Afterlife and Millennium questions...

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I've been a member all my life, but still have a vague understanding of things we will be doing after this life. I know depending on how you live here on earth, we will be either in the Celestial, Telestial, or Terrestrial Kingdoms, and those will afford you "privileges" over the others. I was asking my husband if we will get to make love in heaven or in the millennium when we are reunited with our bodies, or if I will get to have more children (we are done in this earthly life at least).

Will the millennium be vastly different then the rest of eternity? I know we need to finish up things on earth, make sure everyone has had the fullness of the gospel and temple ordinances completed. I know the earth will be returned to its celestial state, and I wonder how beautiful that will be. I am sure we can only imagine...I am hoping nothing over 80 degrees -joking- (just because I live in Missouri and its currently 100+ today) no bugs, all animals in peace with one another, and we get to eat whatever we want and not get fat (joking, kind of...)

Besides being kings and queens of our own worlds (whatever THAT really means) that is the max of my knowledge. Does anyone have any of their own knowledge of these things they would like to share? What do you think does and will go on in our next life?

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As Vort said in another thread,

1 Corinthians 2:9

But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.


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It's good to wonder a little bit about these things, I think. As far as doing the things in the afterlife that we enjoy here (eating good food, lovemaking, etc.), I believe we will do all good and honorable things there or an much grander equivalent that we can't learn about right now! Personally, I think the possibilities of actual activities are exciting.

As for the generality of what we'll be doing- personally, I believe that we'll be progressing in power and knowledge as we continue to serve as stewards under FATHER and CHRIST, until the "perfect day" comes and we continue on to the next stage of our existence.

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I've been a member all my life, but still have a vague understanding of things we will be doing after this life. I know depending on how you live here on earth, we will be either in the Celestial, Telestial, or Terrestrial Kingdoms, and those will afford you "privileges" over the others. I was asking my husband if we will get to make love in heaven or in the millennium when we are reunited with our bodies, or if I will get to have more children (we are done in this earthly life at least).

Technically we don't know about the first part.. we do know we will have children, how that is going to come about in the eternities we don't have the details on (altho there are some that probably do believe that its the same way we do on earth). We also know that god will not take away blessings we have in this life if we are faithful.

Will the millennium be vastly different then the rest of eternity?

It will be different, as in how a middle step is different from the last step, as to how different we don't know the extent, other than that the earth itself will be perfected.

I know we need to finish up things on earth, make sure everyone has had the fullness of the gospel and temple ordinances completed. I know the earth will be returned to its celestial state, and I wonder how beautiful that will be. I am sure we can only imagine...I am hoping nothing over 80 degrees -joking- (just because I live in Missouri and its currently 100+ today) no bugs, all animals in peace with one another, and we get to eat whatever we want and not get fat (joking, kind of...)

Besides being kings and queens of our own worlds (whatever THAT really means) that is the max of my knowledge. Does anyone have any of their own knowledge of these things they would like to share? What do you think does and will go on in our next life?


In addition to following God, and bringing him glory.. we will bringing help, beauty, and order to what we have been given responsibility over. Whether its a portion of land, a group of people, a world, a universe, or whatever in ones duty may fall within at any time. Look at how the church is run, and how it treats both people inside and outside of it, as well as how it treats the environments it is in... then just having it be perfect and amplifying the all the things it does correctly.

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I've been a member all my life, but still have a vague understanding of things we will be doing after this life. I know depending on how you live here on earth, we will be either in the Celestial, Telestial, or Terrestrial Kingdoms, and those will afford you "privileges" over the others. I was asking my husband if we will get to make love in heaven or in the millennium when we are reunited with our bodies, or if I will get to have more children (we are done in this earthly life at least).

