Another School Shooting


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ya unfortunatly there have been a lot of shooting lately who know why..saw on cnn there was one in montreal a couple of weeks ago. those dang gun laws should be more stricked as far as im concerned should be illegal in the states to have one.

lol, though i agree with you to have it be more strickt dont let oxy hear u say that he thinks everyone should have a gun
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Sad, but tragedies happen. Can't get all distressed about it as it appears to be a local event.

Whatever... Is that what you say when something so wrong happens like this?

What if the person shot had been related to you?

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Principal shot at school dies from wounds

Student charged with homicide, complaint says he admits guilt

Here is an update on the shooting in Colorado just two days ago.

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Strawberry Fields, fifty years ago media was not linked worldwide in the same context as today. Now a local tragedy gets worldwide coverage -- school shootings are garaunteed to get worldwide coverage while at the same time the killing of a police officer and his dog in Florida yesterday and the shooting of an officer in Georgia (he may have died by now) get far less sensational headlines. The effect is that people get all freaked out over what's happening in the schools but overall violence like this in schools is quite rare. Media increases the level of anxiety and stress though with the way it is covered.

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Strawberry Fields, fifty years ago media was not linked worldwide in the same context as today. Now a local tragedy gets worldwide coverage -- school shootings are garaunteed to get worldwide coverage while at the same time the killing of a police officer and his dog in Florida yesterday and the shooting of an officer in Georgia (he may have died by now) get far less sensational headlines. The effect is that people get all freaked out over what's happening in the schools but overall violence like this in schools is quite rare. Media increases the level of anxiety and stress though with the way it is covered.

Oh, I do understand about how the media has changed over the past 50 years. :rolleyes:

You seem to be interested in things which happen in other countries, and I am concerned about things that happen to children here in my country, or locally if you will. I guess that is the why we are not all made the same B)

I believe it is a problem when our children can not even feel safe anymore at school.

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Strawberry Fields, fifty years ago media was not linked worldwide in the same context as today. Now a local tragedy gets worldwide coverage -- school shootings are garaunteed to get worldwide coverage while at the same time the killing of a police officer and his dog in Florida yesterday and the shooting of an officer in Georgia (he may have died by now) get far less sensational headlines. The effect is that people get all freaked out over what's happening in the schools but overall violence like this in schools is quite rare. Media increases the level of anxiety and stress though with the way it is covered.

Oh, I do understand about how the media has changed over the past 50 years. :rolleyes:

You seem to be interested in things which happen in other countries, and I am concerned about things that happen to children here in my country, or locally if you will. I guess that is the why we are not all made the same B)

I believe it is a problem when our children can not even feel safe anymore at school.


I agree with you. I can imagine the day when kids won't even go to school anymore, but will get their lessons over the computer and only report to a school or learning center for competency verification. For me these senseless deaths that have occurred in school should not be the price that we have to pay for our youths education in the USA.

When my uncle went to school in the 70's they had a built in 22 caliber rifle range in the school. It was just across the hall from the science lab. It was an extra-curricular activity that everyone could join. Just like chess, bowling or pep club. It was also school and government supported. It was discontinued in 1985, but they had never had any problems in it's thirty some years. I couldn't even imagine a school offering an activity like that now.

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This was from a newspaper (Sept 15 or 16) sorry I don't have the ref.

Number of students and teachers killed in school shootings in the US the past two years: 29

Number of people killed by gangs in the US in the past two years: 4,251

I don't know about all of you, but I sure hope they weren't trying to say, "Look how good our schools are doing-the killings are not even close to 4251!"

It's just sad.

Dr. T

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it truly is sad........making laws stricter or taking guns off the market wont help......

what really helps starts in the homes.....If all of these children were raised correctly there wouldnt have been the teasing, there would have been the child that no one seen was hurting, there wouldnt be a dead principle ( who made a child feel un-important) My point.......If we all put into our children as much as we do tv, sports and our careers, then we would have children like this running around, and kids teasing just to be mean, and principles who ignore there students.....And we took religion out of schools, it looked like it helped, don't ya think............................ :blink:

just my to cents................. :angry2:

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the thing i dont get is what possible good comes from owning a gun?(and dont say to protect home and family b/c statistics show usually those people who own guns are less likely to shoot an intruder and more likely to accidently shoot a family member) I totally agree with the above statement but u have to admit that there would be less school shooting if guns were either restricted or the laws were tighter. I mean no wonder there so much crime in the us because its so easy to get a gun. GUns are only made for one thing and thats killing people, there was no other purpose behind it and no other reason for it. keep it out of the hands of civilians and leave it in the hands of law enforcement. I mean look how peaceful sweden is!

