Magic Mountain bound today!


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Last time I was in Magic Mountain they just opened Cyclone! I heard it got damaged by an earthquake or something so they closed it down. Did they re-open it? I remember my favorite ride at that time was Viper. I rode that probably 5 times in a row! They also had this Tidal Wave water ride which was fun but was way too short.

I would sure love to go back with my roller-coaster-fanatic kids! So far, they\'ve only been to the parks in Orlando/Tampa and when my 10-year-old finally got tall enough to ride Sheikra, both kids would camp on Sheikra all day long while my husband and I watch the shows! Over and over and over and over...

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They replaced it, there is a new wooden roller coaster, originally \"Terminator Salvation\" but then rethemed to \"Apocalypse\" due to licensing stuff. It\'s actually one of my favorite rides. My step-dad took me on Cyclone when I was young, I didn\'t ride another coaster \'till I was 12 because it scared the bejeebers out of me. We have season passes so we usually take the kids and hang out in looney toon land all day, but this one is a big rides for mommy and daddy day.

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