They Should Put That On A T-shirt!

Winnie G

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I thought it would be fun to write down and make a list of funny things I have seen lately.

Please feel free to add your favorite thing and post in back.

Wile standing in a book stores in Cardston Alberta this last week I saw a book and its title made me laugh and as my husband turned, he started to laugh as well.

The title was “Strangely Your Husband Is Not A Option”

I said they should put that on T-shirts!

So if any of you want good idea for a gift for the women you love put it on a T-shirt. :idea:

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Funny t-shirts? Over at they have a link to Che shirts. One said "My ultimate goal as a socialist revolutinary was to have my face plastered on the t - shirts of rich white kids. Che Guevara"

Thought that was hillarious!

I had a friend at BYU who wore a t-shirt that read (in Russian) "Capitalism ######." The shirt itself was not terribly funny, but the resulting discussions could get entertaining!

Edit: FYI, the word I used that got censored was not what most people would consider a swear word (if it were spelled a bit differently, it would be). Just telling you so you don't get the impression I'm in the habit of cussin'!

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