What you should know about 2011


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Did you know that parts of China (the grain producing areas) have seen the least rain this century (and other parts in 50 years) and the drought they experienced this past winter has been followed this week by 200 year flooding?...did you know that they are a major grower of food and that they weren't able to get their spring rice crop in and that it looks bad for the summer crop as well? That at least 40 percent of the US rice crop won't even be planted this year because of flooding and we are usually a major exporter?

England is currently in an ALL record breaking (as in since records started being kept) drought and that Russia had an all record breaking drought last summer where it lost 1/3 of it's crop? That many European countries are currently the driest they have been in 50 years?

Did you know that almost half of thise winter's US wheat crop is rated as poor or worse? That Texas (the 2nd largest producer of wheat in the US) will not see 2/3 of it's wheat crop this year and exceptional drought is effecting the surrounding wheat producing states as well. Cotton is also greatly impacted.

Did you know that because of drought or wet weather/flooding (in many if not most states of the US and even Canada) farmers are behind, have not been able to get all their crops in yet and/or have had to switch to crops needing a shorter growing season? In my area the farmers should have been working on their second cutting of alfalfa and many haven't been able to cut their first as we have had almost daily rain/showers.

The message this month in Relief Society was on temporal self-reliance and I've been thinking that perhaps that message was very timely...there have been many articles lately about how food prices are only headed UP this year...isn't it about time to buy some (food) as the First Presidency told us to do in 2007...http://www.providentliving.org/fhs/pdf/WE_FamilyResourcesGuide_International_04008_000.pdf If you will notice in the first presidency letter in the pamphlet the Lord has COMMANDED us to do it...

Did you know that wheat, rice, beans and other foods are already canned and waiting in cases at the Church Dry Pack Canneries? All you have to do is walk in, pay for them with your card and take them home?

Isn't it about time???


Crop Weather Damage Grows as Europe Drought, Canada Rain Boost Grain Costs - Bloomberg

China Goes From 50 Year Record Drought To 200 Year Record Deadly Floods | zero hedge

US Drought Monitor

NOAA - National Weather Service - Water

Edited by lds2
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I'm not usually alarmist (and the OP is certainly from an alarmist POV). But dang - some of the disasters of the greatest magnitude to ever visit humanity, have fallen on China in the form of famine and flooding. Folks who buy into the sensationalistic language of "past winter's devastating drought" are missing what 'devastating' actually mans. 9-13 million Chineese starved in 1876-79. 15-43 million from 1959-61. Flooding killed between 9-2 million in 1887, 2-3 million in 1931, and half a million in 1938. China's disaster history is what I think of whenever someone starts talking about end times because of the tornado in Joplin (or whatever).

I don't know anything about what China has done to keep these things from happening again, I just get a little itchy when folks start predicting another cycle.

Edited by Loudmouth_Mormon
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Now if I said that we were headed into a famine...that would be a prediction...and I really don't know if we are...although they are predicted in Matthew 24 in the Pearl of Great Price which as we know was about what to expect before the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Fortunately, usually disasters in some areas are balanced out with bumper crops in others...but going into this year things do not look very good for bumper crops in the world as a whole and global food stocks are presently exceptionally low. So I was just saying, it might be provident to prepare just in case, that is if you can without going into debt to do so.

Unfortunately, higher food prices are also a given, at least until the new crops are harvested but most staples are still pretty affordable right now.

Your friend...

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What you should know about 2011 is that it is a year that fits nicely between 2010 and 2012. The issues we are facing are the same that we have been counciled on for years if not decades by the General Authorities. The warning cry to always be prepared for the worst is not a new one, nor is it something only the LDS church has been talking about. Those who will hear will respond if they haven't already begun. Those who will not hear will not prepare, no matter what the warnings are, nor how serious the scene becomes.

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Well, either you're closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated by the year 2011. You got trouble, my friend, I say, trouble, right here on LDS.net. 2+0+1+1=4, which is one more than 3, and that rhymes with P, and that stands for POOL!

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Well, either you're closing your eyes to a situation you do not wish to acknowledge, or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated by the year 2011. You got trouble, my friend, I say, trouble, right here on LDS.net. 2+0+1+1=4, which is one more than 3, and that rhymes with P, and that stands for POOL!

But only on altertnate back-to-back leap years with a friday the 13th in June on a full moon while a penguin is in office as president of the united states.

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You guys are seriously funny! :) But when there is a laugh button what ya gonna do but make everything a joke? and I have to admit you made me laugh.

But seriously...since I'm not making predictions, I'm not trying to con anyone, I'm not into numerology and there are no prophecies involved...I'm not getting how they apply.

I do care about my brother's and sister's and thought there might be some that might want to know what's going on with food production this year since that is an interest of mine.


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