Intellectually ok, but how to grow conviction?

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Intellectually I accept Exaltation is only obtainable through proper baptism, obedience and enduring to the end.

To tell a Christian they are wrong and not making it to heaven, and then turn on the infallibility of the bible in favor of the BoM, intellectually I get. Convictionally, and the ability to do it is almost nonexistant, leading to a "schooling" IMO of myself today when trying to discus the gospel with another christian. Thankfully I like the guy and we are friends, but I don't know what to do...

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First off, you need a better doctrinal understanding of what "heaven" is. Those who abide in the telestial and terrestrial kingdoms are saved in a heaven. They will enjoy the fullness of that light which they were willing to receive. We do not condemn others for their religious preferences. Only the sons of perdition end up in outer darkness forever.

Hell is the spirit world--and the same world in Hebrew (sheol) denotes it as paradise also. It simply means the abode of spirits who are awaiting the resurrection. In that sense, disobedient spirits go to "hell" in the spirit world where they must repent before the resurrection. Hell has an end as such.

Don't use Protestant-Evangelical terminology like heaven and hell. When you serve as a missionary, you are to teach the full plan of salvation, which includes the kingdoms of glory. You teach that the atonement of Christ is what saves, and that we obtain grace by obedience to gospel ordinances. Let the investigator decide what his eternal destiny will be. It's not up to us to judge. You simply teach the conditions and covenants required for celestial glory and they will self-select based on the degree of light that is in their hearts.

The way you prepare to do this is to fast and pray, studying the scriptures. If you are obedient to the commandments, the Holy Ghost will be poured out upon you and you will understand intellectually and spiritually. You'll be able to teach with authority then. It doesn't come without effort. Fasting and prayer is marvelous preparation.

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We are not saved by baptism.

You need to separate out the terms "salvation" and "exaltation."

All will be resurrected as an absolutely free gift. No baptism or obedience is required.

All are saved by grace by faith in Christ and repentance. This means that when we believe in Christ and repent, we are rescued from spiritual death and hell. For the thief on the cross, Jesus told him he would be with him that day in paradise. He had been rescued from Spirit Prison/hell by his profession of faith and repentance.

All who believe and repent will receive a kingdom of heaven/glory. D&C 76 teaches that even the Telestial kingdom (where murderers and adulterers will go who just barely repent), will be a kingdom of salvation and glory greater than we can imagine.

That said, we require baptism, the Gift of the Holy Ghost and other ordinances in order to gain higher levels of glory. The ordinances are outward symbols that we fully embrace the covenants we enter into with God. And as we honor those covenants, we become holy. We go from grace to grace, receiving grace for grace (D&C 93). As we become more holy, we are able to accept more and more of the light and grace of Christ, until we can receive a fullness in the Father's presence.

IOW, we teach a near universal salvation. Only the Sons of Perdition will not gain a kingdom of glory. That is because they choose to be vessels of anger and misery, refusing to accept the atonement of Christ and his rescue. All those who suffer in Spirit Prison/hell who repent will be rescued. Sons of Perdition will never repent nor accept the atonement of Christ.

Meanwhile, most other Christians do not believe in a near universal salvation as we do. Billions who have died without ever hearing the name of Christ will be condemned to hell because they did not believe or were saved. They had no choice in the matter, yet are still condemned forever to hell simply because they were born in the wrong time and place.

Meanwhile, we teach that all will hear God's voice, either here on earth or in the Spirit World, and be given a fair chance to accept all/some/none of the atonement of Christ.

You grow a conviction of such teachings as you marvel at how merciful the plan really is. Especially when you study Calvinism, where they teach a limited atonement, and no real agency, but we are all saved/condemned at the whims of God's will.

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I do understand that we teach near universal salvation and that those who aren't exalted are still saved per se. But correct me if I am wrong, but we still have to attack biblical infallibility/inerrancy. Coming out of a church who believed that, even a year and half out, is still a hard sell. Ironically I have a stronger testimony of the Snow Couplet than I do of a lack of biblical inerrancy/infallibility, but there is one I have to keep to myself a lot...

I simply feel so small when trying to witness to those firm in their faith...

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I do understand that we teach near universal salvation and that those who aren't exalted are still saved per se. But correct me if I am wrong, but we still have to attack biblical infallibility/inerrancy. Coming out of a church who believed that, even a year and half out, is still a hard sell. Ironically I have a stronger testimony of the Snow Couplet than I do of a lack of biblical inerrancy/infallibility, but there is one I have to keep to myself a lot...

I simply feel so small when trying to witness to those firm in their faith...

I think just quoting the eighth article of faith is perfect for that- "We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly, we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God."

