Meaning of Life ?


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I know no one can tell me directly the Meaning of my own life ~

However, I can't help thinking about it more and more ~ for the past year it has been bothering me quite a lot so i feel that i have to let out my frustration somewhere ...

I feel like a fool and that all my goals and plans that I have made over time ... as I get older just I realize that they seem mundane... there is no real purpose for them ~

~ I just feel like I do things not for the right purpose or selfishly choose to do something and than regret it 2 years later thinking ~ why did I choose to do that ~,......

~ The only good thing that I feel I'm doing is getting my degree.. Other than that i feel lost~

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Well right now my goals are to make sure the short people in my house get 3 meals a day and those who need clean diapers get them and that everyone hopefully has clean underwear. Unless I take a wider view. . . and then see that the love and care I give to them is building a foundation of confidence and faith that will carry them through their lives. At least that's what I have been told and what I hope for.

There are days that I feel like a lesser person than many of my friends because they finished their degrees, and I didn't.

There are days I really stink at what I'm doing.

You are young. It's okay to take time to reach your goals. It's okay for them to change. It's not about what you do, it's about who you become. There are a lot of ways to become. Are you feeding your spirit? Are you trying to follow Christ? Do you seek out and heed the promptings of the Holy Ghost? Do you love and serve and provide a good example for your friends and classmates? Those might seem like mundane things, but they are the small ripples in the water that have far-reaching effects.

Sometimes enduring is mundane. Sometimes we wish it wasn't so intense. But the point is that however things are day to day, we endure and we keep trying to become.

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Well right now my goals are to make sure the short people in my house get 3 meals a day and those who need clean diapers get them and that everyone hopefully has clean underwear. Unless I take a wider view. . . and then see that the love and care I give to them is building a foundation of confidence and faith that will carry them through their lives. At least that's what I have been told and what I hope for.

There are days that I feel like a lesser person than many of my friends because they finished their degrees, and I didn't.

There are days I really stink at what I'm doing.

You are young. It's okay to take time to reach your goals. It's okay for them to change. It's not about what you do, it's about who you become. There are a lot of ways to become. Are you feeding your spirit? Are you trying to follow Christ? Do you seek out and heed the promptings of the Holy Ghost? Do you love and serve and provide a good example for your friends and classmates? Those might seem like mundane things, but they are the small ripples in the water that have far-reaching effects.

Sometimes enduring is mundane. Sometimes we wish it wasn't so intense. But the point is that however things are day to day, we endure and we keep trying to become.

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"Are you feeding your spirit? Are you trying to follow Christ?"Do you love and serve and provide a good example for your friends and classmates? ~ Maybe I should follow those things~ maybe I would feel that I am doing some thing useful for once ~

.... I'm really worried because I am not young~ I'm going to turn 24 this up coming January~ And even though I am really grateful and thankful for being able to.. after 2.5 years of college and 1.5 years of work to get a scholarship and live at home not paying any rent ... walk to college 1o min walk from home... I still feel really worried and anxious... I feel really old and like I'm running out of time ... so I set ridiculous goals to accomplish in a certain time frame.... it either doesn't work out ... or the goal is to complicated and pathetic ....

All of my friends my age already got their degrees... had their whole school paid off by their parents ... and now are looking into work or more school ~.... the thing is that a Bachelors degree is now considered entry level.... where as before people with college diplomas were able to get amazing jobs ... people with PhD's are only able to get .... they will have to work for 3~4 years to get an average job.... I will only be graduated in 3 years .... I'll be 27 .......

SO far.... the only reasonable goal I have is to graduate / and lose 30 pounds this year .....

... unreasonable goals... and probably not so wise ... start looking for a man in early 30's who has a nice job ... own's a house ... so that I can have an easy life and not worry about financial security <--- probably what is fueling my goal to lose 30 pounds....

everything I do has some sort of wrong reason.... but I just can't help my self.... I'm becoming desperate and old ... feel like I need a quick fix to my problems ... or a faster way out ... A way to out compete my friends and come out on top... I feel like I'm living the horrible life

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Yes, if you base your happiness on goals you have little control over, you will be unhappy. You don't have control over whether you meet a man in his 30's with an established career and his own house, and whether you'll be right for each other. You don't have control over whether your parents can or will pay for your schooling.

But you have taken control and you're finding a way to work your way through school. That's awesome. You can have control over your attitude. 24 is young! Yes, you can make healthier choices and get your body healthier. . . but I promise you, based on decades of dieting for all the wrong reasons, if you're dieting to reach a number that will magically give you the life you want, you're not going to take it off and keep it off.

