Where are you from?


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While I have to admit I lawl'd there is something about this that irritates me.

“Where are you from” is ambiguous and can either mean “where were you born?”, “where were you raised?” or “where do your ancestors come from?”. I usually ask a person what their ancestry or what their background is. I’ve seen this phrasing when a minority asks another minority what their background is so it’s unfair and actually bigoted to assume racism or ignorance when a white person uses the same phrase.

Having kids, a wife, nephews and nieces that cover Black, White, Native American, Mexican and SE Asian decent it bothers me when certain people feel the need to be offended when asked about their background. The funny thing is it actually shows ignorance on the part of the offended minority to assume the majority (white) person would assume they were born and raised in the U.S as if there is no just thing as immigration.

A minority or mixed race person shows maturity and intelligence when they respond to someone’s curiosity and interest with respect and understanding rather than offense and sarcasm. This is what I’ve taught my kids and because they understand the underlying wholesome curiosity they don’t take offence.

The U.S. (much like Brazil) is becoming more mixed and more exotic in our makeup and I think it’s great when people take interest in another’s background and heritage.

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**Warning – Disparaging comments against our sitting President **

I just have to get this out, because race relations are such a sore point with me.

I had such high hopes for bringing this country together when Obama was voted in as President. My conservative brother and his Hawaiian wife voted for Obama because they were sick of hearing that a Black person can’t make it in this country and they wanted an end to the whining. They didn’t make that mistake the second election. This man has done more to divide this country along race lines despite him being a living testament to his own lies.

"As An African American You Have To Work Twice As Hard As Anyone Else If You Want To Get By"

“..many of you know what it’s like to be an outsider; to be marginalized; to feel the sting of discrimination.

'That’s an experience that so many other Americans share. Hispanic Americans know that feeling when someone asks where they come from or tells them to go back.

'Gay and lesbian Americans feel it when a stranger passes judgment on their parenting skills or the love they share. Muslim Americans feel it when they’re stared at with suspicion because of their faith.

'Any woman who knows the injustice of earning less pay for doing the same work – she sure feels it.'

Divide Divide Divide

I sure detest this guy what a scum bag

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