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Not sure this is the right place, but I also dont want to start a new thread if I shouldnt... However...

Last Sunday (two days before my baptism) in Relief Society they announced that this coming Saturday would be the Stake RS day at the temple. I was sitting next to one of our sister missionaries, who nudged me and said "You could go to that, ya know." HUH? Not wanting to disrupt things during RS, I just let it go, but she kept on saying it after we finished. I didn't understand. She explained and I just put it out of my mind.

Tuesday came, I got baptized in the most amazing, yet crazy, service... I was confirmed 'font side' because it was done on a Tuesday and our bishop didn't want me to have to wait until Sunday.

Wednesday I drove our sister missionaries to transfers. Sometime on the way, the RS president called my phone and left me a message, telling me that I was more than welcome to attend the Temple with them on Saturday, I just needed to have an interview with Bishop that night. I finally decided to go ahead and do the interview, just in case, as I wasn't sure what my schedule was for Saturday.

When I went in for the interview, I thought it would be just an interview. We finished that and he told me there was something else he wanted to talk to me about. I figured I had already done something wrong... boy was I surprised when he told me he felt like I had a calling to be the RS secretary. This was less than 24 hours after my baptism, mind you, and, well, to say I was shocked is putting it lightly. I told him I trusted him and if he felt like that was what I was supposed to do, then I'd do it. (After I quizzed him on what, exactly, a RS secretary was and did... this concept is completely foreign to me!!)...

Anyway, I have no idea what to think about all of this. I just know that I have told God that I'm willing to take whatever steps He desires of me and I can't not trust that this is all right.

Crazy, right?

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Not sure this is the right place, but I also dont want to start a new thread if I shouldnt... However...

Last Sunday (two days before my baptism) in Relief Society they announced that this coming Saturday would be the Stake RS day at the temple. I was sitting next to one of our sister missionaries, who nudged me and said "You could go to that, ya know." HUH? Not wanting to disrupt things during RS, I just let it go, but she kept on saying it after we finished. I didn't understand. She explained and I just put it out of my mind.

Tuesday came, I got baptized in the most amazing, yet crazy, service... I was confirmed 'font side' because it was done on a Tuesday and our bishop didn't want me to have to wait until Sunday.

Wednesday I drove our sister missionaries to transfers. Sometime on the way, the RS president called my phone and left me a message, telling me that I was more than welcome to attend the Temple with them on Saturday, I just needed to have an interview with Bishop that night. I finally decided to go ahead and do the interview, just in case, as I wasn't sure what my schedule was for Saturday.

When I went in for the interview, I thought it would be just an interview. We finished that and he told me there was something else he wanted to talk to me about. I figured I had already done something wrong... boy was I surprised when he told me he felt like I had a calling to be the RS secretary. This was less than 24 hours after my baptism, mind you, and, well, to say I was shocked is putting it lightly. I told him I trusted him and if he felt like that was what I was supposed to do, then I'd do it. (After I quizzed him on what, exactly, a RS secretary was and did... this concept is completely foreign to me!!)...

Anyway, I have no idea what to think about all of this. I just know that I have told God that I'm willing to take whatever steps He desires of me and I can't not trust that this is all right.

Crazy, right?

So you're going to the temple to do ordinance work and you have a calling as a RS secretary? Sounds great! :D Get lost in the work and lost in your studies. There is always more to do and more to learn. Just don't try to run "faster than you are able" and get overwhelmed by it all.

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You may not actually be able to attend the temple this soon already. Though you are a member of the Church in that your ordinances are complete, if they haven't been registered at Church HQ yet, you might not have a member number yet. That can take a week or two of turnaround time, and you need a member number in order to have a recommend. If the bishop didn't say anything about it, however, then I could be off-base.

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Just_a_girl! THAT'S SO AWESOME!

Okay, I bought new shoes yesterday and I immediately thought of you when I saw some of the cool sandals there. I got my shoes from Aldo at the mall - they got some mega-sales going on. So, I thought I'd share with you some of the stuff I saw that would be great with Sunday dress that is not too far removed from flip flops:

EMILIENNE - women's wedges sandals for sale at ALDO Shoes.

This would have been great with your baptism suit:

STROZIER - women's occasion sandals for sale at ALDO Shoes.

I bought this one that I plan to wear on Sunday:

KEITHLY - women's platforms sandals for sale at ALDO Shoes.

I have something similar to these that I sometimes wear to church (except mine has 2" heels and the straps are thicker):

Posted Image

You like?

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And here's some snippet of what to expect as an RS Secretary:

The Relief Society secretary has the following responsibilities:

She consults with the Relief Society president to prepare agendas for presidency meetings. She attends these meetings, takes notes, and keeps track of assignments.

Each month, she compiles a visiting teaching report for the Relief Society president to give to the bishop unless a visiting teaching coordinator has been assigned to do so (see 9.5.4). At least quarterly, she compiles attendance information, reviews it with the Relief Society president, and submits it to the ward clerk.

She ensures that the Relief Society presidency is aware of young women who will be entering Relief Society.

She assists the Relief Society presidency in preparing an annual budget and accounting for expenses.

Your RS President should be able to guide you through this calling. EXCITING!

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Yay for you, Just Girl! You sound so happy - I'm glad for you. :)

While we do wear "Sunday best" to church, I do allow my 10-year-old to wear pretty flip flops. I am lucky to get her there at all. She has a pair of sparkly purple flipflops with flowers on the straps, and that's what she wears. I'm sure the Lord is happy to have her there no matter what is on her feet. It is truly the best we can do right now. :)

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Judo: Thanks! I have been blessed with a wonderful Bishop and a very understanding RS president that I know will help if I get to the point where I'm overwhelmed. (Not only does my Bishop know my family, but he was a convert, as well...)... It is all very fast but I think part of that is because for YEARS I have known that this could be a possibility. Having been raised in the Community of Christ, there were quite a few 'normal' hurdles that I didn't have (such as gaining a testimony of the Book of Mormon or of Joseph Smith, Jr. as a Prophet), though I did have to reconcile how I always saw Brigham Young as quite a horrible character and figure out where I stood on Priesthood authority. Thanks for the support, though!