Work on your spirit first. Love yourself second. Be healthy for the right reasons third. Above all, take control and responsibility over your attitude and how you look at your life. If you think your life is horrible, serve some people that are worse off than you are. There are a lot of them. If you can't pull yourself out of the misery you seem to be in, seek help. You sound depressed.

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Yes, if you base your happiness on goals you have little control over, you will be unhappy. You don't have control over whether you meet a man in his 30's with an established career and his own house, and whether you'll be right for each other. You don't have control over whether your parents can or will pay for your schooling.

But you have taken control and you're finding a way to work your way through school. That's awesome. You can have control over your attitude. 24 is young! Yes, you can make healthier choices and get your body healthier. . . but I promise you, based on decades of dieting for all the wrong reasons, if you're dieting to reach a number that will magically give you the life you want, you're not going to take it off and keep it off.

Work on your spirit first. Love yourself second. Be healthy for the right reasons third. Above all, take control and responsibility over your attitude and how you look at your life. If you think your life is horrible, serve some people that are worse off than you are. There are a lot of them. If you can't pull yourself out of the misery you seem to be in, seek help. You sound depressed.

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I am 24. I haven't graduated yet either. I have a year left, and in my field, I will almost certainly need at least a master's. Most of my friends are graduated and have jobs. But you really can't compare yourself to other people that way because there will always be someone who is more successful in some way--better in school, making more money, has a bigger house--it never ends.

Joy in life has to come from somewhere other than our weight or socioeconomic class or marital status. I find it in my relationship with Christ. It was a long road for me to figure out what that means and how to let him comfort me--I used to be extremely worried about a ton of things I can't control (I still am, really). But you have to let it go and serve others and look at the amazing world around you that God created and love it.

One of my favorite books is Man's Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl. It is about his time in Nazi concentration camps and his observations of those who gave up and those who gave even the most pathetic kind of life meaning.

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"Are you feeding your spirit? Are you trying to follow Christ?"Do you love and serve and provide a good example for your friends and classmates? ~ Maybe I should follow those things~ maybe I would feel that I am doing some thing useful for once ~

.... I'm really worried because I am not young~ I'm going to turn 24 this up coming January~ And even though I am really grateful and thankful for being able to.. after 2.5 years of college and 1.5 years of work to get a scholarship and live at home not paying any rent ... walk to college 1o min walk from home... I still feel really worried and anxious... I feel really old and like I'm running out of time ... so I set ridiculous goals to accomplish in a certain time frame.... it either doesn't work out ... or the goal is to complicated and pathetic ....

All of my friends my age already got their degrees... had their whole school paid off by their parents ... and now are looking into work or more school ~.... the thing is that a Bachelors degree is now considered entry level.... where as before people with college diplomas were able to get amazing jobs ... people with PhD's are only able to get .... they will have to work for 3~4 years to get an average job.... I will only be graduated in 3 years .... I'll be 27 .......

SO far.... the only reasonable goal I have is to graduate / and lose 30 pounds this year .....

... unreasonable goals... and probably not so wise ... start looking for a man in early 30's who has a nice job ... own's a house ... so that I can have an easy life and not worry about financial security <--- probably what is fueling my goal to lose 30 pounds....

everything I do has some sort of wrong reason.... but I just can't help my self.... I'm becoming desperate and old ... feel like I need a quick fix to my problems ... or a faster way out ... A way to out compete my friends and come out on top... I feel like I'm living the horrible life

Wow, 24 and your life is practically over. I hate to see you when you're really old, like 32 or 33.

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Wow, 24 and your life is practically over. I hate to see you when you're really old, like 32 or 33.

That's true. If its any help I'm 39 and am starting my first bachelor degree next year. can't wait and I'm really excited to start a different journey. Life is not only about the destination but the journey also.

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Guest LiterateParakeet

YaYaYaYana, sorry you are feeling so frustrated.

This could be a good thing though...often moments such as these humble us and guide us to our knees--where we can get true direction about where we need to be going, and what we should be doing with our lives.

I would recommend making this a prayerful time. I remember having some great experiences taking long walks where I would pray and really talk to Heavenly Father and He would talk to me. I mean talk to me in that I would get ideas during that walk that would answer questions I had been grappling with. These ideas came in a way that seemed like my own thoughts, but I knew that it was no coincidence that a puzzle was solved while I was praying. The key here is to take the time, and really talk to your Father in Heaven. If you sincerely ask, He will direct you and that is where the real fulfillment in your life will come. Don't misunderstand me, that doesn't mean fun or easy...this life is not intended to be a picnic. But fulfilling and meaningful...YES!

