Is there anyone on here from England...especially South Yorkshire?


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I have been looking at LDS faith for last 2 or 3 months and living by it.

I want to go down the path to conversion...everyone on here has been so fantastic with their welcomes and their knowledge but I would love to also know some church members in the UK ......especially in South Yorkshire where I live as I havent even plucked up the courage to go to church yet and it would help me so much to know other people around here.

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Do Man U fans count? Coz... I'm a giant Man U fan...

But then, I'm a bigger Barcelona fan, so I guess I'm from Spain. LOL.

I have a cousin that lives in Manchester. But then, she's not LDS. :(

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I dont know if you have found anyone yet but I live in East Lancashire and our ward is very helpful and freindly.......and its the

Hubby and I support our local team who do their best to upset their fans (what we have left) every week. People used to ask if we had avoided promotion that season...........but they cant say that now as we went up two years ago............shock! Ah back to home comforts in

If you see the missionaries around south yorkshire (young lads in suits ; they are clean cut and have name tags) just go up and talk to them. They will be only to happy to talk to you as it will saving them having to find someone to teach. Its their job.

Let me know if you need my help. By the way my horse supports must be nice there as the tykes keep taking our

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sorry I live in Ireland... but have a feeling you'll have better luck there than here in finding a local ward/branch. hmmmm dont know anyone from south yorkshire... but might know an old missionary companion who lives up in York... not sure if thats close enough or not... though he is a hard chap to get hold of... I understand its easier if you're more comfortable with someone you might get to know on here... tho doesnt look like atm...

Hope you find someone!!! :D

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