Teen Talk


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Okay so my mom insisted that I respond to this thread and explain the diff between hanging out and dating as well as talking and talking (aka taaaaaalking)

First: Hanging out is when you just get a group of people to just chill together. The activities can vary but basically you are just all spending time with each other. Like previous posts, and Elder Oaks explained. A date is when one person calls another person that they are interesting in pursuing a relationship with and asks if they would like to hang out. This is where most people get confused. Because a date can be constituted as (like in my case for example) a boy coming to pick me up and we go together to hang out with our friends. Usually however, dating involves not steadily dating anyone and going out to the movies, or mini golf or something like that. These days however, many people choose to go with a big group of people. Group dating has become more socially acceptable, a fact my father has yet to accept lol. Either way dating involves a guy/girl specifically calling to ask the other person to go somewhere with them.

The next one my mom wants me to explain is the difference between talking and talking. *deep breath* So talking to someone is just carrying on a conversation with the person. Like you would talk to your friend. Talking is when you are talking to someone about dating them. Like you are getting to know each other and could quite possibly date each other. Talking in no way guarantees that you will date the person, but you are talking. Talking also is used when explaining to your friends, and other people that where your status is with the person in question. Ex: If I am talking to my friend about a boy and I say that we are talking that refers to the fact that we have mentioned dating and that he calls/texts me frequently. We also hang out when we can and pretty much everyone knows that you two are talking Its like an unwritten rule that if you are talking to someone then other girls/boys don't try to talk to you

Confused? Ask me about it

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