Are You A Collector?


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I seem to collect kids, Others of course, i think i do because they feel at home around us and always are comming to me for adivce and help or just to visit. ( i guess working at the schools as long as i did they all got to know me) Their is not a day that goes by that one of the school kids come in and visit me at my new job and beg me to go back to work at school, one funny thing is that the high school kids all call me MOM, the middle school kids call me Lisa and the grade school kids call me Miss Lisa, i have people at work that get confused when the high school kids come in and call me Mom............How many kids do you Have Lisa? LOL :D:D:D:D I say ALOT!!!!!!!!!!

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I collect thoughts so I can think about them. :) writing a book? I've talked about a ton of book ideas. Not an LDS book. Never thought about any books that relate to what has been covered here. Do you think I'm writing a book based on things from this site?

Dr. T

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Do you like to collect things?

Yes. Some things.

What do you collect?

Treasures for heaven. Family, and friends. Faith. Knowledge. Love. And eggs.

Why do you believe you collect the things you do?

I believe they will help make my life a lot happier.

I could probably live without all of the eggs, though.

But the chickens might eat them if I didn't.

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I collect STUFF. When it becomes too large to be in the house, it goes out to the garage. It sits there until, years later, I sort through it and determine that most of the STUFF was actually just JUNK I thought I would eventually use again. Then it goes to a yard sale or D.I. where hopefully it will become somebody else's STUFF. It's amazing how much of yesterday's STUFF turns out to be tomorrow's JUNK. Disappointing, really. :dontknow:

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After looking at my collections over time it has come to my attention that many times I collect to fill a void. My mom talked about getting her cupie doll from the attic after my Grandma passed away. When she was going through the things from my Grandmas estate her cupie doll wasn't there. :( After my mom passed away I started to collect cupie dolls.

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