If it purpose in life comes from my favorite scriputure, "succor the weak, lift up the hands which hang down and strengthen the feeble knees." I don't mean only in my family or church callings...but in every way possible. I'll let your imagination work on that. :)

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.... I'm really worried because I am not young~ I'm going to turn 24 this up coming January~

To me, you are VERY young, lol! It's all about perspective. I'm 40 with two grown children (not to mention a teenager and a surprise baby on the way), over 20 years of college under my belt, $42,000 in student loans...and no degree. Believe me, you are ahead of me there!

There's nothing wrong with reassessing your life and goals every so often. I think we all need to do it. But please don't compare yourself with others and use them as your measuring stick. That is one reason I slogged through school for so many years, constantly changed my degree field and racked up so much student loan debt. I finally realized just in the past year that there is no career or job I really want to do that requires a degree, and that I was just going to school because I felt I should. I will probably never get a degree at this point and I'm okay with that, because I honestly think it would be wasted.

At 40, that is one part of my life and goals I needed to reassess. I wish I'd come to that realization years ago, but I didn't and so life goes on.

Life is not a race and success does not mean finishing goals as fast or faster than others. Comparing yourself to others is one of the best ways to feel like a failure. Set your own goals, make sure they are realistic, and don't be afraid to change or even cancel them entirely every so often.

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I'm a believer in setting goals and striving to better ourselves. This is a life long endeavor.

I went back to college full time when I was 38 years old. I knew what I wanted to major in, and pursued that goal. I had prayed about going back to school and had received a very definite answer of "yes, I should". I also went through a very difficult pregnancy while in school and with the birth of that child, had seven kids at home. It was hard. Many nights I'd be up until 3 am studying, nursing the baby, and still cleaning house. I ended up needing to change my major, because it required too much time away from home, and I felt I couldn't invest so many years into that particular major. It took me 5 years, but I did graduate from the University with a bachelors in science. I don't feel like I failed because I changed my major. I feel like I succeeded in achieving a very difficult goal. It has been a self-esteem builder.

Now, some life lessons I've learned:

Sometimes, no matter what, we (humans) are simply not in control. There are events/circumstances that happen in our lives that can totally derail us from our path. i.e. car accidents, health, mental capacity, family circumstances, death of a loved one, natural catastrophes, etc.

After receiving an affirmation to a prayer about pursuing a certain goal, does not mean everything suddenly drops into place for that goal to be achieved. There will still be obstacles to overcome, stumbling blocks that are put in our path, and self-doubt.

Through it all, as long as we are becoming a better person, we are climbing the ladder of self-improvement. Hopefully, at the end of our life we can say "I have fought a good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith."

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I'm a believer in setting goals and striving to better ourselves. This is a life long endeavor.

I went back to college full time when I was 38 years old. I knew what I wanted to major in, and pursued that goal. I had prayed about going back to school and had received a very definite answer of "yes, I should". I also went through a very difficult pregnancy while in school and with the birth of that child, had seven kids at home. It was hard. Many nights I'd be up until 3 am studying, nursing the baby, and still cleaning house. I ended up needing to change my major, because it required too much time away from home, and I felt I couldn't invest so many years into that particular major. It took me 5 years, but I did graduate from the University with a bachelors in science. I don't feel like I failed because I changed my major. I feel like I succeeded in achieving a very difficult goal. It has been a self-esteem builder.

Now, some life lessons I've learned:

Sometimes, no matter what, we (humans) are simply not in control. There are events/circumstances that happen in our lives that can totally derail us from our path. i.e. car accidents, health, mental capacity, family circumstances, death of a loved one, natural catastrophes, etc.

After receiving an affirmation to a prayer about pursuing a certain goal, does not mean everything suddenly drops into place for that goal to be achieved. There will still be obstacles to overcome, stumbling blocks that are put in our path, and self-doubt.

Through it all, as long as we are becoming a better person, we are climbing the ladder of self-improvement. Hopefully, at the end of our life we can say "I have fought a good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith."

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Wow, 24? I don't even remember being 24. I spent my whole youth and adult life pursuing wealth and the praise of my fellow man. I grew a business that spanned many cities, lived in a six bedroom home on a hill with a manicured lawn and a killer view.

I didn't realize that the entire time I was seeking to fill that void in my life with success and accomplishments, I was filling it with all the wrong things. That urge in my life for "more" became more pronounced in my 40's. My life long pursuit of something I had desired as a teenager had finally manifested itself.

