Reid Goes After Polygamists!


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From WorldNetDaily:

"For too long, this outrageous activity has been disguised in the mask of religious freedom," Reid said. "But child abuse and human servitude have nothing to do with religious freedom and must not be tolerated."

That's all well and good. But it would seem to be a simple matter to prosecute Jeffs for violating two state laws. After all, polygamy is already illegal in all 50 states. So, why is Reid so anxious to turn this matter into a federal case?

And the irony is that Reid and many others in his party seem to have no problem with legalizing – by hook or judicial crook – same-sex marriage.

As judicial scholars such as Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and others have noted, the very same legal and moral justifications for same-sex marriage would make it nearly impossible to outlaw polygamy.

So Senator Reid has decided to go after polygamists. Now I am sure the party for which he is a leader would have no problem if all the women involved in polygamy decided to leave their husbands and become ardent lesbians. Then again, if one chooses to be heterosexual then (if they get pregnant) there's always the wonderful practice of abortion -- which is also a sacred thing for most Democratic liberals.

How can Reid justify working to further the interests of the Democratic Party -- a party that if he tried to be nominated to the high court would oppose him since his history has been anti-abortion ? Then he goes after people merely for living according to their religion (gee, isn't there something about that in the Articles of Faith?) just because their ALTERNATIVE LIFESTYLE is polygamy?

What makes this guy tick?

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Dr. T. you know that there is a conspiracy around every corner.

As for Senator Reid, the senator from my state, I don't know what to do with him. He has definately votes his party line and not what the voters have clearly shown that they want. In 2000 and again in 2002 the voters voted by more then 72% that the state of Nevada only recognize the marriage between a man and a woman. This then amended the constitution of the state of Nevada. Senators Reid's arguement is that it is a state rights issue and not something that should be determined by the US as a nation. Imagine that a Democrat for states rights. As far as I am concerned he is two faced, as most politicians are, and I would not walk across the hall to shake his hand.

Ben Raines

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Not familiar at all. I saw the Skull and Bones movie (popular) but it didn't really show what it was actually about. What do you know about it?


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Hi 79scholar,

Skull and bones. So what?

How familiar are you with the Skull & Bones secret society? The Bohemian Grove? or Straussians?

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i heard Mrs Bush was part of the Red Hat Society!! :wow::wow::wow:

Are you saying that she is a communist!?!

What would we do without wikipedia:

Red Hat Society

The Red Hat Society is a women's organization founded in 1998 by Sue Ellen Cooper of Fullerton, California. As of April 2006 there are about one million registered members in over forty thousand chapters in the United States and over thirty other countries. Their members are from all walks of life.

About the society

The Red Hat Society is not a sorority or a voluntary service club. There are no initiations, no fundraising projects, no rules and no bylaws. The Society fondly refers to itself as a "dis-organization" with the aim of social interaction, and to encourage fun, silliness, creativity, and friendship in middle age and beyond. The Society takes its name from the opening lines of the poem Warning by Jenny Joseph, which starts:

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple

With a red hat that doesn't go and doesn't suit me.

A founder or leader of a local chapter is usually referred to as a "Queen". Members are called "Red Hatters" or "Pink Hatters". Members over fifty years old wear red hats and purple attire. During their birthday month they wear a purple hat with a red attire. Women under fifty may also join, they wear pink hats and lavender attire to Society's events until they reach their fiftieth birthdays . . Both Red and Pink Hatters often tend to wear very elaborately decorated hats, and attention-getting fashion accessories such as a feather boa. The Society's events vary depending on the chapter, but one of the more favored pastimes amongst most Red Hatters is attending or giving a tea party, and their official

There are now over 69,000 chapters worldwide.

M. :)

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Now while people get into wacky sonspiracy theories (where are those tin foil hats folk?) what, Doofus Reid gets little commentary? Personally I find it disturbing that his name pops up on forums discussing politics in cyberspace and the fact that he is mormon gets connected to his sorry excuse for leadership.

Also, isn't it about time the small number of mormons who have used polygamy for political gain (most Mormon politicians seem to ignore the issue but then again most are libertarianish Republicans) just knock it off?! Going after Tom Green just to make things look pretty for the Olympic games in 2002 backfired by giving worldwide publicity to the idea that Mormons still have polygamy -- ever notice that most people can't tell the difference between a Sunni and Shia Muslim -- what make's you think they know the difference between a polygamist sect and the LDS Church?

So if Reid generates publicity for his hypocritical and (as the author suggests in the link) moral relativism it can only serve to hurt the image of the LDS Church.

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Now while people get into wacky sonspiracy theories (where are those tin foil hats folk?) what, Doofus Reid gets little commentary?

Here's what I have to say regarding Reid ... AND polygamy:

"No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other."

Politics is a religion ... based upon Political Action Committees ($) and Special Interests ($).

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<div class='quotemain'>

Now while people get into wacky sonspiracy theories (where are those tin foil hats folk?) what, Doofus Reid gets little commentary?

Here's what I have to say regarding Reid ... AND polygamy:

"No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other."

Politics is a religion ... based upon Political Action Committees ($) and Special Interests ($).

All I know for sure is that the John Birch Society is a Satanic Conspiracy designed to eliminate the joy of Christmas. That's just sick and wrong people.

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