
Winnie G

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This last week has been another week of loss for our army base, losing three. So it came to me.

As I was watching my husband mend the Gnomes we took on holiday with us I realized our plane to return them to their Gnome Slave Owners could go a step farther and be something the base paper could cover. The gnomes are repaired and reinforced with shafts of wood inside and a large amount of Gorilla glue (highly recommended BTW)

I have scrap booked their libration and holiday that will be returned with them.

My husband will take them to the community center ask a friend in one office to take the boxed Gnomes to the newspaper office. There a letter below will tell them how to reach the owners.

Knowing the young women who run the paper will run with the Gnomes and make then a feel good article for the base paper.

Ill let you know what happens next.

On September 1 2006,

The Shilo chapter of the Gnome Freedom Fighters executed a covert operation with in Shilo. Those who live there not knowing, there is a growing sleeper cell of Gnomes Freedom Fighters local #6322, right under Shilo’s nose!

The letter attached was place at the doorstep of the Gnome Slave Owners, #14 Esquimalt Cr. The Slave Owners who live there had no idea that we have been watching their treatment of the Gnomes they had working in the hot sun with only the relief of being hosed down.

Yes, it is true! Be afraid Be very afraid your Gnome may be next! :sparklygrin:

Dressed in the uniform of a Gnome Freedom Fighter, (White nightgown tan slippers and hooded shirt) The Gnomes of #14 Esquimalt Cr at 02:45 were liberated from their Gnome Slave owners, who had total disregard for the basic principles of liberty.

This Oppressive gardening slavery must end. We freed the gentle and innocent creatures.

One family of freedom fighters then invited these innocent creatures on a small holiday.

The family felt strongly that the Labor Day weekend was the right timing for this covert act of freedom.

We have chosen a safe and neutral drop off point for the safe return of these Gnomes. We ask that you contact those living at14 Esquimalt Cr and have them retrieve what once was theirs but has now KNOWS freedom and will never garden with out a proper union contract again.

Stop Oppressive Gardening. Free the Gnomes!!!!!

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When I went to grab them in the middle of the night it turned out, they were already broken.

My eldest son tried heavy-duty epoxy to repair them and it lasted for the weekend up until the last day then they fell apart. Too many trips to the hot tube. LOL :D

We used every thing, even crazy glue, no good. So we bought Gorilla glue, holy cow :excl: talk about stick!

We bought it at Michaels.

I took it to my olds office just down from the base news paper office, my friend who worked the front desk took the box down to the base paper down the hall.

I will hear about the reaction from her tonight. She is coming over.

I will scan any news paper article they might print and put a link to it.

In all I hope the neighbors enjoy the scrapbook and their repaired Gnomes. :lol:

I waved hello over the fence yesterday and saw the husband in his desert fatigues, he must be leaving for Afghanistan soon. :unsure:

They go from green to tan only before they ship out.

I hope they get a good giggle out of it. :)

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See this

The title is "Beyond the gnome: New trends in garden art"

"It's out with the gnomes, in with the new as Buddhas, outdoor paintings, bold colors and recycled artworks take over 21st century gardens. Here's how to make these trends your own. By Marilyn Lewis"

Is this good for gnomes or bad for Buddhas? ;)

Dr. T

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See this>1=8587

The title is "Beyond the gnome: New trends in garden art"

"It's out with the gnomes, in with the new as Buddhas, outdoor paintings, bold colors and recycled artworks take over 21st century gardens. Here's how to make these trends your own. By Marilyn Lewis"

Is this good for gnomes or bad for Buddhas? ;)

Dr. T

Good for the gnomes!!! GO GNOMES

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OK Guys, my friend called and told me this story on Friday.

That afternoon the staff of the base newspaper came to the door of my neighbor’s home and rang her door bell, she answered it and screamed “MY Gnomes”! They took a photo of her reaction. She was so thrilled and spent time laughing over the album and was so delighted it was also repaired. They did ask her what she was now going to do. Was she a reformed Gnome slave owner? She said, “I’m not putting it back out side if that’s what your asking”?

Saturday night I smelled fire wood smoke and looked out my bedroom window into their yard.

Their they were with friends around their fire pit drinking beers and there was the gnomes! with a marshmallow stick in hand and a beer sitting next to the other arm.

It was good timing, I was right hubby leaves for Afghanistan on Monday.

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OK Guys, my friend called and told me this story on Friday.

That afternoon the staff of the base newspaper came to the door of my neighbor’s home and rang her door bell, she answered it and screamed “MY Gnomes”! They took a photo of her reaction. She was so thrilled and spent time laughing over the album and was so delighted it was also repaired. They did ask her what she was now going to do. Was she a reformed Gnome slave owner? She said, “I’m not putting it back out side if that’s what your asking”?

Saturday night I smelled fire wood smoke and looked out my bedroom window into their yard.

Their they were with friends around their fire pit drinking beers and there was the gnomes! with a marshmallow stick in hand and a beer sitting next to the other arm.

It was good timing, I was right hubby leaves for Afghanistan on Monday.

YES!!! 2 Gnomes free, 500,000 trillion left to go, we can do it. lol

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