Reccomend me a good Manga!


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On 12.8.2016 at 7:53 AM, Blackmarch said:

Nausicaa of the valley of the wind hands down, altho while it is seperate books its not treated like a series... So it might fail at the qualification of series. Battle angel and kenshin are the two series i keep getting drawn back to time and again.

Add Eden and perhaps Mother Sarah to it. argh... that makes me feel so old

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On 20.2.2015 at 9:20 PM, Blackmarch said:

so ya Studio Ghibli passes everything real well. Also it did the last movie that actually had me sobbing by the time it was done too. (grave of the fireflies).
Princess mononoke is really good but there is some violence (someone gets de-armed) and the demon scenes can be a bit unsettling.

Oh ya Cowboy Bebop- awesome space opera.


what is so unsettling about a severed arm ? You take the the fall of Jericho, Sodom and Gomorrah or the Painwalk of Christ and you get the very essence of it. I mean the old testament does engage into violence and ultra violence in a classical way. Sword and gor. You wanna see an unsettling Anime, dead man wonderland and neon genesis evangelion are my runners up in that category.  

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On 3.9.2015 at 7:49 PM, omegaseamaster75 said:

So comic books...are these for kids or adults?

I would rather call it animated art. There is comics, clearly for kids. And there is stories clearly catered to an older audience. The japanese in that regard excel in drawing and story telling however, you want it more artsy, I would recommend you to look for franko- belgian comics. They are just the thing. Lightly starting off with TIn Tin or the smurfs, Asterix or Yoko Tsuno or Tassilo, each a masterpiece in its own right.

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2 hours ago, Hemisphere said:

what is so unsettling about a severed arm ? You take the the fall of Jericho, Sodom and Gomorrah or the Painwalk of Christ and you get the very essence of it. I mean the old testament does engage into violence and ultra violence in a classical way. Sword and gor. You wanna see an unsettling Anime, dead man wonderland and neon genesis evangelion are my runners up in that category.  

Actually that scene is pretty clean and really short.. I actually had to rewind to see it again to know what i saw (its not an accurate depiction but its still pretty graphical for a couple seconds, not unlike seeing a limb from cow hanging from a rack at a butchers).... Its the demon scenes that would be more disturbing actually. Its one thing to talk about, another thing to see, secondly this is entertainmrnt and not for learning. History puts most fiction to shame in about every aspect when you start hitting the nitty gritty stuff.

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well, I personally see no problem with violence in movies. if it is not glorified, you could actually use it to reflect upon. Though in the passion of christ, it is not for the faint hearted. that is for sure. when the movie came out I really saw people puking into barfbags which the cinema so graciously handed out. 

My father had good care to explain to my 5 year old me what was going on in A bridge too far, and why it was happening. Never did me any bad and frankly I think violence these days is depicted in a very tasteless way. Though I would love to give frank miller with his 300 credit here as my wife, who is not a big fan of gor and violence did find pleasure in the 300 spartans and that was not because she saw a sea of six packs =) 


in terms of comics, I can however recommend that the aforemention titles. nausicaä is definately one of the best pieces I have ever read 

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Altho not really manga, a good graphic novel is Inverloch, set in an almost traditional fantasy setting ( elves, humans, trolls etc.. With a couple of new races unique to the story)


I've also enjoyed yu yu hakisho/ spirit detective about a punk kid who gets killed by car when rescuing a younger kid from said car... But as it was supposed to be the person he rescued that died and not him, so he gets returned to life.... With a few provisos. That one has been pretty clean so far, altho it does revolve around brawl/hand-hand martial artsy stuff ( with a little dragonballesque/streetfighter spirit shooting). Demons in this series can be pretty freakish, and afew of the violent scenes can end up on the more graphic side, but not many of them.

Ive also enjoyed the first four or five seasons of megatokyo, but after that it goes meh. About two gamer addicts who get stuck in tokyo- pokes fun at ton of stereotypes and cliches found in anime, games, and things of that nature.

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