and go to Heaven? Will these people that get an automatic pass have to demonstrate faith in Jesus Christ and accept "the Truth" (i.e. a Hindu that gets an automatic pass will have to reject certain false beliefs, right?), or will they just continue to not believe in that Truth?

I find that the beliefs of the restored Gospel make the most sense in this regard, and are consistent with Biblical revelation.

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As a perhaps unnecessary reminder: This is the "Christian Beliefs Board", which specifically means non-LDS Christian beliefs. It's axiomatic that a Latter-day Saint would find his own beliefs more sensible than someone else's. Not sure that anything is gained by making such a remark here.

No, I'm not a mod. Just saying.

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meh I just dont like the whole hell thing so I usually just say most people will go to heaven just to make me feel better

Well I think that most traditional Christians would agree with that, as it seems to really only be certain types of evangelical Christians that believe that those that don't formally accept Jesus in this life are destined to Hell.

The Catholic position accepts something called "baptism for desire", which allows for instances where a person can be saved if they would have accepted the Gospel in this life if they had heard it. Perhaps Lutherans have something similar.

What do you make of 1 Corinthians 15:29 ("Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?")? Also, do you believe that baptism is necessary for salvation?

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So what happens to all the billions of people throughout the ages that have never heard about Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice, and therefore never had the chance to accept Him? What happens to them? And what is the basis for your belief in what happens to them?

That is the whole point of baptism for the dead in LDS teachings. When someones passes over they go to the Spirit World. In the Spirit World all peoples are given the chance to accept or reject the true gospel. I believe this is one of the most precious truths that were restored to mankind. It shows the real mercy of Heavenly Father! He does not desire that any of us should end up in hell! It gives me hope for my father and both sets of my grandparents will listen and accept in the Spirit World and we will be together for eternity. ITs like in the Apostles creed where it says that Christ descended into "Hell" what its talking about is Christ went there to preach to all those who lived before He came to earth. There is such hope in the message of baptisms for the dead and the Holy Temples. I am so grateful to belong to this church.:D

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I didn't read every post.


From what I know, I have been proxy baptized by both my Grandpa on my dad's side and my Aunt/Cousins on my mom's side (Not sure if they ended up baptizing me since I assume there was a record that I was by my grandpa). In my opinion, I think it is a wonderful thing that they did that. I see it as they loved me enough to want to see me after this life. But, I'm exploring the LDS faith so maybe I'm not best to give my opinion. LOL

Baptizing the dead also doesn't bother me. I see it as comfort to those that are doing the baptizing.

Also to those that said "Do you believe you have to be baptized to be saved?" In my Lutheran High School, Presbyterian Middle School, Non Denominational experience, Baptist Elementary School, from day one I was always told you will not go to heaven unless you are baptized, unless they were a small child who died because they were still innocent.

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