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Besides, it's been demonstrated that the school can't babysit her, at least not effectively. They made her promise not to do something under consequence of possible expulsion and she did it anyway.

If Backroad's reading of the OP as having had sex before agreeing to the honor code is correct then the above is not applicable. Though I find the timeline in the OP to be a bit unclear.

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I suppose there are a lot of facts we just dont know about her situation. I am hesitant to jump to conclusions but you (all) may very well be right. In any outcome its important to remember its not the end of the road, there is always repentance and a road back to the right path.

It's true, but all we were asked for was "help". None of us our on the board at BYU-Idaho. None of us our her bishop (as far as I'm aware).

Repentance is definitely a good thing and it is the end that matters... that should be the focus and not the school.

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If Backroad's reading of the OP as having had sex before agreeing to the honor code is correct then the above is not applicable. Though I find the timeline in the OP to be a bit unclear.

It is kind of unclear, but if my reading is correct she should have never gone up in the first place.

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All right, I'll answer this directly.

When you applied for BYU-Idaho, you would have met with an ecclesiastical leader. In order for him to approve your application, you would have needed to be good on all fronts. If I'm reading this correctly, you had sex before you went up to school the first time. During that meeting with your bishop, you should have repented then, before you even set foot on the campus.

You have to get it done sometime.

Which is why I question whether the OP is real or inciting a heated discussion for no reason other than being an arsonist.

If it is real, I'm still curious as to what "PLEASE HELP!!!!" is suppose to entail. What in the world are we to do about her aberrant behavior? Make phone calls? Tell her what to do and say so that she can still attend BYU-I? If the OP is real, then she knows what she needs to do.

She needs to do what just about every post on this thread advises her to do, TALK TO HER BISHOP. Then take what consequences come her way. Any other advice is just superfluous.

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  • 1 month later...

Woah, there are a lot of voices on this forum. I feel like I should include my opinion too, not to add to the chaos, but because I've actually been there. I do realize it's been a month since you posted.

I have had situations of repentance while I was off-track. I think it does depend a lot on your bishop and how strict of a guy he is. Kinda sounds bad to say, but you get some who are really knowledgeable about the school's standards and are quick to kick people out for transgressions less serious than sex. Then you have bishops who have a policy where if they can help you repent, they will do that without informing the school IF they're sure no one else knows about it (past roommates, etc).

I think you can definitely try to repent now for winter. Even if you have to register for classes toward Christmas time, that gives you enough time to have met with your bishop and gotten a plan for you to become worthy. It may be that you will be referred to your campus bishop for winter semester to continue to meet with him on a regular basis, but I think you have a good chance of not getting kicked out.

I promise that the most important thing for you to do to help yourself out in this situation is to first make your decision to confess to your bishop. Once you know you are going to do that, go in there with a fully humble heart and don't lie about anything. Be willing to accept whatever he says as far as not taking the sacrament or whatever else. Just be humble and willing to work hard during these next few months to get the Spirit back into your life. You will know when you are forgiven. You will feel ready to go to the temple again and not be ashamed to be wearing white. I promise it's the best thing you could feel, being right with God and feeling worthy! Good luck!

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Guest FixingTheWrongs

I was inactive for a while and I experienced things that i never thought i would. I did have sex with multiple men. To be specific its been four. I am now attending byui and i wont be back for another 5 months for my break. and i had sex before i came up to school and im scared to tell my bishop because i am afraid that i will not be able to attend byui my winter semester. PLEASE HELP!!!!

You need to ask yourself what is more important? Reconciling yourself with God and living with yourself and your mistakes or not missing a college semiester. I think you know already what you need to do, reguardless of what may happen.

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