How has your ward adapted to not having an activities committee?

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Last November, the Church discontinued the use of a standing activities committee and shifted these responsibilities to the ward council. I'm curious to know how this is working out for your wards.

My ward happened to have already scheduled all of our activities when the new guidelines came out, so it's been a bit easier on the ward council to not have to come up with ideas for activities. But the bishopric and ward council aren't really thrilled with how the activities are planned and executed. We've tried assigning one of the organizations and we've tried assigning temporary committees, but it always feels like things are being done too late and that the ward council just doesn't have enough time to commit to discussing activities in the bi-weekly meetings. My bishop sometimes seems determined to revert to a committee (I've talked him down from this twice already and he's leaning toward it again).

The other ward that meets in my building hadn't yet scheduled their activities and they haven't had nearly as many as they normally would have. There have been a couple that they wanted to do but canceled because they didn't get anyone to organize them.

So what are your wards/branches doing? How has it worked out so far this year? I'd like to hear some other experiences and maybe come up with some ideas on how to pull some of the responsibility off of the ward council. I'm actually trying to come up with a description of a position for someone to take some of the work for activities off of the ward council without having a position analogous to the activities committee specialist. I'll share my ideas later, but would like to hear what's happening in other ward first.

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LOL Our branch has never had an activities committee (never had enough ppl to saff such non-essential callings). I didn't know the church had made that change. lol

The activity date/time/and general goal are decided in branch counsil. They also decide what organization should head that activity. For example RS takes care of organizing the yearly summer fish fry we do and pot luck meals. Primary is the prime planner for christmas and fall (because it's more kid focused). It doesn't mean only that organization does the work, just that they decide the majority of the details and give out further assignments. There are is always something about the activity assigned to each group, everyone participates.

Often times there isn't even a special meeting to plan it. In opening exersizes of RS they will announce something like "we have the christmas party coming up on this date and time. RS is responsible for x and y. Who will sign up for......" We take a few min to discuss it from there and volunteer and then we move on to the lesson. Sometimes we come up with other ideas and the RS pres will say she will pass it on to the person who is head of that activity and get back with us. The person that is head of the activity has the responsibility to call the branch pres and ok things (if it needs ok'ed) before planning.

Our activities seem to go well, I've never seen anyone leave unhappy or hungry. When our stake leaders have to come to something they have said they often bicker over who gets to come to our branch (even though it's a 2 hour drive for most of them). They say of everyone in our stake we do the best pot lucks. Must be getting something right. lol

Edited by Gwen
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This might be an example of how the new policy has advantages. I don't know the reason why activities committees where discontinued, however.

We are a brand new ward, created from a significant boundary change in our Stake. There is a place in the ward that is new to us and we to them -- in Ward Council discussing this part of our boundaries the idea of a neighborhood (not church) barbecue was brought up. It turned into a great activity where members were found, interested non-members were found, and dynamics of this part of our ward were discovered that would not have been.

This came about in WC from the Clerk's need for help to find out who lived there and each organization took ownership and got excited.

As Gwen said, just the direction/general purposes of an activity need to be part of WC -- other ward members can be asked to help.

I remember there used to be an emphasis on the three sub-committees of each priesthood quorum: Temple, missionary work, welfare - not sure of the names. And in RS they have committees,

I don't think the change in activity committee policy needs to be all/nothing/done poorly - just maybe people assigned to help - one activity at a time.

Anyone know the reason for the change in policy?

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We just aren't having activities anymore. We used to have a lot of them. Well, we did have a 4th of July breakfast, but the Activities Committee wasn't really over that, anyway. I'm pretty sure the High Priests took the reins on that one.

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I have started instituting more activities by giving them out to the auxiliaries to head up. I plan on having every one head something up, including the Bishopric. We need Sunday's to learn the gospel together. We need activities to learn to love each other and want to be together. I am hoping to have something at least every 6 weeks or so. I have asked the Scouts and EQ to head up a 'mens campout' in early Oct (so that a campfire will feel good) that only our ward will do. Our AP commemoration campout is run by the Stake and is at a site 2 hours away, which is too far. We're also going to do some Adult game nights (for everyone 18 and older), a night where we all take a very simply personality test so that we all understand people's types (I'm hoping this will cut down on gossip and taking/giving offense, since if we know someone is more blunt or someone doesn't take suggestions well we will give them the benefit of the doubt instead of being hurt or mad or talk about how terrible that person is).

And of course, we will eat. Because that is what Mormons do. We eat. A lot.

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We have had 2 bishops in a row that don't think it is necessary to have much in the way of ward activities. Makes for a dull ward and we are NOT united at all.

I have lived in close knit wards that spent time and activities together.....that was awesome!!

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