Do you get fingerprints on your fridge?


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We have a white fridge and I'm considering a black or stainless steel one. Our current fridge never shows fingerprints because it's white. My concern is that a black or stainless steel fridge will show smudgy prints all over the outside and it'll be a battle to keep wiping it down, especially with a toddler that's in and out of it constantly. My parents have a black fridge and my sister has a stainless steel one but they don't have kids in the household.. So I'm not sure they understand where I'm coming from. Which of the two is worse for finger and hand prints? DH thinks I should stick with white if it's going to be an issue but change would be fun too.

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I can't imagine being worried about fingerprints on a fridge.

However, if you are, we currently have SS and yes, it gets fingerprints, smudges, etc on it, but a quick wipe with a dishtowel and they are gone. We've had Black in the past and never noticed any.

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All appliances - including white - show fingerprints. Fingerprints on white show as dirt spots. Fingerprints on black and SS show as oil spots. But stainless steel ones are harder to wipe off because wiping it leaves a smudge. I always wipe down the fridge/stove/microwave/dishwasher after washing dishes. As a compromise, I got a Satin Finish fridge that looks like Stainless Steel but is as easy as black or white to wipe down.

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