Satan's influence on LDS authors


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I am a LDS author. I have written three books. Two are of which are for mormons on marriage and relationships and the other for the mass market. All books are inspirational works. I am having a really hard time writing my next book that is inspirational and meant to help a lot of teenagers. I have often heard that Satan will work the hardest on those that have done something that influences thousands. I am on the 4th chapter of this book and every time I turn around it is one drama after a next regarding my family, issues with family members, you name it. So is there any truth to that or it is just a story passed around without any backing.

What is the devil doing to your family and how do you think he is doing it?

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Sometimes bad things just happen. Sometimes they happen to good people or bad people or influential people or whatever. Sometimes those bad things happen all at once and it's easy to feel like the devil is out to get you. Most of the time though bad things are just happening to you because they happen to everyone. Unless those bad things are of a demonic/supernatural nature then I wouldn't really worry too much about being on Satan's hit list. Here's a great quote I remember when life is throwing punches at me left and right: "There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts."

Try this, instead of asking yourself who or what is causing these bad things to happen, ask yourself what you can learn by coming through them. Maybe God is throwing all those obstacles in your way to teach you valuable lessons that you can then use to help more people with your next book.

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good question......can't give out too much information. But I had an argument with a family member months ago. Everything was smoothed over with them. The moment I sat down to write this book one email came that got them to push my buttons.....then another family member....then another. Sort of coincidence I don't think so. Then there is the computer dying on me. Then losing files. Then I physically got ill for two weeks. Then another family member got a crisis that I had to attend to. It seems like a series of unfortunate events.....or was it? Satan will use whatever he can I imagine (your weaknesses to get you to fail)....but man or man this is like a downfall.

I have to laugh out loud because thank heavens no poltergiest actvity and I am not being ripped off my keyboard and thrown under a bus yet by someone invisible. But if their are no coincidences then everything has meaning.

Or does the mormon church not believe in that new age theology that there is no coincidences and everything has reason......hmm sounds like a good debate.

To be clear...

You believe that the devil in some fashion has taken control of your family members and in some way compelled them annoy you; and also that the devil has the ability to manipulate electronic equipment or electronic data and has done so to you computer.

Seems to me that in order to enter into your family members and control them against you, the devil must be some kind of spirit. On the other hand, to mess with your computer, it seems like he must have some sort of body, with hands and fingers. But he must also be physic in order to know you password ---- I mean if he had eyes to see you enter the password into the computer yourself, then you would notice him standing over your shoulder... but if he were a spirit, then he wouldn't even have eyes to see you enter the password.

Seems like a real problem.

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Your kind of being rude and making fun of me. This is a long standing thing that members say constantly in testimonies, about their lives and I have had it said so many times in relief society. You obviously don't believe that bad karma can come into your you even believe in satan? If your so smart. Instead of cracking jokes......why don't you be normal and help a person. Or get off the forumn......because you obviously are not helping or even heard members say this.

I guess Satan doesn't exist in your world. Even though the church preaches at length that he will derail us from our earthly missions in anyway possible.

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I'm not sure what I've said that you think it is rude but I guess I might have been poking some fun at you. How do suppose people ought to respond if someone claims that invisible magical creatures are manipulating their family and their electronic gadgetry?

I can assure you however that my questions were strictly serious. How do you think the devil is controlling your family and messing up your computer? Those are fair questions aren't they?

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You missed the whole point of the post. It was to get articles about how satan influences others and derails them from their life mission. YOU turned it into a fun little jab at me (hell maybe Satan's influencing you tonight and forcing you to be an *** to new members on this site or maybe your antimormon and like to hang out and make fun of members who knows.

I fill find my answers elsewhere obviously nobody on this site is mormon.

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You missed the whole point of the post. It was to get articles about how satan influences others and derails them from their life mission. YOU turned it into a fun little jab at me (hell maybe Satan's influencing you tonight and forcing you to be an *** to new members on this site or maybe your antimormon and like to hang out and make fun of members who knows.

I fill find my answers elsewhere obviously nobody on this site is mormon.

Like I said - my questions are strictly serious. You believe that the devil is acting against you by manipulating your family and your computer, so you have directly experience with him. I would very much like to know how he does what you think he is doing.

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Here's the problem: You're both right.

Can Satan affect your computer? No. I don't think so.

But he can affect your environment, your spirit, and the way you respond to things that happen.

You can also equate it to Murphy's Law: Whatever can go wrong... probably will. This happens EVERY time someone attempts to undertake a great endeavor.

Now, what can you DO about this? Here are my own tips:

1) Set up your email client to not send/receive messages automatically. Manage and control your time.

2) Check them at the end of the day, never at the beginning of the day. It could throw off your entire day.

3) Back everything up. I recommend an external hard drive and an online backup service. (I happen to like carbonite).

4) Take care of yourself well enough so you can take care of others. If you don't take care of you, who's going to?

Where ever you have weakness, you have the opportunity for strength. Find your weaker areas, and strengthen them.

"It's not what happens that matters. It's what you do about what happens. All of us are like we're in a sailboat. And it's not the blowing of the wind that determines our destination. It's the set of the sail." - Jim Rohn

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