Disfellowship question


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Can a disfellowshipped musician accompany singers or substitute for another piano player? Can they even make a comment in a sunday school class?

my friend told me she can't even have any visiting teachers. To me that seems quite harsh. It seems like those who are disfellowshipped are totally alienated from their ward family. To me it would seem that having visiting teachers come would be something that could help this person. My friend is starting to feel very uncomfortable attending church because she's afraid she might get asked to substitute for a piano player or might get asked to make a comment. I've been trying to encourage her to keep attending but I'm worried that she might be starting to fall away because of these issues.

Edited by dory
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What is and is not allowed for a member who is under any sort of church discipline is fairly individualized. There are some things that are fairly standard, like not partaking of the sacrament or not offering prayers or exercising the priesthood, but everything else is pretty flexible and will depend on what the bishop says. If she is not sure whether something is or is not allowed, she should ask her bishop.

I've never seen a situation where someone is denied visiting teachers unless they were excommunicated- since they're stricken from the records of the church then visiting teachers do not get assigned. I have seen several instances where they might be told not to visit/home teach, but she should still be able to have visiting teachers- unless the bishop has a good reason for saying she can't.

While it may seem like she is being alienated, the purpose of any church disciplinary action is twofold- to help the individual through their repentance process, and to protect the faith/testimony of other members that may be involved with that individual. All decisions are meant to be a help in some way and are not in any way hostile in intent.

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Guest gopecon

If it is something that a non-member could conceivably do, then the disfellowshipped member should also be able to do it (with the exception of prayers in class or the sacrament). Comments in class, choir, and other musical contributions should be welcomed unless the bishop has specifically forbidden it. I don't think home/visiting teachers would be pulled unless there was an excommunication, but I could be wrong.

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I've been disfellowshipped. Like it has been said, the purpose of this action is not to alienate a person, it is to help them along with the repentance process. When you see what you're giving up by your actions it helps put things in perspective. Your friend needs to ask her bishop for the exact details of what she can and cannot do.

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The Church Handbook 1 is rather clear on those disfellowshipped. They are to continue having home/visiting teachers. So I think your friend is not being totally honest with you. It is more likely that her visiting teachers just do not go out, which is a problem many of us have with home/visiting teachers.

She needs to check with her bishop for permission to perform in the music program. I would think there shouldn't be a problem on this, but the bishop is the one to make that determination.

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Guest gopecon

I'm not even sure what it is. What causes such a thing?

Disfellowshipping is disciplinary action that is one step below excommunication - when membership is lost. A disfellowshiped member is not in "full fellowship". Men are not to use the priesthood while disfellowshipped. Disfellowshipped members are not to hold callings, give talks (maybe not so bad for some folks :)), pray in meetings, or attend the temple. There may be other restrictions that I'm not aware of. It is caused by serious sinning and can be imposed after a church court is held. One person may be disfellowshipped and another might be excommunicated for similar sins based on what covenants the person had made prior to their sins (i.e. an active, temple endowed member is more likely to be ex'd than someone who has not made those covenants).
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