Will the millennium be vastly different then the rest of eternity? I know we need to finish up things on earth, make sure everyone has had the fullness of the gospel and temple ordinances completed. I know the earth will be returned to its celestial state, and I wonder how beautiful that will be. I am sure we can only imagine...I am hoping nothing over 80 degrees -joking- (just because I live in Missouri and its currently 100+ today) no bugs, all animals in peace with one another, and we get to eat whatever we want and not get fat (joking, kind of...)

Besides being kings and queens of our own worlds (whatever THAT really means) that is the max of my knowledge. Does anyone have any of their own knowledge of these things they would like to share? What do you think does and will go on in our next life?

This is what makes any good and true religion faith based. There is not much that can be explained until one is there doing it just like a doctor couldn't really explain what it is like to be a doctor until one is actually living that life, etc. We get glimpses of it by living the gospel and having a family of our own here. These, in part, are things we are commanded to do in this life so we develop a love for Godliness. The power of the priesthood, Jesus' teachings and example, Joseph Smith's vision, temple work, the gospel itself, etc. are things that give us glimpses and metaphors for that existence, but that is as much as we get without taking faith out of the equation. Only those that know the true nature of God and can "see" God could know this but they are those whose probationary test is over. To "see" God is what the tree of life represents, most of us are still holding onto the rod and not quite there yet.

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Sweetiepie, perhaps the following quote might shed some light on your questions. I have not yet found who the author actually was, but it was published in the Millenial Star, November 17, 1866. And while it's technically addressing heaven, I suspect it has some application to the Millenium and other kingdoms as well.

"A Saint, who is one in deed and in truth, does not look for an immaterial heaven but he expects a heaven with lands, houses, cities, vegetation, rivers, and animals; with thrones, temples, palaces, kings, priests, and angels; with food, raiment, musical instruments, etc.; all of which are material. Indeed the Saints' heaven is a redeemed, glorified, celestial material creation, inhabited by glorified material beings, male and female, organized into families, embracing all the relationships of husbands and wives, parents and children, where sorrow, crying, pain, and death will be known no more. Or to speak still more definitely, this earth, when glorified, is the Saints' eternal heaven. On it they expect to live, with body parts, and holy passions; on it they expect to move and have their being; to eat, drink, converse, worship, sing, play on musical instruments, engage in joyful, innocent, social amusements, visit neighboring towns and neighboring worlds; ineed, matter and its qualities and properties are the only being or things with which they expect to associate. If they embrace the Father, they expect to embrace a glorified, immortal, spiritual, material Personage; if they embrace the Son of God, they embrace a spiritual Being of material flesh and bones, whose image is in the likeness of the Fathe; if they enjoy the society of the Holy Ghost, they expect to behold a glorious spiritual Personage, a material body of spirit; if they associate with the spirits of men and angels, they expect to find them material."

True, the above is not scripture, but it is food for thought. As for the idea some have that "spirit" is immaterial, such a view contradicts the D&C which teaches that all spirit is matter--it's just that some spirit is more refined and pure than other spirit matter. Hence, what seems immaterial to us in our present state is certainly not immaterial to others in a different state of being.

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Sean1427's comment is awesome.

The millenium will be a lot like our earth today (cities, industry, etc.). Elder McConkie described a lot of what he envisioned the millenium to be in Mormon Doctrine, there's a LOT in there about that.

As for the "lovemaking" ( a very important topic indeed), it will exist in the Celestial Kingdom for those exalted, but not in the other degrees of glory. I forget which GA actually commented on this but it is thought that beings in the lesser two kingdoms will be gender neutral (I.E. our "equipment" will no longer be there).

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Sweetiepie, perhaps the following quote might shed some light on your questions. I have not yet found who the author actually was, but it was published in the Millenial Star, November 17, 1866.

Orson Pratt.

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Guest Sachi001

From what I have had with discussions with the Temple presidents today and in the past. You are not assigned any of the 3 kingdoms until the final resurrection. The final resurrection does not occur until a thousand years after Christs purging the earth and reigns, and we have inhabited the earth again in our flesh and bone bodies. Until then you will be in spirit in the Spirit world.