The meaning of life is to develop a real and tangible relationship with the Lord. There are many more principles than faith, repentance, baptism and the gift of the Ghost. But if you stop there and continue in your worldly ways, then it's for naught.

There are many more gifts that God is waiting and eager to give to you through your obedience and diligence to heeding His voice. Such are your calling and election, receiving the Second Comforter and much more.

Receiving your calling and election is not the be all, end all of your eternal progression. To not seek it is akin to not seeking baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost or receiving your endowments. It is simply another step. It is simply a promise that you are on the path to perfection and is not given as easily as a candy bar. It is something earned as is your rebirth. Just because you are baptized and confirmed a member of the church does not mean you have received the Holy Ghost.

When you are confirmed you are told, exhorted, or otherwise commanded to receive the Holy Ghost. You cannot receive it if it has not first been given to you. Likewise if it is given to you, it does not necessarily mean that you have yet received it. I liken it to being given a Christmas gift. If you never unwrap it and leave it under the tree or on a shelf to collect dust, it is the same as not receiving it. The Spirit is not like a stray that follows you around wherever you go. The Spirit is someone you take with you everywhere you go as your guide. You follow the Spirit.

The Lord, in His infinite wisdom, will not give a gift to someone who does not have the capacity to receive it. Furthermore, it is not an audacious desire to seek all the gifts, which the Lord is eager to bestow. As I said before, there are many more principles and ordinances than just Fath, Repentance, Baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. But if you stop there and continue in your worldly ways rather than on your eternal journey, seeking your calling and election, seeking the gift of the Second Comforter, translation, resurrection and so on in this life, then you have sold yourself short. You fall short of all that the Father has in store for you.

Do you think you will live as the same flawed mortal during the Millennium while all around, your fellow men are translated beings laboring in literal Zion in the presence of angels and our Savior? If you do not hasten your progress now, then when? Will you be a foolish virgin who has failed to fill his/her lamp with the necessary oil? Food for thought.

Anyway, I no longer live in a big fancy home or possess worldly wealth. I have placed it all on the altar of sacrifice and obedience and have received much greater gifts. And I humbly and boldly seek even greater gifts that await me. They await all of us. This is the true meaning and purpose of life.

Edited by skalenfehl
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Wow, 24? I don't even remember being 24. I spent my whole youth and adult life pursuing wealth and the praise of my fellow man. I grew a business that spanned many cities, lived in a six bedroom home on a hill with a manicured lawn and a killer view.

I didn't realize that the entire time I was seeking to fill that void in my life with success and accomplishments, I was filling it with all the wrong things. That urge in my life for "more" became more pronounced in my 40's. My life long pursuit of something I had desired as a teenager had finally manifested itself.

The meaning of life is to develop a real and tangible relationship with the Lord. There are many more principles than faith, repentance, baptism and the gift of the Ghost. But if you stop there and continue in your worldly ways, then it's for naught.

There are many more gifts that God is waiting and eager to give to you through your obedience and diligence to heeding His voice. Such are your calling and election, receiving the Second Comforter and much more.

Receiving your calling and election is not the be all, end all of your eternal progression. To not seek it is akin to not seeking baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost or receiving your endowments. It is simply another step. It is simply a promise that you are on the path to perfection and is not given as easily as a candy bar. It is something earned as is your rebirth. Just because you are baptized and confirmed a member of the church does not mean you have received the Holy Ghost.

When you are confirmed you are told, exhorted, or otherwise commanded to receive the Holy Ghost. You cannot receive it if it has not first been given to you. Likewise if it is given to you, it does not necessarily mean that you have yet received it. I liken it to being given a Christmas gift. If you never unwrap it and leave it under the tree or on a shelf to collect dust, it is the same as not receiving it. The Spirit is not like a stray that follows you around wherever you go. The Spirit is someone you take with you everywhere you go as your guide. You follow the Spirit.

The Lord, in His infinite wisdom, will not give a gift to someone who does not have the capacity to receive it. Furthermore, it is not an audacious desire to seek all the gifts, which the Lord is eager to bestow. There are many more principles and ordinances than just Fath, Repentance, Baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. But if you stop there and continue in your worldly ways rather than on your eternal journey, seeking your calling and election, seeking the gift of the Second Comforter, translation, resurrection and so on in this life, then you have sold yourself short. You fall short of all that the Father has in store for you.

Do you think you will live as the same flawed mortal during the Millennium while all around, your fellow men are translated beings laboring in literal Zion in the presence of angels and our Savior? If you do not hasten your progress now, then when? Will you be a foolish virgin who has failed to fill his/her lamp with the necessary oil? Food for thought.

