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Hello everyone I’m new here and just wanted to introduce myself. I am a Mormon and have been for some time now. I guess I’m not your typical Mormon though, I have plenty of tattoos (prior to my baptism) and I am currently active duty in the us army. I have been pondering the entire blogging thing but I have not gotten there yet. I love collecting books of Mormon and any books having to do with the Mormon faith. I have a wonderful wife that I was able to baptize before coming out on this current deployment and I also have a wonderful and healthy baby boy that I was able to give his blessing before heading out here as well. I thank Heavenly Father daily for the power of Jesus Christ’s atonement that as non perfect beings I believe that we use every day.

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Welcome! I'm glad to hear that you collect and read such books of faith. Doing so allows one to drink deeply from the fountain of all truth and put down deep roots into the gospel. Such is especially important for a convert who has not had as much time to get roots as someone who has been raised and weaned on gospel milk all their life (I consider myself a convert after having left for 6 years).

A man came in to see me and said that he had heard that some man appeared mysteriously to a group of temple workers and told thenm, "You had better hurry up and store fora year, or two, or three, because there will come a season when there won't be any production." He asked me what I thought about it, and I said, "well, were you in the April conference of 1936?" He replied, "no, I couldn't be there." And I said, "Well, you surely read the report of what was said by the Brethren in that conference" No, he hadn't. "Well," I said, "at that conference the Lord did give a revelation about the storage of food. How in the world is the Lord going to get over to you what He wants you to do if you are not there when He says it, and you do not take the time to read it after it has been said?" Harold B. Lee, Stand Ye in Holy Places, 159

Being a collector of such books myself, I'm curious to compare what books you've obtained with mine in hopes that perhaps you might have some good ones I should seek to add to my collection and perhaps I yours =). To that end, I hope either here or in a private message you'll share with me a list of what you've obtained so far.


Brother M.

Edited by Martain
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