3-hour meeting block: Too long or not long enough?


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and one other thing. night people vs morning people. some of us cant get up at 8 AM some of us can. i think its important we can attend church at a time that is best for us. whether this is rampant insomnia, night classes, night shifts, morning classes, morning shifts and just a personality difference. if you stick a night person in the 8 AM ward...good luck with that youve likely lost him/her for a year. like wise a morning person probably wont like a 2 -5 ward too much and you might lose him/her. considering every other facet of society has a night person version and a morning person version i dont see why we cant have night church and morning church.

good topic addresses an issue i think has long since needed to be addressed. hopefully the GA's will start cranking out the changes neccessary.

I don't quite know what to say about your comments, Kayne... but with all those things that you see as being not quite right in your ward, have you done anything to try to improve the situation?

I'm a night person (and a chronic insomniac), I usually don't get to sleep before 3am if that. But somehow I can still handle getting up at 7:00am to get ready for 3 hours of meetings on a Sunday morning.

LOL but I guess since I used to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses this should be pretty easy - we had 5 hours of meetings every week and many door to door hours on top of that. Attending meetings at my ward is like a cake-walk. :)

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In my high priest group we have to wrench ourselves out each week in order to keep from going long in our quorum meeting, thus making our families wait to go home. In fact, just two weeks ago the bishopric had to get up in Sacrament Meeting and remind everyone to close classes on time (in both post-SC-meeting hours), so it's not just our quorum. Seems like in my ward we're of the opinion that we could go longer than three hours. And why not? The Gospel and Church are each a joy to be a part of.

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