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GUns are only made for one thing and thats killing people, there was no other purpose behind it and no other reason for it. keep it out of the hands of civilians and leave it in the hands of law enforcement. I mean look how peaceful sweden is.

Sweden peaceful? You really don't want to get me started on that one.

Also, the last thing I would expect to hear from anyone who knows anything about the past relationship between the Mormons and the US government is that only the government should own guns.

Also, I'd really endorse people watching John Stossel's "Scaring Ourselves to Death". If I recall right 70 children die each year from drowning in mop bucket water -- and what's the death toll for school shootings in 2 years, 29? Aside from bullying which is a big problem in US schools (and gets little attention in the press) you are far safer in school than on vacation outside of school. Please people, get a grip -- the media focuses on the sensational and that which will catch audience shares in the market. It's actually the same concept as porn overall. However, things that are truly dangerous, and kill many, many people often is ignored in the corporate media while extremely rare incidents get pumped up way out of proportion to what they truly pose as threats to the population.

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Blame guns all you want. Blame legislation and government and media all you want. It's us the people, plain and simple. How we live our lives, what we have come to accept. So much easier to blame and say not me instead of saying, gee what can i really do and how quick can i do it.

I too believe that people are to blame.

I believe that the chances of someone bringing a gun to school when I was in school was something that was not thought of much at all. Sure there have always been bullies but I think that kids today feel more of a sense of entitlement then ever before. In many cases respect for another has gone out the window. Now it is more about who can raise themselves up by putting another down. Respect for others should be taught in the home. Teachers should not need to be disrespected either. School should be considered a priviledge and if you don't act respectful in school you can't go. I also like the idea of uniforms in school. If everyone is required to wear similar clothing and it is priviledge to go to school, them maybe, the focus would be more on learning then about 'division of classes'.

A Few years ago we had an eight year old girl from Korea come to stay with us for 3 weeks. She was doing a schooling program which cost her family a lot of money. A man in my area had gone there on his mission and when he returned from Korea, he put together this study course and had LDS families host these children of all ages. I remember very clearly this young girls reactions as we showed her where she would be staying while she was in America. The girl spoke limited english, we wanted to make her feel as comfortable as possible. We were told to get some sticky rice and that she would enjoy some Kimchi. The girls gasped as we showed her our walkin pantry. She was there to study and I could see that she was taking everything in. I couldn't ever imagine sending my then 10 year old girl to a strangers place for any length of time let alone half way around the world. I will never forget what I learned from her and the sacrifice her family made for her and her education.

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GUns are only made for one thing and thats killing people, there was no other purpose behind it and no other reason for it. keep it out of the hands of civilians and leave it in the hands of law enforcement. I mean look how peaceful sweden is.

Sweden peaceful? You really don't want to get me started on that one.

Also, the last thing I would expect to hear from anyone who knows anything about the past relationship between the Mormons and the US government is that only the government should own guns.

Also, I'd really endorse people watching John Stossel's "Scaring Ourselves to Death". If I recall right 70 children die each year from drowning in mop bucket water -- and what's the death toll for school shootings in 2 years, 29? Aside from bullying which is a big problem in US schools (and gets little attention in the press) you are far safer in school than on vacation outside of school. Please people, get a grip -- the media focuses on the sensational and that which will catch audience shares in the market. It's actually the same concept as porn overall. However, things that are truly dangerous, and kill many, many people often is ignored in the corporate media while extremely rare incidents get pumped up way out of proportion to what they truly pose as threats to the population.

I fail to see how the past relationship with church and the US government is relavent to today. I mean whats in the past is in the past and it not accuring now. As for the media throwing things out of purportion as far as the school shooting go it maybe, But i would like you to say that to a mother who lost a child due to a crazy psycho who had easy access to semi atomatics. I also find it weird how you fail to ignore the very reason that crime is up so high in this country. The very reason its so high is because of the easy access to guns. I dare anyone to go to the worst parts of the US and see the affects that guns have had in the worst parts of LA and see how much violence and murders happen each day, I dare anyone to tell a mother or parent whos son or daughter has been murdered and shot at do to a drive by shooting that it is your patriotic right to have a gun. As far as im concerned its all worthless junk!
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I fail to see how the past relationship with church and the US government is relavent to today. I mean whats in the past is in the past and it not accuring now. As for the media throwing things out of purportion as far as the school shooting go it maybe, But i would like you to say that to a mother who lost a child due to a crazy psycho who had easy access to semi atomatics. I also find it weird how you fail to ignore the very reason that crime is up so high in this country. The very reason its so high is because of the easy access to guns. I dare anyone to go to the worst parts of the US and see the affects that guns have had in the worst parts of LA and see how much violence and murders happen each day, I dare anyone to tell a mother or parent whos son or daughter has been murdered and shot at do to a drive by shooting that it is your patriotic right to have a gun. As far as im concerned its all worthless junk!

