Stop Oppressive Gardening! Free The Gnomes!

Winnie G

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I must be nuts, or am I? :hmmm:

It is 0245 AM its Friday morning, Why am I up? you may ask? :idea:

For those of you that don’t remember my letter in regard to the Gnome Slave Owners who lives next door, In the early summer.

Not knowing all along, we are a sleeper cell for Free the Gnomes local #6322. :ph34r:

I have posted down below our letter to these Gnome Slave Owners.

Ok I have done it their free!

I am a Gnome freedum fighter, the letter below was place in the mailbox of the Gnome Slave Owners next door.

Yes its true! Dressed in the uniform of a Gnome freedom fighter, (white nightgown tan slippers and hooded shirt)

I freed the gentle and innocent creatures.

Our family has invited these innocent creatures a small holiday with our family of freedom fighters.

Our family feels strongly that the Labor Day weekend was the right timing for this covert act of freedom.

Stop Oppressive Gardening. Free the Gnomes!!!!!

Winnie G

Local Chapter #6322

Shilo MB


September 1, 2006

Gnome Slave Owner,

We deplore your treatment of gentle woodland creatures, and your total disregard for the basic principles of liberty.

Your moral bankruptcy is evidenced by your acts of wanton recklessness and the deliberate use of coercive force and terror tactics against gentle and innocent creatures.

It has come to our attention that Gnomes are being held captive in your garden.

We do not, as a rule, negotiate with terrorists; however, we request that they be released immediately.

Already your actions have prompted copycat offenses, which we have witnessed.

We understand that you probably were not responsible for the innocent Gnome's original capture but rather purchased him from a Gnome slave trafficker like a garden center or craft show. Please understand that we are not holding you responsible for the state of Gnome slavery in North America.

We are, however, asking you to put an end to your involvement.

Do the responsible thing free your Gnomes today.

Although North American law currently permits you to keep a Gnome in slavery, we believe it to be morally reprehensible. We hope that upon honest reflection, you will agree.

Stop Oppressive Gardening! Free the Gnomes

Thank you,

Your local Gnome chapter.

PS: Your Gnomes are now on holiday and upon their return, we hope that you have used this time to think about their freedom.

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I love to scrapbook; I am making a small scrapbook for the neighbor.

I will leave it around its neck on the front porch when I return them.

Right now they are in the trunk of my car, they need repairing.

They were in two pieces when I grabbed them, my fault not enough recce before I took them.

So my oldest son who by the way finds Gnomes creepy glued them together witch lasted up until it was water soggy from going down one of the water slides to many times.

I could not get the photo just right.

So my hubby is going to fix it again and I will return it in better shape then when I took it.

I have to say this was the best time I have had on holiday with my family in ages.

My son and his little family had more fun looking for things to do with the gnomes.

His hands are the ones holding them up at the rock concert, people in the crowd body surfed the gnomes. It was awesome to watch my family have so much fun with the gnomes.

Strangers laughed them self-silly and so did we. LOL LOL

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:bawl: Thank you for understanding my pain. Your return of my gnome is truly appreciated and I know how hard must have been to give him up. Gnomes do grow on you. They have this personality that... no, I must not speak of gnomes with longing. Winnie has shown me that people like me have kept them in slavery much too long. :( As of today, "I hereby denounce any gnome bondage. Gnome you are FREE to roam at your leisure (and you won't have to wash my car any more) :roflmbo: Thanks for opening my eyes!

Dr. T

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