Wingnut: I wondered if that would be a problem, but from what I understand it wont be. I have a recommend in hand, though there isn't a number included on it, and have been told that it wont be a problem. Hopefully that is the case, otherwise I'll just spend a long day walking around the Temple grounds, I suppose. Not only did our current Bishop think it was okay, but one of the former Bishops also said that it was possible for me to go without a number. I guess I'll know tomorrow! :)

Anatess: Thanks so much for those links!! You thought of me while shopping for shoes? I'm so honored!!! :) I found an adorable pair of flat ballet style shoes today when i popped into the local shoe store actually in search of a bag to haul my stuff tomorrow... I have a very strange foot to fit (i think that is probably why I long for flip flops all the time) and these felt great... I just wish they had more styles in my size!!

Thanks for the info on what a RS secretary does, as well. I'll be spending time with the RS president while at the Temple tomorrow (she has said she is staying with me rather than going to do endowments) and while I doubt we will be doing much talking about RS 'stuff', it will be nice to spend some time with her and get to know her better. She was actually the first person to introduce herself to me when I went to church the first time and her husband gave me my first blessing.... She had asked if I could meet with her after church on Sunday, which I agreed to, but then I reminded her that Sunday is Mother's Day and she thought she had better check again to make sure it would be okay... I know we will be meeting sometime soon, though.

Mightynancy: To say I am happy is putting things lightly... I'm more than happy, for sure! I love learning more things and am finding I'm especially blessed by the talks that have been given at GC. I found a wonderful LDS Scripture app for my iPhone and it is so great to be able to pull up something to read when I'm waiting for my son somewhere or just have a few moments to read and focus on what is being said... I love how to the point they are, not forever long and winded, and that they are so focused on one topic and not many. Having grown up around the Book of Mormon, diving back into after years of not reading it has been like coming home... it soothes me and feeds me and strengthens me in different ways all the time. Yes, I am certainly happy!!

Jenn: Things are going pretty well. I can't say they are perfect (I still haven't found the right way or time to tell my mother and son about everything that is happening, though they know I am attending church and whatnot) but they are still so much better than they were a week ago... and soooooo much better than they were a month ago. :)


I am so overwhelmed (in a good way) at the thought of what I will be experiencing tomorrow. While I dont live near the local LDS Temple (it is about an hour and a half away) I can remember seeing it as it was built years ago. I have friends that went through it before the dedication, though I did not. I know the Community of Christ Temple is completely different, but I saved my quarters to help build that building and can only imagine how much more powerful tomorrow will be than when I'm in the CofC Temple (which is one of my most favorite places on Earth, actually...).... I dont think I ever thought I would come to a point in my life when I would actually be allowed to enter an LDS Temple. I still sit back and am in awe that all of this is happening. I feel so unworthy, so humbled, and yet so excited. I couldn't sleep last night and I know it was because I was trying to wrap my head around everything that is happening... I know I will 'just' be doing baptisms for the dead, that there is so much more that the Temple has to offer and that, in time (hopefully), I will be able to experience that... but I want to soak in everything tomorrow....

I suppose that is enough for now! Thanks again for all of your support... I really do appreciate it!!

OH - I was thinking of posting a photo of me with the sister missionary that recently left to go home because her mission was over... but I dont know if photos are allowed (well, ones aside from the amazing shoe photo posted earlier... )... LOL.... Let me know!!

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Wingnut: I wondered if that would be a problem, but from what I understand it wont be. I have a recommend in hand, though there isn't a number included on it, and have been told that it wont be a problem. Hopefully that is the case, otherwise I'll just spend a long day walking around the Temple grounds, I suppose. Not only did our current Bishop think it was okay, but one of the former Bishops also said that it was possible for me to go without a number. I guess I'll know tomorrow! :)

The limited use recommends (for baptisms/confirmations, but not other ordinances) have more flexibility, so I'm not too surprised. I'm glad to hear it, in fact. I just went to the temple last weekend with the young women in my ward. It was the first time for three of them, and they each had a wonderful experience. The last time I went with the youth, it was the first time for another of my girls. Those few hours inside, with them experiencing the joy and the spirit of the temple, have been some of the best moments of my life.

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Well, I just returned from the temple. It was an absolutely wonderful experience. I feel so blessed and so honored that I was allowed to do the work that I did today and know that, in time, I will grow even more in an understanding of what it means...

I can't quite get my head around it, though I'm trying. What a joy... And it left me with even more of a feeling of wanting to work towards even more....

Just thought I'd let you know I was able to go in... the only glitch was that I remembered my camera was still in my bag from my baptism the other night and I had to check it at the desk. I'm glad I realized it, though...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Rame - sorry I didn't respond sooner... YES - it was completely amazing! Even now, weeks later, I'm still in awe of the experience.

So just thought I would give everyone a bit of an update... Things have been interesting, to say the least. I can't go into all the details, but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the choice I made to join this church was the correct one.

Yesterday I was invited to speak to the district meeting for the missionaries in our district and to share my conversion story. It was such a wonderful experience... I can't begin to describe everything that has happened. Heavenly Father continues to find ways to remind me that He loves me and that this is all in His plan. Even more, my son has started asking some questions and will be talking with the missionaries for the first time tomorrow... My heart leaps with joy at the thought of the things to come!

Don't forget about us, please, as we need your prayers, greatly... This journey is not an easy one, for sure! :)

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