referring to the Atonement


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Hi Everyone, I have been asked to give a talk at church and I've been having a hard time coming up with a topic (open topics are difficult!). So I was thinking about giving a talk about different ways of looks at the Atonement. I have heard different titles referring to the Atonement that describe a different attribue about it, such as "The Infinite Atonement" or the "Repeating Atonement", "Continuous Atonement" and so forth.

I just wanted to ask you all for help - are these titles doctrinal? And if yes, where can I find more titles? Where can I find more information on such titles?

Your answers will be appreciated!

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I have heard different titles referring to the Atonement that describe a different attribue about it, such as "The Infinite Atonement" or the "Repeating Atonement", "Continuous Atonement" and so forth.

All are legit titles and doctrinal for the Atonement depending on the context of the talk. The "Infinite Atonement" is actually scriptural. "Repeating Atonement", again context, if a person is speaking about how we are continually repenting, that we don't just repent once, then yes the "Repeating Atonement" is correct. The same for "Continuous Atonement."

You can find more titles as everyone suggested at

EDIT: Be cautious though when adding different titles to the Atonement.

Edited by Anddenex
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Share on other sites is the best place (in my opinion, the only place) to find talk topics. I've squirmed quite a few times at Sacrament meeting when a speaker would "go off the reservation"...

As they say also, fast and testimony meetings are the best and worst times to bring an investigator because you never know when someone will "go off the reservation..."

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Haha - I know, I know. I am asking this because I don't want to be the one "going off the reservation..."

I looked at, but search "Atonement" and you will get a thousand results... I haven't had much time yet, but I suppose I need to go a refine my search and narrow it down. For some reason, whenever I searched any of the terms I mentioned in the OP - it never gave me talks that matched my search, other than the words "the" (which I just excluded in my search) and the word "atonement" which lead to a shot gun of topics and talks.

Any particular talks come to mind to anyone?

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This should take you to the search which includes the words 'infinite atonement.' Search - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

I would also recommend studying Alma 33-34, Alma 36, Helaman 14, Alma 7, Mosiah 15, Mosiah 27, Alma 5. There are others, but those are a great resource. Also, Doctrine and Covenants 19, John 17, Luke 22-23. Again, there are others--the Atonement is taught all over the scriptures.

As you prepare, pray to know what to look for and what to teach so that you can help the people you speak to. I have found that when I keep in mind the welfare of the people who will hear my talk, the Lord helps me to prepare a talk that will help them, and the Spirit comes.

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Hi Everyone, I have been asked to give a talk at church and I've been having a hard time coming up with a topic (open topics are difficult!). So I was thinking about giving a talk about different ways of looks at the Atonement. I have heard different titles referring to the Atonement that describe a different attribue about it, such as "The Infinite Atonement" or the "Repeating Atonement", "Continuous Atonement" and so forth.

I just wanted to ask you all for help - are these titles doctrinal? And if yes, where can I find more titles? Where can I find more information on such titles?

Your answers will be appreciated!

Well, The Infinite Atonement and the Continuous Atonement are both excellent books, the I.A. was written by Tad Callister of the Seventy I believe and the C.A by Brad excellent talk based on some of the book is

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Guest PurpleStikyPunch

Have you considered talking about Brigham Young's "Blood Atonement"? You could remind your ward that one of its revered founders spoke passionately regarding the incomplete atonement of Jesus dieing on the cross. I'm sure that there are some affairs, and some apostasy in the church, and you could remind them that Brigham Young taught that if you loved these people, as Jesus loves them, then you should murder them, that their blood might sanctify their sins. Remember, Brigham Young encouraged his followers (prisoners) that if they heard any man talking in the negative about the church, him, or Joseph Smith, that they should be "cut off from the earth", which as he clearly explained, was intended to mean the cutting of the throats of evil Gentiles. You should talk about that, for it hasn't been addressed for some time, and I imagine not enough "Blood Atonement's" are being done to Brigham's liking.

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