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telling her that she is fat is the best comment you can ever give a girl. Go try it ;)

And then run......FAST!!!!!

Seriously..... best thing you can do is say something simple to start off with... and be honest about yourself.... ever see that commercial about "stay's in Vegas" with that guy lying to every woman he meets?.... woman replies back to the guy....." doctor? you told my friend you were a lawyer".... guy tells her "well, yeah, in the off season"..... ( can't remember the exact words....but you get my point?)....

Lies really aren't that great to start off a friendship with ;)

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Guest MrsS

Keep it Simple and Honest. Why not start with: Hello, I am . . .

From thereyou might say that you like to read _____________(fill in with a book you have just read), ask her if she likes that kind of book, or that author. Or you could talk about the latest film you have seen, did she see it ~ if so, did she like it.

If she likes to read, why not invite her to go to the library with you. Share the books you have read, and tell what you liked about them. Simple and Honest.

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what if i cant date yet

Then go with a group of like minded peers.

Get out your For The Strength of The Youth booklet and read it. Follow it. Same with Your Duty to God book.

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ok cool. all i really want is to be friends but there is this other girl who likes me this other girl is friends with the one i want to be friends with and i dont think the girl that likes me will let her friend be my friend because the girl who likes me called me first. idk how that works.

ill explane it better

ill call the girl i want to be friends with mary

ill call the girl who likes me ashly

so at a dance thease 2 girls saw me ashly called me first so i dont think ashly will let mary be my friend. i know at one point mary liked me and i am sure she still does but she doesnt stand up for herself. and i dont want ashly to like me i just want to be friends with her cus she is one of those girls who play games. i hate it when girls play games(example. they tell a friend to tell the person they like something secret that they act like they didnt want the friend to tell you)

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  • 2 weeks later...


My head is spinning with confusion here.

Lemme see if I have the basic facts down right,

You are not allowed to date yet.

You like (have a crush on) girl a.

Girl b like (has a crush on) you.

Girl a and b are friends.

You are afraid that girl b will interfere with a friendship between you and girl a.

You cannot call girl a due to conflicting schedules.

If I got it right...there are some basics here.

Since you are not allowed to date yet, the issue of romance is moot, so friendship is the immediate goal with the possibility of dating when allowed to. If girl b is a true friend to you and/or girl a, she will not hinder a friendship between you and girl a since all we are talking about is friendship.

The schedule conflicts...if this friendship is important to you, you will find a way to make the effort to contact her and remove that part of the drama from this situation.

The one thing I do see is the possibility of hurt feelings from girl b. You need to talk to her and (with kindness) explain that you do not see her as more than a friend. When you do this..you have to be clear that it is not her. Her weight, her physical appearance, her voice....there is no fault in her, you just a. cannot date and b. do not wish to go that direction in your friendship at this time.

Now for girl a. Call her, talk to her. Do not say anything corny. Just be you. If you are you and she is her, then anything that may spring from it will be real and not bs.

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hey all. i was just wondering what is the best thing to say to a girl?

:hmmm: weeellll, you kinda gotta know the girl before you try and say any thing reallly important but if not you can just say ' Hiii! I don't think we've met." or "hello-" then try to make her feel like you remembered her I really know who she iswe girls like it when people notice us!! :sparklygrin:
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