Temple prep lessons

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I was sealed to my parents in June of 2001- 2 months after I received my own endowment.

I wanted so much for my younger brother and next older sister to stand as proxies with me.

As the day approached, my youngest brother was not able to do so. I prayed about whether I should wait until he was able to go, or to go ahead and keep the date I set up at the Temple.

My sister and I went to the Temple on the appointed day. I'm not sure what the standard procedure is, but we waited for nearly two hours for the sealing room. Then the temple workers told us that they were having difficulties finding a proxy to stand as my father. At that moment a rather large family was exiting one of the sealing rooms, and they overheard.

The men all volunteered- I chose one- and we proceeded into the sealing room. His entire family asked to be witnesses- and we gladly accepted.

This man was short, a wee bit stout and of rather dark complexion. My father was thin, 5'11", and fair complected. Dad's hands were thin, with long fingers.

At the altar as we held hands, I saw the difference in this proxy father's hands- of course my sisters hands look like Mom's anyway (all of us girls have Mom's hands)- just as I bowed my head, those thicker dark complected hands faded into Dad's hands.

As I looked up at the sealer, I could feel Dad & Mom's hands on mine.

Even though the room was filled with the proxies family, it felt even fuller with my parents and ancestors standing as witnesses.

No matter which temple I am in, whether I am doing initiatories, endowments, or assisting the YW at baptisms, I have always felt the spirits of the departed who are there receiving the ordinances. The ONLY place in the temple where I cannot feel them is in the dressing rooms.

The only thing that matters is that the proxy be of the same gender. Of course they must be worthy to enter the temple.

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