Not worthless junk. If guns were made illegal, it would be the law-abiding citizens who would not have them... the criminal thugs would still get them somehow. Then we'd really be screwed because we couldn't protect ourselves and the thugs would know it!

I respect anyone's right to NOT own a gun, but I feel it is mine and my husband's responsibility to have have a gun to protect our family. I also strongly feel that it's our responsibility to keep them locked up so that he in no way can get them!

It scares the heck out of me to think that someone could break into our house to harm us and we could do nothing! Do you really think the police could make it in time to save you if that were to happen? Probably not. Gun ownership is not to blame for kids taking them to school... being irresponsible parents is what's to blame.

I dare anyone to go to the worst parts of the US...

I would not go to these places WITHOUT a gun - I know that!
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If anyone thought they were safe, it was probably the Amish in their secluded one-room school.

And a teen in NV took a gun to school today. The school is currently in lockdown.

This is something I also worry about...possible copy-cat crimes. :dontknow::(

When I was in high school I took my father's rifle to school to put a new finish on the stock and blue the barrel as a Christmas gift for my father. The rifle did not fit in my locker so I took it with me to the classes I had before shop, placing the gun on the floor beside my desk. I as not even asked what I was doing with the gun in school.

What has changed? Why have school children of our current society become murders of their peers? I do not believe that it is access to guns nor do I believe it is just the media - I grew up with guns in my bed room watching cowboys shoot each other on TV and in the movies - as did my friends. If someone was killed by gun it was an accident.

The Traveler

I think that it might have something to do with what Children today are allowed to get away with. What do you think has changed Traveler?

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Tonight I heard on the news that the man who shoot these children today did it in revenge. Apparently his suicide notes said that he would select girls who were about 20 years younger then he was. Something happened when he was 20 years younger and he wanted to take revenge on young girls. The news also said that this school was just a matter of being close to him :(

I can't imagine what would burn so deeply inside this man to ruin so many lives including those of his own children.

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Of the mass murders that have happened, this one is very odd. The guy had a good job. A family. Kids the age of those he killed. Other than a couple of days leading up to the event, no precursers. In other words this was anybodies normal middle class neighbor who basically woke up one day and decided to commit mass murder on children. It is just to bizarre to explain. Even the profilers are having a hard time with this one.

I do suspect more will come out.

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Sunny Surffer states:

I fail to see how the past relationship with church and the US government is relavent to today. I mean whats in the past is in the past and it not accuring now. As for the media throwing things out of purportion as far as the school shooting go it maybe, But i would like you to say that to a mother who lost a child due to a crazy psycho who had easy access to semi atomatics. I also find it weird how you fail to ignore the very reason that crime is up so high in this country. The very reason its so high is because of the easy access to guns. I dare anyone to go to the worst parts of the US and see the affects that guns have had in the worst parts of LA and see how much violence and murders happen each day, I dare anyone to tell a mother or parent whos son or daughter has been murdered and shot at do to a drive by shooting that it is your patriotic right to have a gun. As far as im concerned its all worthless junk!

Do you REALLY want to live in a country that only the state has weapons? That certainly goes against everything Jefferson and Madison taught. It even goes against the warning my state's governor gave when he was a state senator and was visiting my campus in the 1980s. He said he felt very uncomfortable with the idea of only the police and military having weapons -- and this guy is a liberal Democrat!

Oh, and if you want to see what happens when a government goes beserk read up a bit on the extermination orders against Mormons. Think Joesph Smith supported gun control? Think government can't go beserk again?

And please, while a school shooting is sad and tragic please tell me how many people died yesterday in car crashes caused by drunk drivers. I think the figure is 70 per day -- men, women, children and babies who die every day and get barely any media coverage.

And if you go to the FBI's official site you will also see that violent crime rates are down and decreasing -- yet people watch horrific crime stories on the daily news that they think crime is skyrocketing.

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