"What I Wish I'd Known Before Watching Porn"

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Interesting article.

I think one thing the article didn't address is that research on the effects of porn wasn't done when we were just told it was bad. The research is relatively new (especially in my life). I don't think it was so much "we don't do it or talk about it" as much as "its bad and we don't know why so we don't talk about it"

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The serial killer porn thing isnt quite the same porn as we tend to think of it. Not defending porn but it is a common mistake. In the case of bundy, he liked porn along with his 'True Crime' magazines. I use to read all those too so it caught my eye.

Recently, there was a study published that showed a difference in the kind of porn that led to violence and the more 'regular' kind. Sadly google isnt pulling that study up so cant give you a link.

That article is excellent. It ties in perfectly with why we are told it is bad for us spiritually.

Edited by annewandering
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