Computer cleanup help


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I have a computer that's a few years old and running Windows 7. I would like to clean it out a bit, ultimately, speeding up performance. I have already uninstalled out-dated and unused programmes. Is there anything else that should be done? I would rather not go through the hassle of taking it somewhere else and having someone else do it, if these are things I'm able to do..

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The ultimate cleansing is to nuke and re-install Windows (or restore if you have a system image), but I can understand if that is more effort than you are interest in. Other than that four things come to mind:

  • Defrag the hard-drives if you haven't already. I like Defraggler over the native windows utility for this.
  • Scan for spyware, if you haven't already, using something like Spybot Search and Destroy or Malware Bytes.
  • Clean up the registry with a utility, personally I use Auslogic's Registry Cleaner but if anyone knows of something better I'm open to suggestions.
  • I know you uninstalled some programs but make sure you have several gigs of free space on your hard-drive for a swap file

There are all in one utility suites out there but they are generally pay (all the above suggestions have free versions), and they tend to hog system resources. Though who knows, someone else may know of a good recommendation in that category.

Edited by Dravin
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1) Fresh W7 install (best option).


1) Defrag (Although windows should already set to do that automatically IF you leave it on overnight. Check your task scheduler))

2) CCleaner (the default standard of cleaners). Run both the cleaner and registry options on the left column.

3) Not a whole lot else can be done.

If you do a fresh re-install, get yourself a new hard drive to install it on. Then you can put in the old drive either in the case (make sure the BIOS boots to the correct drive) or get an external case (like this one, but which ever works for you).


You can get all fancy and do a new install to an SSD drive and link the libraries to the old hard drive. That's what I did and it's fantastic!.

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1) Fresh W7 install (best option).


1) Defrag (Although windows should already set to do that automatically IF you leave it on overnight. Check your task scheduler)) :D

2) CCleaner (the default standard of cleaners). Run both the cleaner and registry options on the left column. :D

3) Not a whole lot else can be done.:mad:

Smilies added by me: I agree with 1 and 2 wholeheartedly but 3 is not quite true (Been doing IT Support for 15 years now.)

Clear your Temp files, make sure your cache is small (20-40 mb) unless you are on dial up still. Find the caches and delete all contents. (Tell me what browser you use and I can tell you where its at)

Run Malwarebytes as suggested above. The free version only (read it as its installing)

Open your Task Manager, go to the performance tab and see what your CPU usage is like - if nothing is running should be between 1 and 5% see what percentage of physical memory that is (if over 50% consider installing more RAM)

Edited by mnn727
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RAM is generally very cheap, so I would maximize that.

I'd also consider using the built-in "Readyboost" function with an SD card. You just keep the SD card plugged in at all times and "dedicate this device to readyboost". With a 64-bit system, you can maximize (I think) up to 32GB of "flash memory" to readyboost. It's not real 'RAM', but it's supposed to be an incremental improvement.

Although, I think to go above 16GB of accessable RAM, you'd have to have Win 7 Pro or Ultimate. There are places where you can get legitimate Windows license keys rather inexpensively.

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Totally spaced on the defrag. Gonna do that.

A quick question.. Yesterday I uninstalled a bunch of programmes and a lot of them are gone but a couple are still showing up. How do I permanently get rid of these programmes? I should note, they were downloaded from online..

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Totally spaced on the defrag. Gonna do that.

A quick question.. Yesterday I uninstalled a bunch of programmes and a lot of them are gone but a couple are still showing up. How do I permanently get rid of these programmes? I should note, they were downloaded from online..

What do you mean by still showing up? Are they still functioning? Or are there just odds and ends still hanging around the computer (icons, folders, the occasional file, and registry entries)?

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Use Ccleaner to uninstall then clean. It will also clean up the registry. Also use it to see what's in startup section and eliminate what doesn't have to start. Programs that you do not need on startup like Adobe programs can be turned off so they start when you need them. If you are not sure if you need it on startup google the program name.

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I can second CCleaner, Defrag, Malwarebytes, and the other programs mentioned so far. I used all of those at the Church's IT Desk when I worked there.

Are the programs that are still showing up full programs? Can you open them? Or are they just icons or folders?

CCleaner's uninstall function works pretty well, generally.

And of course, if these things don't work, and a reinstall of Windows doesn't help, there are some great Linux versions for older computers ;)

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