Exemplars Of Thought

Dr T

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Another sssssllllloooooooowwwww news day:

Pothole Repaired on Judson Road in South Richmond - headline, Richmond Times-Dispatch, July 26

OHHHH now THAT is a very sad news day....LOL

"Extensive collection of Soviet military surplus for sale by newly independent republic. Wide selection of armor, jets, light naval vessels, and fissionable materials at bargain prices. All sales "as is", lingering radiation on some items. Buyer pays delivery expenses."

"For sale: a quilted high chair that can be made into a table, pottie chair, rocking horse, refrigerator, spring coat, size 8 and fur collar."

"For Sale - Eight puppies from a German Shepperd and an Alaskan Hussy"

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This just in:

"The people that are being killed, the soaring murder rate is in places where there's violence." - Jefferson Parish, La., Sheriff Harry Lee, quoted by WWL-TV (New Orleans), Aug. 16


(I saw someone else quote this today-thought I'd share)

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Analyzing Troubling Surge of 'Takeover' Robberies in the San Fernando Valley

Question: There have been more than 200 "takeover" robberies of restaurants and other businesses over the last year. Why has this become such a problem? From LA Times 8/23/06


Maybe because, people don't like being taken over and robbed? Just a guess... :dontknow:

Side note: Takeover Robberies="Usually, they involve masked and armed robbers swarming a business.

The assailants often make a dramatic gesture, such as holding a gun to someone's head. They take cash and other valuables — not just from the till but also from employees and patrons."

Dr. T

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"For sale to kind master. Full grown domesticated tigress, goes daily walk untied, and eats flesh from hand."

"Girl wanted to assist magician in cutting-off-head illusion. Salary and Blue Cross."

"Low cost, single bedroom one-story riverside home for sale. Low contamination, quiet neighborhood with no children or animal life. Contact regional EPA department."

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It is really good to see you contribute Daenvgiell and Lindy. I know that some of them are dumb and some of them really amuse me. :) I'll keep posting them as they come up. If no one enjoys them, I'll take the hint.


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It is really good to see you contribute Daenvgiell and Lindy. I know that some of them are dumb and some of them really amuse me. :) I'll keep posting them as they come up. If no one enjoys them, I'll take the hint.


No worries, I like reading things that make me laugh. If I find anymore I'll post them up :D

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The small Dutch town of Drachten has installed a children's playground in the middle of one of the roads to force drivers to slow down. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,2143663,00.html

Who’s bright idea was it to think that kids would make great speed bumps?!? :estaloco: Yes, I see the importance of slowing down but isn't one of the main reasons to "PREVENT PEOPLE FROM GETTING HURT?" I'm glad I don't live there.


Dr. T

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The small Dutch town of Drachten has installed a children's playground in the middle of one of the roads to force drivers to slow down. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,2144,2143663,00.html

Who’s bright idea was it to think that kids would make great speed bumps?!? :estaloco: Yes, I see the importance of slowing down but isn't one of the main reasons to "PREVENT PEOPLE FROM GETTING HURT?" I'm glad I don't live there.


Dr. T

I agree.... it was a decent article...one I just shook my head at though..... A lot of traffic accidents in my area the last couple of weeks..... too many needless deaths. Hard to think of children getting hurt because of some adults brilliant idea gone wrong.
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'They Say I Ate My Father. But I Didn't' -L.A. Times 8/28/06

The 5 year old said, as she burped and politely said, “excuse me.” :itwasntme:

"They say I ate my father. But I didn't. I'm not a witch."

In all fairness, she is a 5 year-old and may be telling the truth. Or then again, maybe she just doesn’t know that “witch” and “cannibal” are not synonymous. :yuck:

Dr. T

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