I Have 6 Questions....


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Really? You never?

Yes, I've never meet anyone from Canda, (I'm really just a dull person with a big attention span, who stays and home and reads all about religon, poltics, and economics...*shhh*don't tell anyone )

Not as cold as people think it is. lol.

How cold is it....do you guys ever wear T-shirts or go swimming?

I hope to keep living here, but I will probably go to the states for schooling.

What to you want to go to school for?

Josh B)

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Ah, Lisajo...I was wondering where you went....you know....I think they're right...your eye is making me a little paronoid.

I can see you're trying very hard to take my spot...I'll give you the "666" was good....

I think this calls for another joke....

A fellow finds himself in front of the Pearly Gates. St. Peter explains that its not so easy to get in heaven. There are some criteria before entry is allowed.

For example, was the man religious in life? Attend church? No? St. Peter told him that's bad.

Was he generous? give money to the poor? Charities? No? St. Peter told him that that too was bad.

Did he do any good deeds? Help his neighbor? Anything? No? St. Peter was becoming concerned.

Exasperated, Peter says, "Look, everybody does something nice sometime. Work with me, I'm trying to help. Now think!"

The man says, "There was this old lady. I came out of a store and found her surrounded by a dozen Hell's Angels. They had taken her purse and were shoving her around, taunting and abusing her.

I got so mad I threw my bags down, fought through the crowd, and got her purse back. I then helped her to her feet. I then went up to the biggest, baddest biker and told him how despicable, cowardly and mean he was and then spat in his face".

"Wow", said Peter, "That's impressive. When did this happen"?

"Oh, about 10 minutes ago", replied the man.


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Parinoia will destroy ya! ( it's a song)

Everyone hates me because I'm paronoid!


and another joke...

Everybody on earth dies and goes to heaven. God comes and says "I want the men to make two lines. One line for the men that dominated their women on earth and the other line for the men that were whipped by their women. Also, I want all the women to go with St Peter."

Said and done, the next time God looks the women are gone and there are two lines. The line of the men that were whipped was 100 miles long, on the line of men that dominated women there was only one man.

God got mad and said. "You men should be ashamed of yourselves. I created you in my image, and you were all whipped by your mates. Look at the only one of my sons that stood up and made me proud, Learn from him!" Tell them my son how did you manage to be the only one on that line?

The man said, "I don't know. My wife told me to stand here."

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Ya. I heard that one before.

I love it!

Men should always listen to their wives!<3

A fellow finds himself in front of the Pearly Gates. St. Peter explains that its not so easy to get in heaven. There are some criteria before entry is allowed.

For example, was the man religious in life? Attend church? No? St. Peter told him that's bad.

Was he generous? give money to the poor? Charities? No? St. Peter told him that that too was bad.

Did he do any good deeds? Help his neighbor? Anything? No? St. Peter was becoming concerned.

Exasperated, Peter says, "Look, everybody does something nice sometime. Work with me, I'm trying to help. Now think!"

The man says, "There was this old lady. I came out of a store and found her surrounded by a dozen Hell's Angels. They had taken her purse and were shoving her around, taunting and abusing her.

I got so mad I threw my bags down, fought through the crowd, and got her purse back. I then helped her to her feet. I then went up to the biggest, baddest biker and told him how despicable, cowardly and mean he was and then spat in his face".

"Wow", said Peter, "That's impressive. When did this happen"?

"Oh, about 10 minutes ago", replied the man.

Okay.. that one is funny!
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Anything but country, rap, or pop... no heavy metal either. What about you?

well.........................................I'm a huge country music fan :blush::headphones:

You must not have heard it, country music is great!

But I also like




and everything accept rap, and heavy metal

Josh B)

What is there other than country, rap, or pop...and heavy metal? :blush:

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Men should always listen to their wives!<3

How many of my wives should I listen to?

Anything but country, rap, or pop... no heavy metal either.

I had to laugh. Just what do you take the word "anything" to mean?

But I also like




and everything accept rap, and heavy metal

I hope the "Disco: elvis" was just a typo and not saying Elvis was disco.

Thanks for the enjoyment. :P

Dr. T

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Men should always listen to their wives!<3

How many of my wives should I listen to?

Anything but country, rap, or pop... no heavy metal either.

I had to laugh. Just what do you take the word "anything" to mean?

But I also like




and everything accept rap, and heavy metal

I hope the "Disco: elvis" was just a typo and not saying Elvis was disco.

Thanks for the enjoyment. :P

Dr. T

Hahaha. You are welcome Dr. T!
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AHHHHHHH look how cute they are with each other, and getting along so well :D

I've been reading their lovely dialogue too - I think it's called flirting! ;)

Not as cold as people think it is. lol.

How cold is it....do you guys ever wear T-shirts or go swimming?

What are T-shirts? :huh: I'm kidding....yes, the cavemen of Canada wear T-shirs, go swimming, read books, build cities, find the Cystic Fibrosis gene and just the regular everyday stuff. :P

It might be hard to imagine but the Canadian culture is very similar to the American culture, it's just further north. :)


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Don't you guys sleep? No need to apologize Joshua. Those did provide some entertainment for me. :lol:

Why would I do something like that?? :huh:

<div class='quotemain'>

AHHHHHHH look how cute they are with each other, and getting along so well :D

I've been reading their lovely dialogue too - I think it's called flirting! ;)

I never flirt! :sparklygrin:

What are T-shirts? :huh: I'm kidding....yes, the cavemen of Canada wear T-shirs, go swimming, read books, build cities, find the Cystic Fibrosis gene and just the regular everyday stuff. :P

It might be hard to imagine but the Canadian culture is very similar to the American culture, it's just further north. :)

We are practically the same, but with crappier cartoons!

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Psa 127:2 [it is] vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: [for] so he giveth his beloved sleep.

Are you not his beloved?

Pro 3:24 When thou liest down, thou shalt not be afraid: yea, thou shalt lie down, and thy sleep shall be sweet.

Sleep can be sweet.

Jer 31:26 Upon this I awaked, and beheld; and my sleep was sweet unto me.

These were just for fun. I know we are told not to love sleep. It would be nice though.

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