Is This Guy A Mass Murderer?


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It's a tough one. What can you do? Perhaps he should be put in prison so he can't infect anyone else. Other than that...I dunno.

This brings up an interesting and frustrating reality. I feel like with the world we live in today, when I meet a girl that I want to marry, eventually I'm going to have to hire a P.I. to make sure "she" was never a "he," (hey, transsexuals can look very authentic), have her tested for STD's or HIV/AIDS, etc...

I don't think such a process would be unreasonable. With all the things people are doing these days, who wants to wake up the morning after the wedding and realize they have AIDS or that Stephanie was once Stephen? :ahhh:

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Guest the_big_picture

Lol I live in Sweden, Iv read that. Yes he is, he knew he had HIV, and had sex with over 100 girls unprotected, so yes he is.

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It's a tough one. What can you do? Perhaps he should be put in prison so he can't infect anyone else. Other than that...I dunno.

This brings up an interesting and frustrating reality. I feel like with the world we live in today, when I meet a girl that I want to marry, eventually I'm going to have to hire a P.I. to make sure "she" was never a "he," (hey, transsexuals can look very authentic), have her tested for STD's or HIV/AIDS, etc...

I don't think such a process would be unreasonable. With all the things people are doing these days, who wants to wake up the morning after the wedding and realize they have AIDS or that Stephanie was once Stephen? :ahhh:

as long as the tests and such go both ways without offense. you taking the tests for her? lol

as for as the topic question. yes i think he is a murderer. anyone who knows they have hiv and then have unportected sex, and do not disclose this prior, to ther other person is making a concious choice to risk the other persons life. the fact that he prayed upon teen girls (knowing they are more vunruable and less likely to stand up for their rights to at least use protection if nothing else) only makes him that much more calculated and guilty in my opinion. yes if ppl are going to be foolish enough to have indescriminate relations without precations they take that risk and hold some of the accountability. but i think they will be living with the consequenses for that choice for much longer than they should, they shouldn't be blamed for the crime as well. he knew what he was doing. if he didn't know before that he was infected then he might have a defense of ignorance. just as the girls and it's an event of unfortunate circumstanses and dumb choices. you also have to consider all the ppl she slept with later (if she is sleeping with this guy there are probably others) and who they slept with. such a person is worse than the terrorists, and should be treated as someone attempting to spread mass distruction and desiese.

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Guest the_big_picture

Interesting that its a man.

There have been several cases like this in the US, but all have involved HIV positive woman.

3 months ago it was a 15 year old girl in sweden that did that.

I think women are more common only cause thy can have sex when and with who they want.

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Interesting that its a man.

There have been several cases like this in the US, but all have involved HIV positive woman.

3 months ago it was a 15 year old girl in sweden that did that.

I think women are more common only cause thy can have sex when and with who they want.

i've heard of teen girls here getting infected and then out of anger saying they try to spred it. i think it is sad that the men get bigger publicity for it. my theory is for a couple of reasons. one, men have a greater precentage chance of spreading it to a woman than a woman to man (at least what i've been tought in school lol) so his actions are of greater concern statitically. two, there may be more women doing that, well, cause women are vendictive, hold grudges, and can be very bitter if they want to. more likely to seek retribution upon an entire gender rather than one man. if they engage in such behavior reguardless of how many the infect they should be charged the same, if no one was infected but the intent to spread it was there she should be charged with the attepting

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