Anyway, I no longer live in a big fancy home or possess worldly wealth. I have placed it all on the altar of sacrifice and obedience and have received much greater gifts. And I humbly and boldly seek the greater gifts that await me. They await all of us.

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Yes, if you base your happiness on goals you have little control over, you will be unhappy. You don't have control over whether you meet a man in his 30's with an established career and his own house, and whether you'll be right for each other. You don't have control over whether your parents can or will pay for your schooling.

But you have taken control and you're finding a way to work your way through school. That's awesome. You can have control over your attitude. 24 is young! Yes, you can make healthier choices and get your body healthier. . . but I promise you, based on decades of dieting for all the wrong reasons, if you're dieting to reach a number that will magically give you the life you want, you're not going to take it off and keep it off.

Work on your spirit first. Love yourself second. Be healthy for the right reasons third. Above all, take control and responsibility over your attitude and how you look at your life. If you think your life is horrible, serve some people that are worse off than you are. There are a lot of them. If you can't pull yourself out of the misery you seem to be in, seek help. You sound depressed.


~ Yes I know I should not worry about things that I have little control over but, I feel that i should be more careful and less childish about my goals ... so for once I'm glad that I chose a major that will be useful and help me accomplish other useful goals.... Things that are not as useful I will just keep as hobbies on the side ... so that they don't ruin my life financially....

I guess I also believe in being reasonable .... and I feel that the whole Idea of aging is that you are older and wiser and more accomplished ... if you are on the same level as those say 5 years younger than you .... that is kind of depressing ....

When I was in high-school I always felt that having to be set back a year is the worst that can happen so I studied my butt off .... grade 9 is for 14 year old and 18 year old are suppose to graduate and start their university life ...... It would be terrible if an 18 year old was still taking grade 9 level classes and his or her friends were off at universities ... the playing field becomes unequal for that person

I feel like I'm running out of time ~ Like I didn't get to do enough since my parents were not supportive of my hobbies and wouldn't pay for most things while I was a kids... i always waited to be older so i could try this and that.... and now I realize that the time to accomplish that goal is not enough.......

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I know no one can tell me directly the Meaning of my own life ~

However, I can't help thinking about it more and more ~ for the past year it has been bothering me quite a lot so i feel that i have to let out my frustration somewhere ...

I feel like a fool and that all my goals and plans that I have made over time ... as I get older just I realize that they seem mundane... there is no real purpose for them ~

~ I just feel like I do things not for the right purpose or selfishly choose to do something and than regret it 2 years later thinking ~ why did I choose to do that ~,......

~ The only good thing that I feel I'm doing is getting my degree.. Other than that i feel lost~

I strongly relate to what you are saying. I think a lot about how I have lived my life and what my purpose is in staying here on earth. My dreams, goals and aspirations have pretty much all ended in failure. My life has not turned out at all as I expected. Wow, I am far from where I thought I would be at this point in my life. No temple marriage, kids, degree, etc. Everything blessing I was promised in my patriarchal blessing has not been realized, while, all the things I was warned about to either not do or beware of I have done or they have come to pass. It can be quite indicting.

So, what do I say from here? Just yesterday I prayed in my heart about this very thing. I said to HF that I was sick of trying to manage my own life. That I had botched it up quite badly and that I no longer wanted to try to do it without Him, fully. Meaning, that I wanted to give myself over wholly to His will for me.

Now I'm not sure what this means in day to day living. Some steps I want to take is daily prayer and scripture study. I know you have probably heard that many times; but, for me it is soo hard to consistently do.

I've learned a lot from my perceived "failure" in how I've lived my life. Humility by acknowledging what King Benjamin taught; that without God, I am nothing. Gratitude for being alive still. even after all that has happened in my life and my attitude towards it. A sense of peace in letting go and letting God. Taking it one day at a time, one step at a time, one piece at a time. That the little kindnesses I've experienced from others and have given others are highly valuable in the eternal scheme of things. That eternity is in this moment for me. Meaning, that all that matters is my state of mind in the present.

As far as being "selfish" and following my carnal desires. I am guilty as charged, LOL........I have prayed often for purification of my mind and heart. To do things for Christ like reasons. To love others simply for the joy of loving another living thing. To give for the joy of giving, etc.

Of course, there is the opposition of life. The deeply bitter to know the deeply sweet. This in itself is a chastening and refining process to truly be purified. Which is what I want to be.

I think, for me, in part, that my purpose in life is to come to God and to become like Him. As Jesus has said, "Come unto Me," and "Come follow me." This is what I aspire to do.

The best in your journey.


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