Help - need tea with caffeine


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Hello! I'm new at exploring and researching the LDS faith and have been reading through this thread with interest, but I'm unclear on a few things. Could someone give me a brief breakdown of specifically what drinks and whether hot or cold are not allowed to be consumed and for what reasons? Thank you! :)

I'm too lazy to do all that reading.  We don't drink coffee or tea (black or green) and we don't drink alcohol. When our Bishop asks us if we "obey the Word of Wisdom", as a qualifier as to if we are worthy of a temple recommend (worthiness is also required for some callings), we don't need to answer on anything other than the coffee/tea/alcohol qualification - anything beyond that is our personal choice and how we allow our food and drink to affect our personal spirituality.

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Dahlia, I asked my diabetic dietitian what I could drink/consume as a wake-me-up. She told me to eat a medium apple or drink apple juice (I buy the natural organic juice then dilute with water, equal parts), heat it up and add cinnamon. Cinnamon is a spice that tricks your taste buds into thinking what ever it is added to is sweeter than it really is. It is also a diabetics best friend. 


I buy the 50% sugar reduced juices - but I find that I like them so much I drink three times as much. Defeating my purpose, and OJ, Acai, pomegranate, cranberry + juices taste awful heated up. Apple juice tastes good to me, especially the organic, no sugar/fructose added juice/cider.


As a diabetic I have to read the really fine print. No sugar doesn't mean there is NO Fructose, high fructose corn syrup. Fructose is as deadly as cane sugar. 

Edited by Iggy
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