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I have been out of town for a few days but following someones logic from an earlier post at the beginning of this thread Germans who were not born during the days of Hitler should still be held responsible for what happened in Germany with the Jews under Hitler. Spaniards today should be held and judged by what the Spaniards did in Central and South American in the 15 and 16 hundreds.

For me that doesn't work. My generation is responsible for what we do with what we have today. Learn history so as not to repeat it. No Japanese internment camps, no German concentration camps. No persecution for religious intolerance.

Ben Raines

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I don't think the FLDS are being persecuted. In this room, the Mormons are simply saying they don't want to be put in the same place as the FLDS because they give everyone (as in humankind) a bad name. This is not based on their religion. It's based on all the illegal, disgusting acts they commit each and every day. I don't care if you say the Mormons had polygamy in the 1800's or that on paper, we still practice it. It's a whole lot different than the FLDS. In every single marriage of the Mormon people, not one person has been forced into it.

Do you GET THAT Jason? I know you think that we are criticizing polygamy. For one thing, I look at it the same way I do homosexuals. It's none of my business what they do and how they live their life, until they break the law or abuse women and children. I want to be a cop. How am I supposed to overlook all those perverse things? As I said earlier, there are a lot of people who live the polygamist livestyle and they are very content. They aren't out there breaking laws or abusing children and hiding it. They are actually good citizens who work hard for what they have. A lot of the women in the FLDS are very nice, but they have been brainwashed into thinking it's alright for the men to treat them that way. And I never said I was an expert. I've based my opinion on several personal experiences. Don't spout your information and put down mine as not real because it wasn't in the so-called history books. I lived in close proximity to the FLDS people for over 5 years. I saw the hatred in the way they looked at us "sinners"

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I don't think the FLDS are being persecuted. In this room, the Mormons are simply saying they don't want to be put in the same place as the FLDS because they give everyone (as in humankind) a bad name. This is not based on their religion. It's based on all the illegal, disgusting acts they commit each and every day. I don't care if you say the Mormons had polygamy in the 1800's or that on paper, we still practice it. It's a whole lot different than the FLDS. In every single marriage of the Mormon people, not one person has been forced into it.

Then you still haven't bothered to study your history. There are journals of women, notably Joseph Smith's wife Emma, who were forced to live in polygamous relationships against their will.

The biggest difference is time. Then and now. The second biggest difference is the age. Yet even now, the FLDS marrying at 13-14 is not as common as older teens like the early Mormons did.

All your opinions don't mean anything without the historical record chiKin.

Don't spout your information and put down mine as not real because it wasn't in the so-called history books.

Yeah ok. I'll just pretend your facts are true too. :rolleyes:

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