Suggested reading link:

Gospel Fundamentals Chapter 34: The Millennium

Gospel Principles Chapter 45: The Millennium

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The final resurrection does not occur until a thousand years after Christs purging the earth and reigns, and we have inhabited the earth again in our flesh and bone bodies. Until then you will be in spirit in the Spirit world.

I would say there is no support for such a statement in the scriptures. Unless you make it clear that the timing is open ended to an extreme degree.

"until a thousand years after -- or possibly a few million quadrillion billion eons after..."


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I would say there is no support for such a statement in the scriptures. Unless you make it clear that the timing is open ended to an extreme degree.

"until a thousand years after -- or possibly a few million quadrillion billion eons after..."


as a matter of fact the final resurrection will take place after the millenium and BEFORE the final judgment. It's important to understand that ALL must be resurrected for the final judgment with Christ. There are a LOT of scriptures to back this up.

2 Nephi 9:22 is a pretty clear one. All will be resurrected for the judgment.

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as a matter of fact the final resurrection will take place after the millenium and BEFORE the final judgment. It's important to understand that ALL must be resurrected for the final judgment with Christ. There are a LOT of scriptures to back this up.

2 Nephi 9:22 is a pretty clear one. All will be resurrected for the judgment.

Abraham...hath entered into his exaltation and sitteth upon his throne.

Methinks you overgeneralize.

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Methinks you misunderstood the quote :huh: , my answer was in regards to the LAST resurrection not the first.

The first resurrection has already started and we know that since a resurrected Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith when he was a boy.

I was answering the question about when the wicked will be resurrected. They will be brought up AFTER the millenium in order to stand at the judgment bar.

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Methinks you misunderstood the quote :huh: , my answer was in regards to the LAST resurrection not the first.

Perhaps I did. I was reacting to your statement:

as a matter of fact the final resurrection will take place after the millenium and BEFORE the final judgment. It's important to understand that ALL must be resurrected for the final judgment with Christ.

From this, I gathered that you believe that, well, all must be resurrected before the final judgment with Christ. But since that apparently was not the case with Abraham, I think the statement is incorrect.

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Perhaps I did. I was reacting to your statement:

as a matter of fact the final resurrection will take place after the millenium and BEFORE the final judgment. It's important to understand that ALL must be resurrected for the final judgment with Christ.

From this, I gathered that you believe that, well, all must be resurrected before the final judgment with Christ. But since that apparently was not the case with Abraham, I think the statement is incorrect.

I'll try to make this as clear as I can, a special few have already been resurrected with Christ (1 Cor. 15:20), the faithful saints who have passed away will resurrect in the MORNING of the first resurrection (i.e. the Second Coming), others will resurrected during the millenium, and the wicked will be resurrected after the millenium.

This means that all WILL be resurrected by the time the final judgment occurs, BUT NOT ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

Does that help?

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I'll try to make this as clear as I can, a special few have already been resurrected with Christ (1 Cor. 15:20), the faithful saints who have passed away will resurrect in the MORNING of the first resurrection (i.e. the Second Coming), others will resurrected during the millenium, and the wicked will be resurrected after the millenium.

This means that all WILL be resurrected by the time the final judgment occurs, BUT NOT ALL AT THE SAME TIME.

Does that help?

Not really. The point is that as of this moment, not everyone has been resurrected -- indeed, not everyone has even been born -- yet Abraham has already received his final judgment. This contradicts your assertion that all will be resurrected before anyone receives a final judgment.

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Not really. The point is that as of this moment, not everyone has been resurrected -- indeed, not everyone has even been born -- yet Abraham has already received his final judgment. This contradicts your assertion that all will be resurrected before anyone receives a final judgment.

It's not an assertion!! It's scripture!! What do you think Job and Nephi meant when they said that in their FLESH they will see God? (2 Nephi 2:4)

This isn't some obscure pseudo-doctrine or my opinion, this is a scriptural fact.

