I need help plz.


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I committed the ultimate sin, I had gay sex with another guy. I feel so bad now and feel like I lost the holy spirit. I know what I did was wrong and I want to repent and never do this again. I know this church is true and I don't want to get kicked out. I only been a part of the church a few months and not sure what I should do. Please Help.

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I agree with pam you need to talk to your bishop.

The good news, I'm pretty sure the ultimate sin is cold blooded murder or denying the HG so you can fix this.

In my opinion one thing you will need to sort out in the repentance process is the why. Was it just sexual experimentation or do you have homosexual feelings? That will be important in knowing where to go from here.

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Please talk to your bishop and allow him to help you through this. It sounds like you've already begun the repentance process on your own (you clearly feel guilty and repentant). You're not going to get kicked out of the church over this.

Take it from someone who got pregnant while in the Singles' Ward! Although it is very hard to go to your bishop (I imagine your feelings of shame and fear are similar to what I felt), it is the very best thing you can do. He will help you through this process and give you the support you need. Don't be afraid.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree with Gwen:

"In my opinion one thing you will need to sort out in the repentance process is the why. Was it just sexual experimentation or do you have homosexual feelings? That will be important in knowing where to go from here."

In today's society, I would imagine there are many homosexuals that think they are gay because of an experience like yours. Certainly there must be the factor of pleasure, though I do not know of this for myself.....just guessing because sexual feelings are strong driving pleasurable urges.

Any sexual experience outside of God's will should indeed cause guilt, so you are on the right track for sure. When you go to your bishop, ask God ahead of time to be there with you.

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See your bishop and be honest with him. Remember that God loves you and that he will forgive you if you honestly repent(the word Repent is a greek word for change) of what you did.

God won't forsake you and neither will we (as a church or as a community). I believe it is more important the direction you are going than what you have done in the past. It is better to be an inch away from hell walking out than a mile away running in. You seem that you are on the right track - the pathway to god - keep progressing and you will get through everything no matter how tough.

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