If they as what you mean by "as far as it is translated correctly" just ascertain that the Bible was translated by men. Men are imperfect and make mistakes so you believe it is possible for their to be mistakes in the Bible. Then, explain that as a member of the LDS church, you believe that the Book of Mormon was translated through the power of God and thus less susceptible to error.

Keep sticking with the "I believe" statements about it and if the person is interested in hearing more they will ask. If they are not interested, they will most likely not feel offended since you were just sharing what you believe.

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I do understand that we teach near universal salvation and that those who aren't exalted are still saved per se. But correct me if I am wrong, but we still have to attack biblical infallibility/inerrancy. Coming out of a church who believed that, even a year and half out, is still a hard sell. Ironically I have a stronger testimony of the Snow Couplet than I do of a lack of biblical inerrancy/infallibility, but there is one I have to keep to myself a lot...

I simply feel so small when trying to witness to those firm in their faith...

Brother, you've got the wrong concept of missionary work. We don't send theologians out to preach the gospel. You don't have to "prove" anything. You don't have to attack anyone's beliefs. It's very simple--here's how it works:

Get a testimony of the gospel in your heart that is fervent and real. You do that by reading, praying, fasting, and serving. Then you simply go out and bear testimony of what you know to be true by the Spirit. The "Preach My Gospel" book is a good preparatory tool. Get one know and start using it for your mission prep.

When you bear your testimony by the Spirit, it will kindle a reaction in the hearts of those who are seeking truth. They will feel the Spirit from you. You don't have to prove or disprove anything.

If a person resists your testimony, take that for a sign that they are not "elect" at the present moment. The Holy Spirit prepares people and makes them ready or "elect." The Spirit will ensure that you arrive and teach them when that time is occurring in their lives. It will amaze you.

As a missionary, if you are diligent, the Lord will do miracles through you simply because you are worthy and you are available. You may find some people who want to talk about doctrines, but nobody ever converts because of doctrines. They convert because of the Spirit. Get the Spirit in your life now and know for yourself that the gospel is true. Then put yourself in the Lord's hands and he will use you for good.

Conversion comes from the witness of the Spirit. That's why we can send 19 year-olds out to preach the gospel and they are effective. We don't send professors of ancient scripture out to do that work. Trust in the Spirit, not in the arm of the flesh.

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Joseph Smith taught that 'faith' is a gift from God, given to those who love and therefore obey Jesus Christ.

So work on being obedient to the commandments and your covenant, and the gift of faith will come.

Let me add a little bit more. Conviction is another word for certainty. These feelings are governed exclusively by the subconscious mind. See Burton's "On Being Certain: Believing you're right when you're not". The subconscious mind takes your belief and actions and makes a judgement: If they are in alignment, then you are given certainty (or, power). If they are not, then you get annoying dreams and *no* power.


Edited by HiJolly
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Hello, Commander South

Congratulations on planning to go on a mission!

I hope the issues you are having are being addressed. If I understand correctly, you can "intellectually" understand that the Bible was not fully translated correctly; whereas, the Book of Mormon was. However, you don't yet feel a strong conviction about this and are not sure how you can bear testimony of it. If this is the wrong understanding of what you are trying to say, please let us know.

I served a mission many years ago. Here are some things that helped me.

First of all, allow yourself the humility to let go and let God. Realize that you don't have all the answers; but, he does. This is why you want to do all you can to invite the Spirit into your mind and heart. Learn to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost. Study and prayer are really important. Just as important is following the promptings once you receive them.

Another important way of inviting the Spirit into your heart and mind is by getting along with others on your mission, especially your companions. Remember, contention is of the devil. Some of the most important missionary work you will do will be among the other missionaries. Love them, serve them and be a good example to them. Again, you don't have to know everything; but, be true to what you do know and, as HiJolly said, keeping your covenants.

The Spirit can lead you to those who will be open and receptive to the message of the gospel. Don't waste your time on those unwilling to hear your message. Seek out, through prayer and work, those who are seeking/looking for the gospel. They are there. It is not yours to try and convince/argue/force others into the gospel. Let the Spirit do the work for you in using your voice to touch other people's hearts. Again, cultivate the pure love of Christ in you character. Truly loving others and being concerned for their eternal welfare will go a long, long ways towards making you and effectual missionary. Remember, you are an ambassador of the Savior. You are representing Him. It's not about the numbers in bringing people to Christ through baptism; but, how true you are to your calling of representing the Savior and opening your mouth to witness of Him so that people can hear His voice of love through you.

Hope this helps


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You need to do the will of the lord and not be just a hearer or sayer. If we endure doing that the conviction will eventually come.

Also keep your focus towards Christ, and do the things that will invite the spirit. Study what you can, but the scriptures should come first.

If you gain a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel, and it's restoration... Then whatever else will not be as important.

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