The resurrection of the dead started with Christ (which means Abraham wasn't resurrected until AFTER Christ) and the resurrection will END BEFORE the final judgment.

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It's not an assertion!! It's scripture!! What do you think Job and Nephi meant when they said that in their FLESH they will see God? (2 Nephi 2:4)

This isn't some obscure pseudo-doctrine or my opinion, this is a scriptural fact.

The resurrection of the dead started with Christ (which means Abraham wasn't resurrected until AFTER Christ) and the resurrection will END BEFORE the final judgment.

And by the way, Abraham received the second comforter, NOT the final judgment, there is a difference between having your exaltation promised to you BEFORE you even die. Alma was promised just that in Mosiah 26:20. This DOES NOT mean there will not be a final judgment for him.

To better your understanding of fundamental doctrine, I would suggest reading Jesus the Christ (toward the end of the book), any of the institute manuals, or even consult with your local priesthood leadership. They will all confirm these truths for you.

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It's not an assertion!! It's scripture!!

Methinks you don't know what an assertion is.

What do you think Job and Nephi meant when they said that in their FLESH they will see God? (2 Nephi 2:4)

I suspect they meant that they would see God in their flesh.

This isn't some obscure pseudo-doctrine or my opinion, this is a scriptural fact.

The resurrection of the dead started with Christ (which means Abraham wasn't resurrected until AFTER Christ) and the resurrection will END BEFORE the final judgment.

Has the resurrection ended yet?

Has Abraham received his "final judgment" and entered into his exaltation?

How do you reconcile your assertion with your answers to the above two questions?

And by the way, Abraham received the second comforter, NOT the final judgment, there is a difference between having your exaltation promised to you BEFORE you even die.

Whether or not this is true is not relevant. The scripture I cited does not teach that Abraham has his calling and election made sure. It teaches that Abraham "hath entered into his exaltation and sitteth upon his throne." Present perfect and present tenses, not future.

To better your understanding of fundamental doctrine, I would suggest reading Jesus the Christ (toward the end of the book), any of the institute manuals, or even consult with your local priesthood leadership. They will all confirm these truths for you.

Thanks for your kind concern. I'm still waiting for you to address the issues I have brought up, though.

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Are you saying the final judgment has already started?

No. I am saying that your assertion, at least as I understood it in context, is incorrect. You wrote:

as a matter of fact the final resurrection will take place after the millenium and BEFORE the final judgment. It's important to understand that ALL must be resurrected for the final judgment with Christ.

I see two ways of interpreting this:

  • All must be resurrected before anyone will be judged.
  • Everyone who is judged must first be resurrected.

The second possible interpretation is trivially obvious and doesn't fit with the thread, so I discarded it, leaving the first as the only interpretation I could make. My example of Abraham was intended to demonstrate that the first interpretation is also problematic. If there is a third interpretation that you meant but that I missed, sorry about that.

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I will rephrase your first interpretation. A person must be resurrected before he/she is judged.

The key to what I've been saying is that the resurrection of the dead will end before the FINAL judgment, huge emphasis on FINAL. That is what I'm trying to explain. A select few have received their exaltation already as you have mentioned in the case of Abraham.

About the second comforter, I am mistaken, meaning that although I imagine that Abraham did receive it in his mortal life, he has in addition been exalted since then.

My main point is that there exists an event called the FINAL judgment in which all those beings who have lived and died on this earth (with the VERY rare exception of being exalted before hand as in the case of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob)

Now, before THIS event takes place, anyone who has not been already resurrected will be so that everyone who has lived on this earth will have a body for his or her judgment.

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I'm not sure it's a collective imperative that all will be resurrected at the same time, even at the 'end' of the 2nd resurrection. That is what I am pretty sure is not in the scriptures. We all know that the resurrection occurs first, and then the FINAL judgement.

I'm not at all sure that everyone's FINAL judgement happens at the same time. I have searched and searched and never found scriptural justification as to that.

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