Hello and issue: 'do not tempt' vs 'look for truth in all forms'.


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ok well, hello LDS members

I'm a finishing student with Kent university in the UK (1 exam left).

Over the past years of the course I have been good friends with mature colleague (29yr); in the LDS church and befriended his friends and church football group, it was quite a small group to start with (we just took a local playfield), but eventually invited a few other friends to come along in my car to boost numbers.

During the course, we really studied well together, and now over these last exam periods when gone from 'library studying, to visiting each others house to get work done and lighter atmospheres such as cafés (apparently there's something against coffee/tea, so we have softdrinks - maybe there's something against that too =p).

I'm an atheist, and quite a intellectually grounded one (i don't mean as in smart -though I'm told my brain is screwed on right- but in terms of reading round the issues and arguments), and i've made no attempt to hide it - aside from not bringing the conversation up first in company, the discussion of religion doesn't come up much as we had other things to talk about it, its not like it was taboo subject, passing statements about why we're doing something or not doing something or a humorous bible quote will occur once in a while.

Anyway, now we we're talking about what it will be like after graduation, and the topic's been gaining ground into more 'discussion of our perspectives, and insights' into the issue. The reason I never put the conversation to 'why do you believe x', 'how do you justify this' is two fold, one is the retractive instincts and doctrine to stay away from those who 'tempt you from the faith', and the other is, if I did lead to his deconversion, is would have large social consequences for him which I especially didn't want during our education. Jokingly he put he'll try and convert me, although acknowledges its hard beyond what he's seen before, I don't have any problem with discussions to this effect, but its a two way street.

I've been in the company of christians for some time now from college, and the members, moderates and fundies of christianchat (for a year). Of course I have other friends, but I put that across to demonstrate I know critical discussions (contingent upon quality as well I suppose) can't change many people, its not like I shouldn't owe him how my critical thought processes work, but i'm reconcilling where the line is between christian doctrinal defense systems 'shield yourself from temptations, disassociate with those you'll lead you away etc' and 'looking for truth in all its forms'.


Edited by Thomas60
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Howdy and welcome, Thomas60! I'm not LDS myself, so I'll let some of the LDS members here lead off with their thoughts on the issues you raised. I'm one of the forum's resident Evangelicals (and an 'intellectually grounded one' at that ;)). It's good to have you here! I'd love to hear more at some point about how you go about studying various pertinent issues.

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I'm one of the forum's resident Evangelicals (and an 'intellectually grounded one' at that ;)). It's good to have you here! I'd love to hear more at some point about how you go about studying various pertinent issues.

You know, I believe you :)

I've been getting bored of CC, so I may stay around. Also making a move to Canada in a few months 'Saschatchwa' though i'll probably move to Calgary from there, so I need to figure out some networking groups and work when I land xD

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Welcome, Thomas60. I don't know the first thing about christianchat, but my totally prejudiced, biased, uninformed guess is that they hate Mormons worse than they hate atheists.

I see some real strength in the intellectual position typically adopted by most atheists; I'm somewhat intellectually inclined myself, so I naturally gravitate to that way of considering things. But in my experience, most atheists are glaringly weak in a sort of meta sense; they typically don't realize the foundation of sand upon which all their beliefs are built. In rejecting God, they have rejected any possible recourse to any standard higher than human intellect. Seeing how our modern concepts differ so radically from those of ancient Greece -- arguably the pinnacle of recorded human philosophical achievement -- should, I think, be enough to convince any honest and clear-thinking person of this fact. Seeing the radical changes in our own society within a single generation underscores that fact.

Anyway, welcome. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Howdy and welcome, Thomas60! I'm not LDS myself, so I'll let some of the LDS members here lead off with their thoughts on the issues you raised. I'm one of the forum's resident Evangelicals (and an 'intellectually grounded one' at that ;)). It's good to have you here! I'd love to hear more at some point about how you go about studying various pertinent issues.

Of course that is a matter of opinion. :P

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Welcome, Thomas60. I don't know the first thing about christianchat, but my totally prejudiced, biased, uninformed guess is that they hate Mormons worse than they hate atheists.

It depends on the question of the topics that come up, I would say yes, they are more reactive to doctrines that disagree with their holy-trinity model that 'try to pass off as christian (if you know what I mean)'.



3.Catholics get some flack too, but not nearly to the same degree.

Of course that is a matter of opinion.

Indeed, you never know what that grounding is unless its tested; test the water (as the say), but find no ground, there's an awful lot of water :)

But in my experience, most atheists are glaringly weak in a sort of meta sense; they typically don't realize the foundation of sand upon which all their beliefs are built.

playing around with the analogy a bit, is there really a foundation other than sand?; could be the next question (that was rhetorical). One can say yes, a rock, but as one might guess, perhaps that rock is really sand :) So one needs to find the best sort of sand.
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